Top Items:

Cookie tracking: How Facebook could be worth $100 billion? — When Facebook launches its "SocialAds" advertising product on November 6th, the technology will reportedly rely on cookies — unique identifiers sent to each user's computer from Facebook, and tracked by Facebook when they visit web pages.

Facebook's Social Ad Network: What We (Think We) Know So Far — Just as Google is preparing to take Facebook head-on with its own social-networking platform, it appears that Facebook is preparing to take on Google with its own social ad network. The announcement of what people …

Facebook Launching the Google Adsense Killer — Earlier today Lee Lorenzen of Altura Ventures sent me a message referencing a note where he postulates about Facebook's upcoming ad network. He brought up something that I previously hadn't thought of: the opening of Facebook's ad network.

Apple Sells Two Million Copies of Mac OS X Leopard in First Weekend — Apple® today announced that it sold (or delivered in the case of maintenance agreements) over two million copies of Mac OS® X Leopard since its release on Friday, far outpacing the first-weekend sales of Mac OS X Tiger …
Digital Daily, Download Squad, Engadget, Seattlest, Silicon Alley Insider, …, Computerworld, Infinite Loop, Digital Trends, MacUser, CrunchGear,, FORTUNE: Apple 2.0, Tech Trader Daily, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, The iPhone Blog, Channel 9, Gizmodo, AppScout and Digg

Leopard with chinks in its armour — A second look at the Mac OS X Leopard firewall — Apple is using security in general and the new firewall in particular to promote Leopard, the latest version of Mac OS X. However, initial functional testing has already uncovered cause for concern.
Discussion:, Ryan Naraine's Zero Day, Matasano Chargen, Microsoft Watch, Macsimum News and Slashdot

SORRY PR PEOPLE: YOU'RE BLOCKED — I've had it. I get more than 300 emails a day and my problem isn't spam (Cloudmark Desktop solves that nicely), it's PR people. Lazy flacks send press releases to the Editor in Chief of Wired because they can't be bothered to find out who on my staff …

PC stripper helps spam to spread — A virtual stripper is helping to defeat anti-spam security checks. — Spammers have created a Windows game which shows a woman in a state of undress when people correctly type in text shown in an accompanying image. — The scrambled text images come …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Business Technology, p2pnet,, Between the Lines and broadstuff

It's like teaching a chicken to play tic-tac-toe, except we use horny losers

Mini How-To: Remove the Windows BSOD icon in Leopard, make OS X a little less smug — It's pretty clear that Apple left no stone unturned in Leopard, making changes and fixes throughout the new operating system. Unfortunately, that also included an upgrade to its crucial smugness subsystem …

The Pirate Bay Sees a Future Without BitTorrent — Why a new protocol? Well, the current BitTorrent protocol is developed and maintained by BitTorrent Inc. This company, founded by BitTorrent inventor Bram Cohen, recently decided to close the source of some newer additions to the protocol.

Eye-Fi Adds Wi-Fi to Almost Any Digital Camera [Review] — The gadget: The Eye-Fi. It's an SD memory card that adds Wi-Fi to any camera. Plus the free Eye-Fi service supports automatic uploads to 20 different web photo sites (like Flickr) as well as a computer on your home network.

Blu-ray BD+ copy protection defeated? — Has the Blu-ray BD+ copy protection mechanism been defeated? This press release by SlySoft seems to indicate that it has: … If BD+ is busted, then it's game over for high definition copy protection and fair use is guaranteed, which isn't a bad thing when you think about it.
Ars Technica

Web Bubble 2.0 — Well, maybe it is a bubble. But out in Silicon Valley, they don't think of that as a bad thing at all. — T — he Silicon Valley venture capitalist Michael Moritz is kinda-sorta the West Coast version of New York's own Steve Rattner.
Good Morning Silicon Valley, Scott Heiferman's Notes, The Paradigm Shift, The Gong Show,, A VC, This is going to be BIG., PDA, Guardian Unlimited, Silicon Alley Insider, Don Dodge on The Next …, Howard Lindzon, Mark Evans, Todd Watson, point being, WeBreakStuff, Alexander van Elsas's Weblog … and Micro Persuasion

Not All Is Gloomy in Real Estate: A Blog Network Attracts Capital — The residential real estate market may be troubled, but property-focused Web sites are still attracting visitors and investors. —, a popular real estate blog network with sites in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles …

Apple, hackenomics, and the waning anonymity (and obsoletion) of cash — The noose is slowly tightening. A hundred years ago — heck, even ten years ago — for the most part, we didn't have to sacrifice our privacy just to participate in some transaction.

Microsoft shows off future features of Project — Microsoft showed off some features of the next version of Project, to the delight of the crowd gathered at the Microsoft Office Project Conference in Seattle. — The audience applauded a new timeline view that will become available.

A Public Google Job Application — 27-years old Sebastian Lützig from Cologne, Germany, wants to work at Google, specifically in Google's security department. Instead of writing a normal job application, he decided to register tons of Google-related URLs - like …

Pownce Public API — Hey developers! We're so excited to now have a Pownce API where you can create fun stuff with Pownce. Hacks, mashups, and widgets, oh my! — Right now you can get lists of public notes, user profiles, and individual notes with replies.
O'Flaherty, Profy.Com, TechCrunch, Scripting News, Valleywag, Scobleizer, muhammad.saleem and Mashable!

Google gives social networking another go — Though almost everything Google touches seems to turn to gold, there is one project that never quite became ubiquitous (at least here in the US). Orkut may have found a following in Brazil and Asia, but I don't know anyone who uses the service.