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Zucker says Apple deal rotten — NBC U says iTunes revenues meager — NBC U topper Jeff Zucker warned that new digital business models were turning media revenues "from dollars into pennies" and revealed NBC U booked just $15 million in revenue during the last year of its deal with Apple's iTunes.

I Eat My Words: Hulu Will Shake Up the Online Video Market — OK, I will admit, I was busy sharpening up the knives at BoomTown HQ to prepare for the debut of Hulu this week. — Let's just say that I have been dubious that two lumbering media companies-in this case, News Corp. …

Hulu Readies Its Online TV, Dodging the Insults
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Google's Response to Facebook: "Maka-Maka" — Google may have lost the bidding war to invest in Facebook, but it is preparing its own major assault on the social networking scene. It goes by the codename "Maka-Maka" inside the Googleplex (or, perhaps, "Makamaka").
CNET, Download Squad, Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog, Vinny Lingham's Blog, Valleywag, Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, ParisLemon, All Facebook,, WebProNews,, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, MarketingShift, Open The Dialogue, Getting Granular, iMedia Connection and Marc's Voice

Leopard will open the Mac OS X floodgates (and embarrass Microsoft) — As many of you are aware, I think Windows Vista is a blunder. And with its annoying UAC system and horrifically slow operation, it won't take long before the majority of home users agree with me.

Smug Ugly — Although I've been accused sometimes of reflexive contrariness, the truth is I'm just pretty consistent in my assessments of technology, with little regard for the perceptions of the companies or people who provide those technologies. — The best case in point I can use …

Time Machine - Part I: Is it as good as Apple wants us to believe?

Is Age Just a Number? — Whether you're a MySpace addict or a Luddite who logged on once to see what all the fuss was about, you've likely met Tom. As the public face of MySpace, cofounder Tom Anderson has become a celebrity since the site launched in 2003 because he's every user's first …

Newsweek Confirms MySpace CoFounder Lied About Age — Newsweek has confirmed our story that MySpace cofounder Tom Anderson, who automatically becomes everyone's first friend when they register for the site, has lied about his age. Newsweek based their confirmation on "professional license information …

Reimagining the Automobile Industry by Selling the Electricity — Shai Agassi, a Silicon Valley technologist who was in competition to become chief executive of SAP, one of the world's largest software companies, has re-emerged with a grand plan to reinvent the world's automobile industry around battery-powered all-electric cars.
Wall Street Journal, Green Wombat, Between the Lines, CrunchGear, Babbling VC, Techdirt, Business Week, All Tesla Motors Blogs and VentureBeat

Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president — If elected president, Barack Obama plans to prioritize, well, barring broadband providers like AT&T and Comcast from prioritizing Internet content. — Affixing his signature to federal Net neutrality rules would be high on the list during …

Facebook's New Hiring Hurdle? — Microsoft Deal May Boost — Options Prices, Hurting — Ability to Lure Top Talent — There is a little-noticed downside to Microsoft Corp.'s investment in Facebook Inc.: The deal will likely raise the price of stock options issued by the social-networking company …

How Gmail Blocks Spam — While Gmail doesn't filters all the spam messages that could reach your inbox, it certainly does a better job than other webmail apps like Yahoo Mail or Hotmail. Gmail's filters are constantly improving and an important ingredient of their effectiveness is the use of community signals.

Negroponte: Windows key to OLPC philosophy — While the news that Microsoft is developing a version of Windows for the so-called "$100 laptop" has caused some consternation, One Laptop Per Child Chairman Nicholas Negroponte has said the project could not promote openness if it blocked Windows.

Instant Jailbreak for iPhone and iPod touch — A crew of hackers (including hdm/metasploit, rezn, dinopio, drudge, kroo, pumpkin, davidc, dunham, and NerveGas) have introduced a one-touch instant jailbreak for both iPhone and iPod touch. The jailbreak opens your iPhone for full disk access …
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adCenter upgraded with new features — Over the weekend we upgraded adCenter to add new features to help you manage your campaigns more easily. We've broken up the new features into 3 categories: — 1) Editorial (which we're covering in-depth here today - see below) — 2) Campaign management - changes include:

Veropedia and the Wikipedia mine — A year ago, I wondered "why no devious entrepreneurs have made a concerted effort to take Wikipedia's content, which is of course free to be reused in any way, and reformat and rebrand it as an attractive commercial site." Why not mine Wikipedia's unexploited commercial value?