Top Items:

Here Comes the Money: YouTube Videos Coming to AdSense — According to early reports from the Associated Press and Variety, Google is set to make a major announcement tomorrow concerning YouTube integration with AdSense. Selected YouTube videos will be available to AdSense publishers and will appear wrapped in banner ads.

Introducing video units — AdSense isn't just for ads anymore; it's also a place to get video content for your site — and earn extra revenue at the same time. — We're excited about the launch of video units — a new way to enrich your site with quality, relevant video content in an embedded, customizable player.
WebProNews, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, ProBlogger Blog Tips, AppScout and Official Google Blog

Google Plans Service to Allow Advertisers to Use Material From YouTube Videos — Google is taking the first steps toward turning its powerful advertising network, which places ads on hundreds of thousands of Internet sites, into a system for distributing content — and more ads — across the Web.

Google to show YouTube videos on other websites — Decrease Increase - — Submit comment: — GOOGLE will begin showing YouTube videos on thousands of other websites, hoping to profit from ads attached to the clips. — The expansion, to be announced later today …

iPhone, iPod touch v1.1.1 jailbroken, apps ported and running — Well lookey see here, sounds like v1.1.1 isn't all doom and gloom after all. The iPhone dev community's apparently not only moved past accessing the nigh-unbreakable file system protections Apple implemented in the latest iPhone …

Announcing a preliminary iPhone 1.1.1 Jailbreak
Infinite Loop,, Engadget, CrunchGear, Gadget Lab, The Boy Genius Report, Gizmodo, O'Grady's PowerPage, Compiler and Digg

Twitter Prepping its Mobile Ad Units? It was bound to happen eventually... While everyone is talking about Google and mobile advertising, has anyone else noticed the emergence of "Tips" on their Twitter mobile notifications? This is surely the precursor to mobile SMS keyword ads from Twitter.

Is Twitter testing out mobile advertisements?

Facebook Flyer test results — I was preparing for my Graphing Social Patterns speech on Facebook marketing last night and decided to try out Facebook Flyers, which allows members to create their own little display ads that shows up in the left navigation bar.

Graphing Social Patterns: Fun With Panelist Snark!

Burn: Nine Inch Nails Dumps Record Labels, Going Direct to Fans — Hear that? It's the RIAA quaking in their diamond-coated boots as yet another A-list band gives labels the finger: Pretty hate machine Trent Reznor announced today that "as of right now Nine Inch Nails is a totally free agent …

Champagne at the Googleplex: GOOG Above $600/share — Google gained 15.57 today to close at $609.62/share today, breaking the 600 point barrier for the first time. That puts the company's market cap at over $190 billion, and means Google is worth more on paper than companies like Wal-Mart …

Is The Online Ad Industry Partying Like It's 1999?

Web companies eye market for local ads — Online players are courting mom-and-pop businesses as consumers turn to the Internet to find services in their neighborhoods. — SAN FRANCISCO — When it comes to finding local products and services, consumers are increasingly letting their fingers do the clicking.

Facebook's fbFund Takes a Mulligan - Requires All Applications to be Resubmitted — When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced his new application developer grant program, fbFund, at TechCrunch40, everyone clapped (including me). I did have some concerns immediately and one of them was right …

Acquisition No. 2 For Sugar Inc.: Coutorture — Sugar Inc., hot off their first acquisition (ShopStyle) two weeks ago, is announcing their second deal tonight - the purchase of fashion blog network Coutorture. Deal size is not being announced, but it was a mix of cash and stock.
ben barren

Sugar trying to rollup women's content sites, buys Coutorture

Amazon S3 At Your Service — Virtually everyone on the Amazon Web Services team has occasion to interact with our developer customers from time to time. This rich source of product feedback gives us a lot of insight into ways that we can do an even better job of meeting their needs as we grow and enhance each of our web services.

BT home router wide open to hijackers — Authentication bypass exposes many customers — If you rely on BT for high-speed internet or VoIP, there's a good chance a pair of UK-based researchers know how to enable a backdoor in your router that leaves you wide open to eavesdropping, caller spoofing and other nasty attacks.
RELATED: Nude webcams okay when looking for money, not when you get it — Justin Kan, the original lifecaster behind, hyped his company on the prospects of seeing him naked or, better yet, in flagranti delicto. But if that was the draw of the site for you, forget it.

Google's Orkut: A World of Ambition — Seizing on Orkut's momentum in Asia and Latin America, Google moves to revamp its social networking site and take aim at Facebook and MySpace — If it's not about MySpace and Facebook, then the breathless buzz that surrounds online social networking often gravitates …
TechCrunch, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, WebProNews, ParisLemon, ClickZ News Blog and Mashable!

NEW PLAYSTATION®3 (CECHH00 SERIES) COMES IN TWO COLOR VARIATIONS AT A NEW PRICE — New PS3 with 40GB HDD to become available at 39,980 Yen on November 11th, 2007 — Along With DUALSHOCK®3 at 5,500 Yen