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New version of Gmail being tested — Gmail was launched on April 1, 2004, and has revolutionized the way many of us use email. The interface has remained largely untouched since it launched, but get ready, it's soon to undergo a change in what they describe as a "New Version".
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Two new Gmail features in the queue — After discovering that Google is testing a new version of Gmail yesterday, I decided to take a closer look at more of the snippets that need to be translated for Gmail. Most of them seem to be straight forward and correspond to existing features …

The 10 rules of Twitter (and how I break every one) — If you follow the talk over on Twitter you'll see that there are some unwritten "rules" and that I am breaking lots of those rules and pissing lots of people off. — I break the rules so you don't have to. — So, what are they?

The year of the social network — As long as I've been involved in the tech industry there's been the concept of The Year of X, where X has been artificial intelligence, personal information managers, local area networks, CD-ROMs, P2P. Proclaimed by tech pubs, most likely to help their ad sales …

Breaking: Online Backup Startup Mozy Acquired By EMC For $76 million — Online storage startup Mozy, headquartered in Utah, has been acquired by EMC Corporation, a public storage company with a nearly $40 billion market cap. EMC paid $76 million for the company, according to two sources close to the deal.
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OLPC Give 1 Get 1 Program: XO-1 Laptop USA Sales!!! — Do you want a XO laptop for Christmas? Clock-stopping hot educational technology for your children, here in America? Then you're gonna love this: as OLPC News predicted, Nichols Negroponte has modified his XO sales plan …
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Finishing the fight: Ars reviews Halo 3 — The Halo generation — Halo 3 — After a three-year wait and the birth of a brand new console generation, Halo 3 is set to hit stores on September 25. Halo 3 marks the final part of a long-standing tradition for Microsoft's gaming platform.

The Ultimate con — Even if the Windows Ultimate team has fled to the International Date Line, summer is officially over. Normally I wouldn't care what season it is in the northern hemisphere but today it proves this team is incapable delivering anything and should never be trusted again.
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A Social Network for Google Earth? — Arizona State University's students have the opportunity to test a new product "that will be publicly launched later this year". The invitation page mentions that the product is developed by "a major Internet company" and there are hints that the application …

DRM advocates getting nervous about consumer backlash — You all know the slogan: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." At the Digital Rights Strategies conference in New York City, a similar message could be heard: "DRM doesn't anger consumers, content owners abusing DRM anger consumers."

T-Mobile Releases Blackberry Curve 8320, First Hands On — RIM fans can further rejoice with the launch of the Blackberry Curve, available later this month from T-Mobile. This Wi-Fi-enabled world phone has a full QWERTY keyboard and 2-megapixel camera with microSD support.

TV Remote Moves Over for a Mouse — Media consumers have said, loudly and repeatedly, that they want to watch what they want, when and where they want it. Last week NBC called that bluff, saying that its prime-time broadcast schedule would be there for free downloading for a week after being shown on television.

Armani to launch mobile phone with Samsung — MILAN (Reuters) - Italian designer Giorgio Armani has joined forces with Samsung Electronics to design a television and a mobile phone, along with other consumer electronics, the companies said on Sunday. — Armani, one of Italy's leading fashion designers …

7 reasons I switched back to PHP after 2 years on Rails — SUMMARY: I spent two years trying to make Rails do something it wasn't meant to do, then realized my old abandoned language (PHP, in my case) would do just fine if approached with my new Rails-gained wisdom. — INTRO / BACKGROUND:
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Apple drops new Leopard build, may be release candidate — Apple on Friday evening seeded developers with yet another pre-release of its next-generation Leopard operating system, this time a full-blown build that appears as if it could be a candidate for release.