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New version of Gmail being tested — Gmail was launched on April 1, 2004, and has revolutionized the way many of us use email. The interface has remained largely untouched since it launched, but get ready, it's soon to undergo a change in what they describe as a "New Version".

How to avoid sounding like an monkey — A few weeks ago a well-respected developer wrote a blog post about something he called the "social graph." A graph, to most people, is a diagram like the one on the right, which plots the value of a stock over time. For 99.99 percent of the people this is what a graph is.
BuzzMachine, Marc's Voice, MediaVidea, How To Split An Atom, Read/WriteWeb, the Constant Observer, Insider Chatter, Geek Speaker, The Social Customer Manifesto, Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab,, Scobleizer, Life On the Wicked Stage, broadstuff, John Furrier, Master of 500 Hats, Alec Saunders .LOG, Mashable! and UMBC eBiquity

Thank you, Dave Winer — I tried to ignore the term "social graph" when it first started popping up a few weeks ago. For one thing, it sounded like some sort of embarrassing disease; for another, the idea of having to figure out some arcane new Web 2.0 term was depressing.

7 reasons I switched back to PHP after 2 years on Rails — SUMMARY: I spent two years trying to make Rails do something it wasn't meant to do, then realized my old abandoned language (PHP, in my case) would do just fine if approached with my new Rails-gained wisdom. — INTRO / BACKGROUND:
Internet Duct Tape, Tinfinger, Chuqui 3.0.1 Beta, Labnotes, Ian Landsman's Weblog v2.0, and Digg

How Come No One Noticed There Was No Mention of DVD in the New MacBook? — So when we got the news from Cleve and his source about the new laptops, the first thing we asked ourselves was how is Apple going to squeeze all of the laptop internals into such a thin Package? Battery optimization?

Software That Fills a Cellphone Gap — VANU BOSE is the son of a fabled engineer, but he garnered no mercy when he presented his big idea at a technical conference in 1996. Mr. Bose's graduate work at M.I.T. involved using software to handle the radio function in a cellular phone.

The Ultimate con — Even if the Windows Ultimate team has fled to the International Date Line, summer is officially over. Normally I wouldn't care what season it is in the northern hemisphere but today it proves this team is incapable delivering anything and should never be trusted again.

MediaDefender's Decoy Effectiveness on BitTorrent Sites — MediaDefender determines the effectiveness of their spoofs and decoys by analyzing the top search results for the file in question, mostly movies and music albums. If 2 out of 10 top search results are fake files spread by them …

An Oracle for Our Time, Part Man, Part Machine — IN the 12th century A.D., when the Arabic treatise "On the Hindu Art of Reckoning" was translated into Latin, the modern decimal system was bestowed on the Western world — an advance that can best be appreciated by trying to do long division with Roman numerals.

Broadband beyond the grave offers web service for the dead — Fascinating as it may be, the internet is no good to you when you're six feet under. Or that has been the assumption. Yet now a website dedicated to that vast and previously overlooked group, the dead, is starting to prove …
Rough Type

Early Halo 3 Limited Edition Owners Plagued by Scratched Discs — Shoddy Halo 3 packaging leads to scratched game discs — A lot of people will be buying shiny, new copies of Halo 3 this week, but some of them will get home to find scratched discs straight out of the box.

Multiplayer PSOne gameplay emulated over WiFi-linked PSPs — A hacker called "AhMan" has created a software mod that enables two PSPs to play PSOne games over an adhoc WiFi connection, although apparently this software is in early development — really, when isn't this kind of hack?

THOUGHTS ON MICROSOFT — [A view from the London Microsoft offices, taken earlier today. Westminster Cathedral in the background, McDonald's in the foreground. N.B. I first ate at this McDonald's when I was twelve years old, with my dad and my sister, the first time I ever visited London.

Google Could Trip Over the Mortgage Mess — IS GOOGLE TRULY IMMUNE TO THE SUBPRIME-MORTGAGE MORASS? — Ever since Google (ticker: GOOG) whiffed on its second-quarter earnings, fans and critics alike have been entertaining this critical question. — Critics such as Barron's Roundtable …

Google Very Well Could Achieve Social Network Domination — Today, TechCrunch reports on some secret meeting where Google has something "really really big" in the works to take Facebook on head to head. Sounds kinda sneaky and strange (and a little Dr. Evil) but this is Silicon Valley.