Top Items:

Google plans new undersea "Unity" cable across Pacific — Google is planning a multi-terabit undersea communications cable across the Pacific Ocean for launch in 2009, Communications Day has learned. — The Unity cable has been under development for several months, with a group of carriers …

GoogleNET Going Global — More than 15 months ago, Google (GOOG) CEO Eric Schmidt publicly admitted that he wanted to build an infrastructure for what would be a global $100 billion company. Given that the search giant's revenues are projected to reach just over $30 billion by the end of this decade …

Has Google Plans to Lay a Pacific Cable? — Google may be the ultimate do-it-yourself company. From the start, Google's sense of its own engineering superiority, combined with a tightwad sensibility, led it to build its own servers. It writes is own operating systems.

New From Google Labs: 'Google Undersea Data Cable'
Search Engine Land

Google To "Out Open" Facebook On November 5 — Yesterday a select group of fifteen or so industry luminaries attended a highly confidential meeting at Google's headquarters in Mountain View to discuss the company's upcoming plans to address the "Facebook issue."

Internet Celebrity Doesn't Translate: Amanda Congdon Let Go By ABC — Amanda Congdon, best known as the original host of Rocketboom, has been let go by — said in a statement: … During her time at Congdon did a number of projects, including …

Amanda Congdon Gone From — Tipped off by our friends from FishbowlLA, TVNewser can confirm that Amanda Congdon and ABC News are parting company. Congdon shot to web stardom on Rocketboom and has been working for the network for the last year. Here's the statement from ABC:
Gawker, NewTeeVee,, CenterNetworks, Glass House, Valleywag, Lost Remote and Mashable!

comScore Releases August U.S. Search Engine Rankings — comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its monthly comScore qSearch analysis of the search marketplace. Among core search engines in August 2007, Google Sites remained the top search property …

Google Shares Hit All Time High
Good Morning Silicon Valley

MIT student arrested for entering Boston airport with "fake bomb" — Short version: it wasn't a "fake bomb" at all, it was a wearable tech jacket on the body of a friendly young technologist who would have been *way* better off wearing something else to the airport today.

The week that Big Software shattered — For the last decade or so, the world of enterprise software, which I'll define as the programs that larger companies use to automate their basic processes, has been fairly monolithic and fairly predictable. Companies installed complex ERP-style systems …

Citigroup Customer Data Leaked on LimeWire — Citgroup has confirmed that it's investigating a data breach involving the names, Social Security numbers and credit information of 5,208 customers leaked by an employee of its ABN Amro Mortgage Group unit onto the LimeWire peer-to-peer file-sharing network.

Usability test: Does iPhone match the hype? — Users try out the iPhone, HTC Touch and the Nokia N95 — We all know that in the technology world, the hype about new products often doesn't match reality. So it's fair to ask: Is the iPhone as good as its hype?

Virgin sued for using teen's photo — The photo of Alison Chang (left) from Justin Ho-Wee Wong's Flickr photo-sharing web page. The photo was used by Virgin Mobile in an advertising campaign. — A Texas family has sued Australia's Virgin Mobile phone company, claiming it caused …

Microsoft leaks its own search plans — A Microsoft employee has posted details about planned changes to Microsoft's Live Search, ahead of an event next week where the company was slated to unveil the changes to reporters. — The changes to the search product, which were demonstrated …

The open source advantage: Firefox's leaky dam gets more fingers, yours could be one. — Yesterday, among other things, I ranted about how my Firefox was grinding to a halt. About the only pattern I noticed is that I can some times revive my system if I close the instance of Firefox …

PirateBay Fires a Broadside of Complaints to Police — A blog post on the site by administrator brokep states that they have been going through the emails from the recent MediaDefender leak, and have obtained proof, from them, that they are being targeted by several companies.

Venture Capital: Snapvine turns up the volume a notch — WHAT DO 50 CENT, Enrique Iglesias and Vanessa Hudgens have in common? They are among the millions of people using an online voice player from Seattle's Snapvine, a service that allows them to add and receive voice messages directly on their MySpace pages.

DEMOfall 07 Conference Releases List of Participating Demonstrators — DEMOfall 07 Logo. Event produced by Network World Events & Executive Forums. (PRNewsFoto/NETWORK WORLD EVENTS) — SOUTHBOROUGH, MA UNITED STATES — 69 Innovations to Debut at Conference