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Google Shared Stuff — Google's social side is more visible every day. A new service called "Shared Stuff" lets you share interesting links with your friends and the entire world. You need to drag a bookmarklet to your browser's link bar or to click on the "Share" button from a web page …

Google Shared Stuff — Google has just quietly launched a new social link sharing service called Google Shared Stuff. — According to this help file, you can add links to your "shared stuff page" by adding a bookmarklet to your web browser's "Links" or "Bookmarks" bar or by clicking this button …

We Are Opening the Social Graph — Your lists of friends and connections on the social websites that you use, sometimes called your social graph, belongs to you. No one company should own who you know and how you know them. OpenID, which was born at Six Apart less than two years ago …

Apple fesses up to faulty iPod touch screens — It looks like those complaining of problems with the iPod touch's screen weren't seeing things, as Apple has now reportedly confirmed that at least some early units did indeed ship with defective screens. That bit of news comes at the tail end …

Apple's iPod Touch Is a Beauty of a Player Short on Battery Life — In the hyper-competitive world of consumer electronics, it's highly unusual for one branded product to dominate its market for years on end. Yet, that's what Apple's iPod media player, now approaching its sixth anniversary, has managed to do.

Zimbra: Why Did Yahoo Buy Them? — This week Zimbra was acquired by Yahoo! for a staggering $350M. It seems like only yesterday that Zimbra was the buzz of the 2005 Web Conference. But in two years, Zimbra has grown from a small 'cool features' startup to a company worth $350M.

Hitwise: August 2007 Search Share Favors Google, Yahoo - Microsoft Drops — Yes, it's that time of the month again — search popularity stats time. Several ratings services are out with figures for August 2007, and I'm starting off with a look at those from Hitwise.

Hands-on with Texas Instruments' cellphone projector — Now that we have email, internet, TV, GPS, cameras, and satellite radio on our cellphones, our next wish is for bigger, higher resolution screens — which seems paradoxical, because larger displays almost always mean bulkier devices.

We're thrilled about this NBC download service — If you haven't heard about it, see here. NBC is going to launch its own download service where you can get NBC shows. This is their new initiative in the wake of severing their relationship with us. Why are we psyched?

Stumbleupon mathematics for stumblers — We may be totally wrong so just a heads up but I hope this will at least give you some idea of what your thumb up is doing. — Audience score — Every stumbler has an audience score in the old days stumbleupon told you what your score was but have since taken this facility away.

Update: Oracle posts robust numbers for quarter — San Francisco (IDGNS) - New software licensing revenue growth — the highest in 10 years for the company — helped boost Oracle's first-quarter financials. — New software licensing revenue grew 35 percent to $1.1 billion …

iPhone & iPod: contain or disengage? — Back when we had commies to worry about, someone came up with the concept of "engage and contain": eg, rather than avoid them as we'd been doing, we should trade and talk and travel there, and by doing so be able to contain their evil.

Xbox 360 to get new HD DVD drive — Microsoft reaffirms commitment in high definition war — Microsoft will launch an updated HD DVD drive for the Xbox 360 in 2008, it said at its 25th hardware anniversary in London today. — Mark Bennett, Microsoft's European business development director for HD DVD …

Adobe AIR Bus Rolls On — BOSTON—Football broadcaster John Madden doesn't have one thing on Adobe Systems. — When Adobe decided to share word of its new AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) technology, the company settled on an 18-city bus tour as a primary mode of delivering information.

Americans giving up friends, sex for Web life — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Surfing the net has become an obsession for many Americans with the majority of U.S. adults feeling they cannot go for a week without going online and one in three giving up friends and sex for the Web.

New York's subway stations to be wired for cellphones — After holding out for years, MTA has finally caved to the public's demand for cellphones in New York subways. New York City Transit has announced a deal with Transit Wireless, who's forking out $46.8 million over 10 years for the privilege …