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Google Shared Stuff — Google's social side is more visible every day. A new service called "Shared Stuff" lets you share interesting links with your friends and the entire world. You need to drag a bookmarklet to your browser's link bar or to click on the "Share" button from a web page …

Google Shared Stuff — Google has just quietly launched a new social link sharing service called Google Shared Stuff. — According to this help file, you can add links to your "shared stuff page" by adding a bookmarklet to your web browser's "Links" or "Bookmarks" bar or by clicking this button …

Google Wants You To Share Stuff — Google has entered the social bookmarking market with a new product called Shared Stuff. — Shared Stuff is simple enough; users drag a "email/ share" button into their browser, and click it when they want to add pages to their Shared Stuff profile.
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Google 'Shared Stuff' Social Bookmarking Service
The Globe and Mail

Americans giving up friends, sex for Web life — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Surfing the net has become an obsession for many Americans with the majority of U.S. adults feeling they cannot go for a week without going online and one in three giving up friends and sex for the Web.
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Apple's Jobs Subpoenaed for Deposition, People Say — Sept. 20 (Bloomberg) — Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs was subpoenaed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to give a deposition in a backdating lawsuit against the company's former general counsel, two people familiar with the matter said.

Steve Jobs subpoenaed over stock option backdating — It's not easy being Steve Jobs. When you're not jet-setting around the world, introducing your disappointing EDGE-only iPhone to the European market, you're getting subpoenaed by US securities regulators over a lawsuit concerning stock option backdating.

ABC's AOL Pact Marks Web's Growing TV Allure — Walt Disney Co.'s ABC became the latest major network to strike a deal with AOL allowing its full-length prime-time shows to be available free on the Time Warner Inc.-owned portal. — ABC shows will be available on AOL starting today …

NBC to Offer Downloads of Its Shows
Discussion:, The Technology Liberation …, TechCrunch, Online Media Cultist, Compiler, Pronet Advertising, The FASTForward Blog, MacUser, Jarrett House North, MediaBytes with Shelly …, Paul Thurrott's Internet Nexus, A VC, FurdLog, David Card,, Daring Fireball and Jeffrey McManus

iPhone & iPod: contain or disengage? — Back when we had commies to worry about, someone came up with the concept of "engage and contain": eg, rather than avoid them as we'd been doing, we should trade and talk and travel there, and by doing so be able to contain their evil.

MediaDefender Anti-Piracy Tools Leaked — Similar to the previously released e-mails, tracking database and phone call this leak is also spread by the group that goes by the name "MediaDefender-Defenders". In the .nfo that was posted with the torrent we read:

Zillow Gets Mo Money — Earlier this week we were joking about Fundinistas or companies that the ones who raise venture capital relentlessly. One of them happened to be Zillow, which had raised $57 million. Well, today they called to let us know that they had raised another $30 million, bringing the total to $87 million.

Cities turning off plans for Wi-Fi — CHICAGO — Plans to blanket cities across the nation with low-cost or free wireless Internet access are being delayed or abandoned because they are proving to be too costly and complicated. — Houston, San Francisco, Chicago and other cities are putting proposed Wi-Fi networks on hold.

Folding@Home Protein Project Hits a Petaflop — The Folding@home distributed computing project of Stanford University has hit the petaflop mark with 80 percent of the power coming from spare processor cycles on PlayStation 3 consoles. — The success of the PlayStation 3 in aiding the project …
Opposable Thumbs

Nokia answers convergence call with Nokia 6301 UMA phone — Espoo, Finland - With a sleek stainless steel design, the Nokia 6301 phone launched today is not only stylish, but offers consumers seamless voice and data mobility across GSM cellular and WLAN networks via Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology.
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Ignoring open source is costing us dear — Firefox, the browser that dared to challenge the supremacy of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, has just reached 400m downloads - and deservedly so. It now claims a market share of nearly 20% in the UK and 30% in Germany.