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Welcome Erick Schonfeld, My New Co-Editor — I was dying to announce this at TechCrunch40, but the timing just didn't work out. Nevertheless, I am extremely proud to announce that TechCrunch now has a co-editor. Erick Schonfeld, most recently an editor-at-large at Business 2.0 …

Techcrunch Founder Shares His Pulpit — Michael Arrington, founder and (strong) voice of Techcrunch, an influential tech-centric blog about startups, is moving over to share his pulpit. — Willingly. — Starting Wednesday, Techcrunch will be co-edited by Erick Schonfeld …

We Are Opening the Social Graph — Your lists of friends and connections on the social websites that you use, sometimes called your social graph, belongs to you. No one company should own who you know and how you know them. OpenID, which was born at Six Apart less than two years ago …

0day: PDF pwns Windows — I am closing the season with the following HIGH Risk vulnerability: Adobe Acrobat/Reader PDF documents can be used to compromise your Windows box. Completely!!! Invisibly and unwillingly!!! All it takes is to open a PDF document or stumble across a page which embeds one.

Google Receives 64 Percent Of All U.S. Searches In August 2007 — Google Search Market Share Increased Seven Percent Year-Over-Year — Hitwise, the leading online competitive intelligence service, today announced that Google accounted for 63.98 percent of all US searches in the four weeks ending September 1, 2007.

Zimbra: Why Did Yahoo Buy Them? — This week Zimbra was acquired by Yahoo! for a staggering $350M. It seems like only yesterday that Zimbra was the buzz of the 2005 Web Conference. But in two years, Zimbra has grown from a small 'cool features' startup to a company worth $350M.

Apple fesses up to faulty iPod touch screens — It looks like those complaining of problems with the iPod touch's screen weren't seeing things, as Apple has now reportedly confirmed that at least some early units did indeed ship with defective screens. That bit of news comes at the tail end …

Xbox 360 to get new HD DVD drive — Microsoft reaffirms commitment in high definition war — Microsoft will launch an updated HD DVD drive for the Xbox 360 in 2008, it said at its 25th hardware anniversary in London today. — Mark Bennett, Microsoft's European business development director for HD DVD …

The gutsy marketing and strategy behind Apple's iPhone price cut — The iPhone price cut appears to be the story that will never die. Leander Kahney at Wired News and I had a great discussion yesterday about the what and why behind the iPhone price cut. Some of what we discussed ended …
Wired News

New York's subway stations to be wired for cellphones — After holding out for years, MTA has finally caved to the public's demand for cellphones in New York subways. New York City Transit has announced a deal with Transit Wireless, who's forking out $46.8 million over 10 years for the privilege …

M.T.A. Makes Deal for Cellphones in Stations
PSFK, IntoMobile, Silicon Alley Insider, Smart Mobs, and

Oracle Reports Q1 GAAP EPS Up 28% to 16 Cents, Non-GAAP EPS Up 27% to 22 Cents — Applications New License Revenues Up 65%, Database and Middleware New License Revenues Up 23% — REDWOOD SHORES, Calif., Sept. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Oracle Corporation (Nasdaq: ORCL - News) …

Terror Watch: A Secret Lobbying Campaign — The secret lobbying campaign your phone company doesn't want you to know about — The nation's biggest telecommunications companies, working closely with the White House, have mounted a secretive lobbying campaign to get Congress to quickly approve …

Is That a Nancy Heinen Windsock Twisting Over Apple HQ? — The Securities and Exchange Commission has subpoenaed Apple CEO Steve Jobs in connection with a backdating lawsuit against former Apple General Counsel Nancy Heinen. Seems the SEC wants Jobs to testify against Heinen …

Imagini Gets 4M+ Users & VC Backing — As our sister site a:c euro ha noted has beta-launched its social network and says it has already attracted over 4M +registered users. The social networking twist with Imagini is that it allows users to find relevant people …

Hands-on with Texas Instruments' cellphone projector — Now that we have email, internet, TV, GPS, cameras, and satellite radio on our cellphones, our next wish is for bigger, higher resolution screens — which seems paradoxical, because larger displays almost always mean bulkier devices.
OhGizmo!, Popular Science Blog, Boing Boing Gadgets, IntoMobile, Advertising Lab, Engadget Mobile, Gizmodo and Digg

Facebook Reloads fbFund (Wisely) — Just a bit of a disclaimer: as an executive/blogger, I frequently get information way before many in the media do (not bragging, just stating common sense), but for obvious reasons I sometimes step away from my Wordpress account. — Does it eat me away sometimes?

Pros seem to outdo cons in new phone charger standard — The spaghettilike nightmare that forms many consumers' collection of phone chargers, headset connectors and data cables could be set to end after a major mobile-industry forum agreed to standardize on one type of connector.
Discussion: …