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iTunes Store To Stop Selling NBC Television Shows — Apple® today announced that it will not be selling NBC television shows for the upcoming television season on its online iTunes® Store ( The move follows NBC's decision to not renew its agreement with iTunes …
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Apple slaps back at NBC in iTunes spat — Disagreements between Apple and NBC Universal escalated Friday as Apple announced that it won't sell NBC's shows for the upcoming television season. — The move comes a day after The New York Times reported that NBC Universal would not renew …

Apple Retaliates; Says NBC Wanted Double The Wholesale Price; Will Stop in September — Apple (Nsdq: AAPL) has come out swinging after reports last night that NBC has told the company it won't renew the TV downloads contract beyond December: Apple said in a release that …

NBC Will Not Renew ITunes Contract
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Google News Now Hosting Wire Stories & Promises Better Variety In Results — Today, Google News will begin offering articles from several major wire services and news agencies hosted on its own site, rather than sending readers away from Google. The move is part of licensing agreements that have been stuck over the past year.

Original stories, from the source — Today we're launching a new feature on Google News that will help you quickly and easily find original stories from news publishers — including stories from some of the top news agencies in the world, such as the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse …

Google Begins Hosting News on Its Site
E-Media Tidbits

Google Cuts Deal With AP: Blow To Other News Sites

Who's afraid of Google? — The world's internet superpower faces testing times — RARELY if ever has a company risen so fast in so many ways as Google, the world's most popular search engine. This is true by just about any measure: the growth in its market value and revenues …
Business Week, Google Operating System, Internet Marketing Monitor, if:book and O'Reilly Radar

Inside the Googleplex — It is rare for a company to dominate its industry while claiming not to be motivated by money. Google does. But it has yet to face a crisis — IN AMERICA a phenomenon might claim to have entered mainstream culture only after it has been satirised on "The Simpsons".

Ross Levinsohn And Jonathan Miller To Announce New Buyout Fund Next Week — This news has been simmering for a while. When Ross Levinsohn (pictured left) resigned as the President of Fox Interactive Media late last year it was rumored that he intended to raise a large fund to acquire Internet startups.

Jon Miller and Ross Levinsohn to Serve as Advisors to General Atlantic's Media and Consumer Sector — GREENWICH, Conn., Aug. 31 /PRNewswire/ — General Atlantic LLC (GA), a leading global growth equity firm, today announced that Jonathan Miller, former Chairman and CEO of America Online …

Worse than Vogon poetry: bogus DMCA takedowns stun sci-fi lovers — Viacom isn't the only organization involved in sending out "bass-ackwards" DMCA takedown notices; the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (abbreviated, for complicated reasons, as the SFWA) is in on the fun as well.

Science Fiction Writers of America abuses the DMCA

LET'S DANCE BABY — UNDERDOG AMAZON SET TO CHALLENGE ITUNES — Apple boss Steve Jobs is about to have another new challenger for dominance in the digital music business:'s Jeff Bezos. — The online retail giant has tentatively set a mid-September target for the launch …
Download Squad, WebProNews, Reuters,, Wired News, iLounge, Digital Trends, Gizmodo, Contentinople, TechSpot News, Mashable! and UNEASYsilence

Wikirage: The Wikipedia Zeitgeist — At the beginning of this month, Andrew Pipes wrote about Yahoo! Buzz and Google Trends, two search engine zeitgeist tools that attempt to show what topics are popular based on search volume. The idea is that when you look at search data over time you begin …

Microsoft cooking up some BlackBerry pie? — Amid strong rumors of an impending buyout by Microsoft, stock in Research In Motion (RIM), the company that produces the BlackBerry line of push e-mail devices, has surged up to an all-time high of $85. According to a story from Reuters …

Google Desktop for the Mac in 9 more languages — In April we launched Google Desktop for the Mac to further our goal of delivering great products on the Mac and making them universally available on all platforms. A big thanks to all of you for using Desktop for the Mac, and for sharing your feedback.

iPhone explodes from unlock attempt (picture) — Earlier today we noted that while successful hardware-based iPhone unlocks are taking place all over the world (Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Germany, etc), some users are apparently doing damage to their units that will almost certainly not be covered under Apple's warranty.