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Windows Genuine Advantage suffers worldwide outage, problems galore (updated) — Late last night we started receiving reports from readers experiencing problems with Windows Genuine Advantage authentication. Users of both Windows XP and Windows Vista were writing to say that they could not validate …

Validation Issue Fix — We've been receiving reports on our forum and through customer service starting last night that Windows Vista validations have been failing on genuine systems. It looks now as though the issue has been resolved and validations are being processed successfully.
Boing Boing, PC World: Techlog, Windows Connected, Download Squad, WinBeta, All about Microsoft and Engadget

Massive Microsoft WGA meltdown fingers legit Vista and XP owners as pirates — 19-hour outage over, but users must revalidate to get back disabled features, says Redmond — Microsoft Corp. has blamed an unspecified server problem for a 19-hour stretch during which paying users of Windows XP …

The Internet is Dead and Boring — A lot of people are all up and upset about my comments that the Internet is dead and boring. Well guess what, it is. Every new technological, mechanical or intellectual breakthrough has its day, days, months and years. But they don't rule forever.
A VC, SYNTAGMA, TechCrunch, Life On the Wicked Stage, WinExtra, and Mashable!

Mark Cuban says "The Internet is dead and boring" What he really meant was... Mark Cuban says "The Internet is dead and boring". It is an attention grabbing headline but what he really means is that Internet bandwidth is not growing fast enough to support new innovative applications.

With 'LOLcats' Internet Fad, Anyone Can Get In on the Joke — Eric Nakagawa was between jobs last January when he came across a funny picture while surfing the Web: a high-strung cat with an open maw making a garbled request for a cheeseburger. — Mr. Nakagawa couldn't really say why he found the picture so funny.
Laughing Squid

Uniquephones's iPhone unlock release 'slowed' by AT&T lawyers — Hope you weren't waiting in tense anticipation to get your hands on Uniquephone's iPhone unlock software, because things certainly aren't going as planned. Reportedly, the gurus behind the software unlock were contacted by …
Discussion:, iPhone Unlocking, deal architect, Engadget Mobile, Computerworld, Apple 2.0 and digg

See All Sex Offenders In Your Neighborhood — Vision 20/20 offers a free web based mashup of sex offender data and Windows Live Maps. — Users simply add their address, city and/ or zip code to the Vision 20/20 site, and then the locations of sex offenders in the immediate vicinity are displayed over a map.
Insider Chatter

Minding the Meeting, or Your Computer? — BACK in 1994, when portable PCs started their descent from 15-pound luggables to today's 5-pound laptops, I started taking mine to meetings at Microsoft, and so did my colleagues. So novel. So useful. — We could type notes.
deal architect

A First-Hand Look at a Chinese Second Life, HiPiHi — Zhong Guan Village, Beijing - Last year, a mysterious YouTube video purported to demo a Chinese Second Life called HiPiHi (pronounced "high-pee-high") stormed the virtual world blogosphere. But with little English language commentary to go on …
Raph's Website

Glove-shaped creation made of Samsung mobile phones — SEOUL, Korea (AVING) — <Visual News> Samsung unveiled 'mobile-globe', its glove-shaped creation in Ukraine, which is made of Samsung mobile phones from the old model to the latest ones such as Jasper Morrison phone and Ultra Edition 10.9.

Anime Distributor Has No Legal Right to Threaten BitTorrent Users — Last week we reported on the Singapore-based anime distributor Odex Pt. Ltd and their campaign to track, find and threaten thousands of BitTorrent users which they claim infringe their copyrights. The demand - 'Pay us $3,500 - or else'.

Chinese Seek to Buy a U.S. Maker of Disk Drives — A Chinese technology company has expressed interest in buying a maker of computer disk drives in the United States, raising concerns among American government officials about the risks to national security in transferring high technology to China.

SanDisk Announces the Sansa Clip — SanDisk has answered back to the Creative's Zen Stone with the Sansa Clip. Around the same size as a matchbook, the player features an OLED screen (the same one found on the Express) and flexes 15 hours of battery life.