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Google Aims to Make YouTube Profitable With Ads — Ever since Google bought YouTube last November, it has avoided cluttering the site and the video clips themselves with ads, for fear of alienating its audience. — The strategy helped cement YouTube's position as the largest video Web site …

Now playing on YouTube: in-video ads — GOOGLE TRIES IN-VIDEO ADS — It has been Google's $1.65 billion question: How can it convert YouTube's whopping popularity into ad dollars without turning off the site's enthusiastic users? — Google's answer: semi-transparent ads that appear as strips across the bottom of videos.

YouTube Initiates Monetization Strategy With Transparent Video 'Overlays'

Sky: The final frontier — Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and tried to find order in the chaos of stars and planets. Ancient sky maps and astronomical computers were created alongside maps of the earth. With Google Earth, we try to provide you with the best mapping …

In Google Earth, a Service for Scanning the Heavens — After turning millions of Internet users into virtual explorers of the world with Google Earth, the Internet search giant is now hoping to turn many of them into virtual stargazers. — Google is unveiling within Google Earth today …

Google Earth Goes Beyond the Sky — Google is extending the scope of its highly successful Google Earth satellite mapping technology into space with the launch of Google Sky. Google Sky, which is embedded into newes version of Google Earth. Sky provides Google Earth users a facility …

Google Earth given celestial view — The constellations of Andromeda, Hydra and Vulpecula are now just a mouse click away for amateur star-gazers, following the launch of Google Sky. — The tool is an add-on to Google Earth, a program that allows users to search a 3D rendition of our planet's surface.

Troubled times for home networks — Technology Correspondent, BBC News website — There are many technologies that only prove how useful they are when you actually try them. — Take for instance, broadband. The high price may have initially put people off but for those that tried it …

Report: Home networking still too complex for most users
Gadget Lab

E-Trade and TD Ameritrade reportedly talk merger — LONDON (MarketWatch) — TD Ameritrade and E-Trade are discussing a merger that would create a dominant player in the online-brokerage industry and possibly prompt another industry shakeout, according to a media report Wednesday.

ES&S Gave California E-Voting Machines That Weren't Certified — Well, the hits keep for Election Systems & Software (ES&S). The company was already facing some controversy over the fact that its e-voting machines time stamped the ballots in a way that could reveal how voters voted …

Apple's surprise weapon: Computers — The iPod and iPhone are hits, but they're not the company's hottest line, says Fortune's Brent Schlender. — (Fortune Magazine) — Last January, when Steve Jobs rechristened his company by ostentatiously excising the word "Computer" and leaving it as simply …
Macsimum News

Already, Apple Sells Refurbished iPhones — SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21 — Consumers looking for a deal on an iPhone may be able to knock $100 off the price of the smartphone by buying from an unexpected discount source: Apple Inc. — On Monday, the company began making refurbished iPhones available …

Dell's Consumer Focus Hits Snags — Dell Inc.'s first attempt to rebuild its consumer personal-computer business since founder Michael Dell returned to lead the company is having trouble sticking. — Persistent delays in laptop shipments caused by paint problems and supply constraints …

Surprise Surprise... TV Viewing Is Declining — Earlier this week I decided to cancel my Comcast subscriptions, switching instead to Covad's ADSL2 service which is faster for now. I didn't even think twice about switching off my cable service, because frankly with the exception of baseball games and ESPN …

Blogspot Down — Blogs hosted with Google's Blogger are down right now (like the official Google blog, for instance). A search for [] returns around 34.5 million blog pages, which all seem to be affected. Someone by the name of Pete who says he's a Blogger engineer in a Google group states:

More master tracks, PS2 version announced for Rock Band — Though the price may be a little off-putting, few rhythm fans seem able to turn away from the all-encompassing smorgasbord of music and instruments that Rock Band provides. Now comes word that the game will also be available for the PS2.

T-Mobile, Orange and O2 land Europe iPhone deal — T-Mobile, Orange and O2 are to sell the iPhone in Germany, France, and the UK respectively, according to the Financial Times. The paper also reports that the operators have agreed to give Apple 10 per cent of all revenue generated from iPhone users.