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YouTube Premiering InVideo Ad Format — Showing 3 billion minutes of videos every month, Google-owned YouTube is the top video destination on the Internet today. And starting tomorrow, marketers will have another reason to turn to YouTube—a new InVideo ad format designed …
CrunchGear, Digital Alchemy dot TV, Business Week, Inside Online Video,,, muhammad.saleem and Jim Kukral

Google Aims to Make YouTube Profitable With Ads — Ever since Google bought YouTube last November, it has avoided cluttering the site and the video clips themselves with ads, for fear of alienating its audience. — The strategy helped cement YouTube's position as the largest video Web site …

Would you like video with that? — One of our goals at Google News is to offer as many different perspectives on the news as possible. That means bringing content from multiple sources together in a way we hope you find to be organized and relevant. Now we're adding video to the mix …
PC World, JooIT, Insider Chatter, Googlified, Publishing 2.0, Download Squad,, CNET and Search Engine Land

YouTube Initiates Monetization Strategy With Transparent Video 'Overlays' — People have been speculating about how YouTube would eventually monetize video streams, as opposed to page views. The answer comes in the form of an innovative approach that involves almost transparent animated flash …

Analyzing YouTube's Video Ad Revenue: Running the Numbers — So, Google's YouTube will finally sell video ads. How much revenue will they generate? In our estimation, not enough to materially affect Google's overall revenue for at least a year or two. Over the long haul, however, the contribution could be very material.

YouTube tests viewer-friendly ad format — Google is finally rolling out an advertising format for YouTube that could succeed where many others have failed: it's not annoying. — Google's YouTube will feature ads that are similar to a model used by TV broadcasters for years, the company said Tuesday.

Microsoft launches Tafiti - Search and Silverlight experiment — Tafiti, an experimental demonstration site that combines Live Search with Silverlight has just been launched. Its described as follows: … Search results are presented in the central column, with the right hand "shelf" …

MTV bails on Microsoft, partners with RealNetworks for "Rhapsody America" — 15 months after partnering with Microsoft on URGE, MTV has decided to cut its ties with Microsoft and cast its lot with with RealNetworks and Verizon. At a news conference this morning, MTV and RealNetworks announced …

Valleywag, Broadcasting & Cable, Geek Speaker, Digital Trends, last100, Podcasting News,, SMS Text News, Brier Dudley's blog, Gizmodo, Silicon Alley Insider, muSick in the Head, Good Morning Silicon Valley, John Cook's Venture Blog, Epicenter,, Digital Media Wire, iLounge, Future Now's GrokDotCom, Digital Media Update and Wall Street Journal

Apple secures Europe iPhone revenue deals — By Astrid Maier in Hamburg and Volker Müller in Munich — Apple has succeeded in committing European mobile phone operators that want exclusively to sell its new iPhone to share parts of their revenues with the technology group.

Conduit Labs: social networking through gaming — Conduit Labs is a secretive new company, not launched yet, but which says it wants to build a new social network: One built around virtual world gaming, but with networking components that reflect real life, just like Facebook does for students on college campuses.

Apple Releases iPhone 1.0.2 Update — Apple has posted iPhone Update 1.0.2. Available via iTunes. — The update only lists "bug fixes" as its description and weighs in at 3.7MB. According to early reports, no new features have been noted. — Users who have hacked their iPhone may see problems with their update.

YouTube-style Embeddable Maps — Today we're excited to announce a new feature on Google Maps that allows you to add maps to your blog or website just by copying and pasting a snippet of HTML. And once you embed the map, it has all the same functionality of the Google Maps you know and love; it's clickable, draggable, and zoomable.
Dan Blank, Google Maps Mania, Google, JooIT, The Map Room, CyberNet Technology News,, TechCrunch, Googlified, Widgets Lab, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, Screenwerk, Google Blogoscoped, Search Engine Land, Bloggers Blog, O'Reilly Radar, Ogle Earth, Laughing Squid, Global Nerdy, Internet Marketing Monitor and Mashable!

US launches 'MySpace for spies' — Spies and teenagers normally have little in common but that is about to change as America's intelligence agencies prepare to launch "A-Space", an internal communications tool modelled on the popular social networking sites, Facebook and MySpace.
TechCrunch,, Between the Lines, The Bivings Report, Paul Kedrosky's …, Mashable! and muhammad.saleem

Twitter goes to the MTV Video Music Awards — Could this finally be what breaks Twitter out of the early-adopter geek set and into the population at large? The microblogging service has partnered with the inarguably mainstream MTV for its upcoming Video Music Awards (or VMAs) …

Searching Twitter — We've just added Profile Search to Twitter! Now you can search across profile information like name, location, bio, and url. That means you can find more people to follow. The search box is over on the right when you're signed in.

In Google Earth, a Service for Scanning the Heavens — After turning millions of Internet users into virtual explorers of the world with Google Earth, the Internet search giant is now hoping to turn many of them into virtual stargazers. — Google is unveiling within Google Earth today …

Digital-Ad Firm Launches Buying Spree — AKQA Prepares to Join — Crowded Field for Slice — Of Search Marketing — San Francisco digital-ad firm AKQA has begun its much-anticipated shopping spree by acquiring search-marketing company Searchrev. — The price tag is relatively small …