Top Items:

August: Hotmail will soon bring you more of your requests, better performance — We went out of beta in May, and we're already releasing something new. Today, these new features will begin to roll our gradually to all our customers over the next few weeks, so if you don't immediately see them, be patient, they're coming!

YouTube wants to depose Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart — Let's see how funny Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are on the witness stand. — The two comedians are apparently being dragged into the copyright fight between their employer and Google. Entertainment conglomerate Viacom …
SEO, Mashable!, Silicon Alley Insider, Valleywag, Reel Pop, Lost Remote and digg

Alexa Says YouTube Is Now Bigger Than Google. Alexa Is Useless — We've gotten a few "tips" that YouTube has actually grown larger than Google in terms of page views according to Alexa. — This is, of course, complete fiction. And it shows just how useless Alexa has become as a method for measuring web traffic and reach.

Why Full Text Feeds Actually Increase Page Views (The Freakonomics Explanation) — from the why-full-feeds-make-sense dept — Last week, the Freakonomics blog got some extra attention by moving the blog to the NY Times. Of course, the blog had been in support of the immensely popular Freakonomics book …
Open (finds, minds …

Investors bailing on SCO stock, SCOX plummets — SCO's ride is clearly coming to an end, thanks to a monumental ruling last week that clarified the ownership of the UNIX copyrights. To briefly recap, federal district judge Dale A. Kimball declared that Novell owns the UNIX copyrights …
Inquirer, The Register, Good Morning Silicon Valley, The Gong Show, TechSpot News, Digital Daily, Open Gardens, Slashdot and digg

Classmates files for $125 million IPO — United Online's Classmates Media unit filed for a $125 million IPO in what could be a good litmus test for social media plays on Wall Street. — Classmates isn't Facebook (all resources), but does have enough name recognition to garner interest …
GigaOM, Tech Trader Daily, Mashable!,, alarm:clock and Personal Insights on Web 2.0 …

Hint: How to redesign the Leopard dock so it sucks less — Disclaimer: Leopard is still under NDA so I can't discuss anything that Apple hasn't already made public knowledge on their website. — The dock has always been one of those sort of 'live with it', rather than 'love it' features …

AT&T admits it censored other bands — It looks like Pearl Jam isn't the only band that has had its politically charged comments bleeped from concerts streamed from AT&T's Blue Room Web site. — AT&T issued a statement on Friday admitting that this kind of thing has happened before.
Geek Speaker

Apologies to Calacanis — I gave it some thought, and I decided to apologize to Jason for interrupting his speech at Gnomedex. I wish I hadn't done it. It'll never happen again. That's a promise. — That said, I have a lot of trouble believing that a street fighter from Brooklyn …

Researcher thinks Mac OS X is easy to exploit — Charles Miller is no stranger to Apple and its products. In July Miller and his colleagues at Independent Security Evaluators discovered the first known vulnerability within the Apple iPhone. They then worked with the Cuptertino vendor …
Macsimum News

Google denies APEC reason for fuzzy maps — MUCH of Sydney's city centre as it appears in the satellite images on Google Maps Australia has been fuzzed out, just weeks before the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit. — Google says the imagery was downgraded as a result of a …

KicksApps Scores $20 Million — Update: KickApps is sending out word to other bloggers that it has only raised $11m. I had gotten the $20m figure from a source, and doublechecked it against a regulatory filing that indicated a $20m total raise (KickApps.pdf). I've got a few emails out, and will try to reconsile in the morning.
Discussion:, Silicon Alley Insider, Mashable!, VentureBeat, alarm:clock and CenterNetworks

Searching — ini_set('memory_limit', '100M'); // to be — safe we are increasing the memory limit for search — include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/html — include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/s.php'; ; — include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/browse.php';

IPHONE BILL — I finally got my first bill from AT&T in a cardboard box containing 300 pages of it. Apparently, they give you a detail transaction of every text message sent and received. Completely unnecessary. — Sign up for e-billing! Stop the madness! — [ repost? ]