Top Items:

Judge Says Unix Copyrights Rightfully Belong to Novell — In a decision that may finally settle one of the most bitter legal battles surrounding software widely used in corporate data centers, a federal district court judge in Utah ruled Friday afternoon that Novell, not the SCO Group …

Court Ruling Gives Novell Copyright in Unix System — A federal court in Utah ruled that Novell Inc., not SCO Group Inc., is the rightful owner of the copyright in the Unix operating system. — The ruling is a boon to the "open source" software movement and to Linux …

The Equity Equation — An investor wants to give you money for a certain percentage of your startup. Should you take it? You're about to hire your first employee. How much stock should you give him? — These are some of the hardest questions founders face. And yet both have the same answer:

Google Shutting Down Paid Video — Google today emailed customers who had purchased videos from Google Video to let them know that the company will be discontinuing paid rentals and downloads five days from now. Not only will videos no longer be available for rental or download …
Discussion:, Insider Chatter, TechCrunch, The Register,, CenterNetworks, Google Operating System and digg

Google to Stop Web Video Rentals, Sales — Google Shutting Down a Service That Sold and Rented Online Video, Ending 19-Month Experiment — SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google Inc. is shutting down a service that sold and rented online video, ending a 19-month experiment doomed by the proliferation …

Thumbs Surgically Altered For iPhone? Think Again — It's been a long week. More layoffs at Sun, Sprint Nextel's earnings down (again), the wheels finally coming off the municipal wireless bus, AT&T censoring Pearl Jam's anti-Bush lyrics (and then claiming it was unintentional), etc. etc.

Man has thumbs altered to improve iPhone dexterity — This story isn't for the faint of heart. In fact, we wouldn't really recommend it for anybody, but we'll soldier on regardless. Thomas Martel hails from Colorado, and after upgrading to an iPhone, he decided his big hands were just too much of a burden to bear.

Fujitsu Siemens Computers bails out of PDA / PNA market — Leaving so soon, are we? Turns out Fujitsu Siemens Computers is ditching the PDA / PNA market after 2007, which means that those bulky, albeit fashionable Loox handhelds will soon be available only in closeout bins …

HealthPia's GlucoPhone gets FDA approval — While the idea of a diabetes phone is far from new, a company dubbed HealthPia is well on its way to actually delivering such a product. Reportedly, the firm has "obtained FDA approval for its patent-pending technology that integrates a blood glucose meter with a standard-issue cellphone."

Is Firefox on Mac Unusable? — I'm running Firefox on my (relatively) new (intel) Mac. Problem is that Firefox locks up several times a day. I found a forum which suggested disabling the anti-phishing functionality. Several people seemed to have benefited from said disabling.

The $200 Billion Rip-Off — This is part three of my explanation of how America went from having the fastest and cheapest Internet service in the world to what we have today — not very fast, not very cheap Internet service that is hurting our ability to compete economically with the rest of the world.
Smart Mobs

Texty: Dead Simple Content Creation And Editing — Texty is a dead simple but useful new internet service that you can use to quickly create and edit content on a web page with zero HTML or programming skills. — Go to the site, start typing text in a WYSIWYG editor, format it and add images.

Serving hacker camp with porta-data-potties — What does it take to wire an old airfield so it can support 2000 hackers with a voracious, simultaneous appetite for bandwidth? — Answer: Imagination. That and cords enough to make a Radio Shack junkie drool.

Are You Ready To Bar Camp? — Bar Camp, an open multi-day event where people can share ideas and talk about just about anything they like, is a very important event for me. Two years ago I attended the first Bar Camp, which was held at Social Text's offices in Palo alto.
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