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Signs of real progress at the FCC — The Federal Communications Commission made real, if incomplete, progress for consumers this afternoon, as it set the rules for an upcoming auction of the publicly owned spectrum in the 700 MHz band. — None of us like how the current system locks …

FCC sets 700MHz auction rules: limited open access, no wholesale requirement — A soft-spoken Kevin Martin brought two phones to today's FCC open meeting at which the agency presented the rules for its upcoming 700MHz auction. Both phones were made by Nokia, but the European version allowed access …
Reuters, Wi-Fi Networking News, TechSpot News, Digital Daily, Engadget, Life On the Wicked Stage and CNET

FCC Gives Google Half a Win — Updated.Looks like the vote on the 700 MHz auction rulemaking is finally in, and as expected the commission adopted some of the open-networking proposals championed by Google, but not all. While Google carefully lauds the FCC for its action in a post …

FCC Delays Vote on Wireless Auction Rules
Tech Talk with Dean Takahashi, Computerworld, PC World, Salon: Machinist and

Did Facebook get hacked today? — <Update>: — Ok so it would seem that Facebook were fixing a technical issue regarding proxies, and nothing to do with security, according to the Scobleizer blog (which has some sort of access to Facebook's PR team). Facebook is now alive again …

Facebook security glitch exposes user in-boxes — GDP boost expected as users forced to work for a change — Office workers logging into Facebook on Tuesday morning were shocked to discover they were being served up other user's private pages. — Information going astray included other user's message inboxes.

Facebook experiencing 'upgrade' outages — Tried to visit Facebook today and had no luck? It appears that the social-networking site has been experiencing some growing pains. No one in CNET's newsroom was able to access the site starting around 10 a.m. PDT.
All Facebook

Facebook outage — I did a little Twittergram shortly before noon …
Alec Saunders .LOG

Can Murdoch Charge for and Give It Away Too? — "On Day 1," a lot of people in the Internet news business imagine Rupert Murdoch saying, "everything is free." — The conventional wisdom is that Dow Jones is making a tragic mistake by charging as much as $99 a year for the online edition …

Apple Sinks on iPhone Cutback Talk — The shine is quickly coming off Apple's (AAPL - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr) iPhone. — Apple shares took a 3% dip Tuesday amid speculation about a cut in production of the trendy iPod-inspired phone. The chatter that sent the stock down was that Apple …

Apple to host Mac event next Tuesday — Apple Inc. is gathering analysts and members of the media for a Mac-related press event to be held at the company's headquarters in Cupertino on Tuesday, August 7th, AppleInsider has been told. — Unlike past events in which the company drafted …

Apple gathering press for Mac event next week
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Microformats in Google Maps — If you have spent any time in certain corners of the web, you will have heard of Microformats: Clever uses of HTML that add machine-readability to everyday web pages while preserving human-readability. Microformats allow tools to make more sense of your web pages …

Blog pirates on the horizon! — The rise and rise of blogging as an online phenomenon has relied heavily on the ability of social nature of blogs - as each blog links into one another or as larger blogs link to and report on stories breaking on smaller specialist blogs.

Apple's first iPhone software update to arrive shortly — Speaking to analysts for RBC Capital Markets this week, Apple's Vice President of iPod Product Marketing, Greg Joswiak, said the first software update for his company's iPhone handset is due to arrive shortly.
Engadget, Ars Technica, iPhoneology, Gadget Lab, IntoMobile, Infinite Loop, The Apple Core, MacDailyNews and Gizmodo

Social Networking Goes Global Major Social Networking Sites Substantially Expanded Their Global Visitor Base during Past Year — comScore (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released the results of a study on the expansion of social networking across the globe …

Apple iPhone Out, Blackberry 8800 In At NASA — The minutes of a meeting of NASA tech officials show that the space agency has determined the iPhone 'not to be enterprise ready.' — NASA astronauts and other employees won't be using Apple iPhones to surf the Internet or send text messages anytime soon …

Online Advertising: Facebook doubles its rates in four months — Rip up your Facebook revenue estimates and start over, everyone. Since February, Facebook has doubled the rates it charged for sponsored groups from $150,000 to $300,000. Since exposing Facebook's supposedly nonexistent rate card …

CPB Calls on Apple to Amend Policies Regarding iPhone Service — Amongst all the gadgets, it's still a cell phone that's expensive to fix — The Apple Corp. should revamp its customer service policies to make it easier and less expensive for consumers to repair an iPhone, the New York State Consumer Protection Board said today.
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