Top Items:
Search Wikia Takes Steps To Crawl; Acquires Grub — Wikia, Inc., the for-profit company developing the open source search engine Search Wikia, has acquired Grub, a distributed crawler platform, from LookSmart. — Distributed crawler? Crawlers are software programs used by search engines …
Discussion:, Read/WriteWeb, Reuters, The Register, InfoWorld, Compiler, CNET, Infothought, TechCrunch and 901am
Monkcast #10: One day, they'll grow fruit with bar codes on the skin & Yeah! Socialtext — In this week's Monkcast, our 10th joint production between the research outfit Redmonk and ZDNet, we ponder worldly topics such as the idea of cows making skim milk.
Intel States Its Actions in Europe Benefit Consumers — Intel Corporation today issued the following statement from Bruce Sewell, senior vice president and general counsel, in response to the decision by the European Commission's Directorate General for Competition to issue a statement …
RockYou launches Facebook ad network — RockYou, one of the world's two most popular online photo and video widget makers, is introducing an ad network that will allow advertisers exploit RockYou's reach across Facebook. — RockYou, like other large Web sites offering photo and video sharing …
How Much Is A Facebook User Worth? At Least $0.30 — People aren't wasting any time trying to figure out how to monetize all those thousands of Facebook apps that have sprung up over the last couple of months. At least three advertising experiments have launched - the most promising, by far, is RockYou.
Breaking: First iPhone Class-Action Suit Against Apple and AT&T — It was bound to happen. It seems that a guy called Trujillo has been the first to file a class-action suit against Apple and AT&T because of the iPhone. The reason? You guessed it—it's the battery.
iPhone Customer Files Class-action Lawsuit Against Apple
Facebook Bankruptcy — Today I'm declaring Facebook Bankruptcy in addition to comment bankruptcy. — I can't keep up with the friend requests, the requests to confirm how we know each other, the requests to tell you I like you, the requests to tell you I want your to tell me what movies you want to tell me about, etc.
The Internet in Kazakhstan: welcome to the land of $3,355 per month DSL — With DSL prices like these, it's no wonder Borat left Kazakhstan behind1. A new report from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (PDF) paints a grim picture of Internet access in Kazakhstan and shows …
MediaWhiz Buys Another Ad Startup, AuctionAds — Performance marketing company MediaWhiz has snatched up eBay affiliate marketing service AuctionAds, which launched back in March. The price was not disclosed. AuctionAds is an advertising widget that serves contextually relevant eBay auctions based on tags supplied by the publisher.
Vista Battery Saver — Project Description — This tinny program will save up to 70% of your battery by disabling those nice, but greedy Vista features. Running in task bar with private workset of 5.5M and 0% CPU it will do all work for you, by enabling and disabling customizable features …
SILVERLIGHT 1.0 RC1 IS HERE! — As indicated in a previous post, we're homing in on the launch of Silverlight 1.0, and today marks another milestone with the launch of the first release candidate. Since the beta we released at MIX, we've fixed approximately 2000 bugs and work items and we're …
Mix Online
Xbox overtakes Wii As Most Searched for Console — The Xbox 360 has overtaken the Nintendo Wii as the most searched for gaming console based on share of US Internet searches for the first time since the Wii's launch in November 2006. The Xbox 360 is #1 console based on sales volume but the Wii …
Dear Podtech: I'm Not Your VP Marketing — So Podtech is apparently unhappy with the post I wrote last evening - What's Really Going On With Podtech? First Podtech subsequeCEO John Furrier emailed me repeatedly this morning asking for changes, then later Robert Scoble wrote on Twitter that much of my post was incorrect.
California report slams e-voting system security — Every tested machine had problems... yes, every single one — Researchers commissioned by the State of California have found security issues in every electronic voting system they tested, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen said Friday.
Rodale's Options: Strategic Money For Digital Bulk — That's the import of the speculative stories in both NYP and Folio this week: the lifestyle books and magazine publisher Rodale (publisher of Runner's World, Men's Health and Prevention) has retained JPMorgan to explore strategic options …