Top Items:

Google Maps Mashups 2.0 — When we were building the original Google Maps site, we envisioned that it would eventually become a platform for navigating all kinds of location-based information, such as home listings and travel information. Within weeks of the launch of Google Maps …

Google launches Mapplets, gadgets for maps — Google has added in Mapplets to Google Maps today. It was previously offered in a preview mode. Mapplets are like mini applications that can be embedded into the Google Maps site. — Google currently has standard Mapplets available including …

Microsoft Plays Up Family Appeal of Xbox — As Microsoft executives played down the impact of an extensive repair program for defective Xbox 360 game machines, they announced several efforts to broaden the appeal of their machine to families. — Opening the annual E3 game conference here …

Image: Microsoft's 'Big Button' Xbox 360 controller
Gamerscore Blog, Engadget, Global Nerdy, The Register,, Microsoft News Tracker and ParisLemon

No Xbox 360 price cut ... and other E3 notes

Wintek to ship touch screen panels for new Apple iPods — Taiwan-based Wintek will be the panel supplier of Apple's new iPod video, according to sources at upstream suppliers. Apple is set to launch a next-generation iPod video in August with the new products featuring a touch screen panel similar to the iPhone, the sources noted.
Engadget, iLounge, I4U News, Apple Gazette, The Tech Report, O'Grady's PowerPage and Product Reviews Net

iPhoneDrive Released — Ecamm Network today announced the release of iPhoneDrive for Mac. — The new program allows iPhone owners to store files and data in the iPhone's flash memory. The iPhone can now be used for storage and backup, as well as moving files from Mac …
CrunchGear, Gizmodo, MacUser, iLounge, jkOnTheRun, Macsimum News, MacDailyNews and O'Grady's PowerPage

Nielsen Alters Web Ratings, Favoring AOL Over Google — Nielsen/NetRatings has changed the way it rates Web sites and in the process has upended the rankings of the top online destinations, vaulting AOL and Yahoo over rival Google. — The research service announced yesterday …

For industry accused of arrogance, pinnacle of conceit: Customer comes last at Sprint Nextel — This post could be entitled Disasterous Customer Service Experiences Part X, Y and Z. The ultimate worst example of sheer lunacy, moronic and near sadistic customer treatment, by Sprint Nextel.

Squidoo Slap!! — NewsFlash!: SQUIDOO SLAP!!! EDGE / SET MEMBERS STAND BY FOR DETAILS OF THIS BREAKING STORY! — The lab has been investigating the recent drop in ranking for Squidoo lenses in Google's search engine results. It appears that as of the 7th of July nearly all Squidoo lenses …

Zillow enters citizen journalism — On Monday, apologized for a company e-mail that inadvertently promoted a new neighborhood service that wasn't quite ready. — Now, after that minor dust-up, the mystery is over. The Seattle company this evening is taking the wraps off community Web pages …

Pay-for-blogging site raises questions — The controversy around a young website called Associated Content boils down to perspective. — Does it exist to game Google search results and generate revenue through Google's AdWords advertising service by displaying contextual ads next to the copy?
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

Performance regressions lead Mozilla to delay Firefox 3 beta, change roadmap — As we have previously reported, the first official Firefox 3 beta release was tentatively scheduled for late July. The beta has now been pushed back due to performance regressions and the need for extra front-end development …

Did ya know? It's Fair Use Day: July 11, 2007 — Get out your party hats and DeCSS coasters and t-shirts! — July 11, 2007, will mark the third-annual global "Fair Use Day," but chances are this is the first you've heard of it. Started back in 2005, "Fair Use Day" …

Digital Music Group Plans to Merge With the Orchard — The Orchard, a digital music company that has built a business distributing albums from independent labels to online stores like iTunes, plans to announce today that it will merge with Digital Music Group.

Accuser Says Web Site Has X-Rated Link — Parents and child safety experts concerned about the online activities of teenagers have been particularly nervous about a Web site called Stickam, which allows its 600,000 registered users, age 14 and older, to participate in unfiltered live video chats using their Web cameras.

Is this the successor to the Nokia N800? — Just when we're in full-on video game mode, along comes a friendly tipster with some shots of the supposed successor to Nokia's N800 Internet Tablet that snap us out of our daze and remind us that there's more to life than Xboxes and PlayStations.

China portal Sohu to start video-sharing service — Chinese Web portal Inc. (SOHU.O: Quote, Profile, Research) plans to launch a video-sharing service next week, its chief executive said, as it broadens its focus beyond its search engine roots into social networking.

Ultra-thin and ulra-light notebook coming before the end of the year - sources … i'm on the verge ... since — On July 10th, 2007 06:48:45 PM minihan says: — i'm on the verge ... since i'm a writer and basically need only a writing machine when i'm travelling daily, away from my desktop …