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Microsoft Plays Up Family Appeal of Xbox — As Microsoft executives played down the impact of an extensive repair program for defective Xbox 360 game machines, they announced several efforts to broaden the appeal of their machine to families. — Opening the annual E3 game conference here …
Information Arbitrage

Image: Microsoft's 'Big Button' Xbox 360 controller — Posting from Santa Monica, Calif.: Here's an image of the Xbox 360 "Big Button Pad" controller introduced by Microsoft during its meda conference at the E3 video game convention tonight. — Four of these will come with an Xbox 360 adaptation of the …

No Xbox 360 price cut ... and other E3 notes

Sprint Cuts 1,000+ Customers For Excessive Complaining — JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Hundreds of cell phone customers are being given the boot, accused of being too high maintenance. — Sprint-Nextel is disconnecting more than 1,000 subscribers on grounds the clients call customer service too often and make "unreasonable requests."

For industry accused of arrogance, pinnacle of conceit: Customer comes last at Sprint Nextel — This post could be entitled Disasterous Customer Service Experiences Part X, Y and Z. The ultimate worst example of sheer lunacy, moronic and near sadistic customer treatment, by Sprint Nextel.

Video startups get veterans to jump — Wild, I was just reading feeds and posting the best to my link blog when this came through Google Reader: Old Media Jumping to New Media. Wow, Jim Louderback (pictured above at a recent photowalking) is now CEO over at Revision 3.

Bad Sinatra I — I'll have the AppleTV version up on in a bit. — iPhone download

Gillmor vies for attention with 'Bad Sinatra'
John Furrier

Squidoo Slap!! — NewsFlash!: SQUIDOO SLAP!!! EDGE / SET MEMBERS STAND BY FOR DETAILS OF THIS BREAKING STORY! — The lab has been investigating the recent drop in ranking for Squidoo lenses in Google's search engine results. It appears that as of the 7th of July nearly all Squidoo lenses …

Introducing Google Mapplets, A Mashup of Mashups on Google Maps — I know that's a lot of "maps" there in the title. It's a bit of an exaggeration actually but that's how I see this new Google tool called mapplets. Now what are mapplets? From the Google Maps site …

Digg iPhone Beta Live! — Last weekend Joe Stump, Daniel Burka, and I sat down and white-boarded the Digg iPhone app. I told Joe if he coded it in 48hrs, I'd buy him an iPhone. Needless to say, he got it done (nice work, Joe). — You can check it out at

Microsoft Reader Optimized for Origami™ Is Finally Here! — Hi! I'm Christine from the Microsoft Reader team. Some of you may know me from some of the other device forums like PocketPCThoughts, Aximsite or the Microsoft.Public.Reader newsgroup under the name MSReadergirl.

Accuser Says Web Site Has X-Rated Link — Parents and child safety experts concerned about the online activities of teenagers have been particularly nervous about a Web site called Stickam, which allows its 600,000 registered users, age 14 and older, to participate in unfiltered live video chats using their Web cameras.

Is this the successor to the Nokia N800? — Just when we're in full-on video game mode, along comes a friendly tipster with some shots of the supposed successor to Nokia's N800 Internet Tablet that snap us out of our daze and remind us that there's more to life than Xboxes and PlayStations.

Casio cosies up to YouTube — Receive the day's biggest stories by email, sign up here — A tie-up between Casio and YouTube wouldn't have been our first guess for an expansion attempt by either of the two companies, but when you think about it, it sort of makes sense.

Broadband on the go: the ups and downs of Verizon's EV-DO network — A need for speed — How fast is 3G wireless? That's a tough question to answer, especially if you try to get your answer from one of the wireless providers. With its EV-DO BroadbandAccess, Verizon says users …

AOL launches 3 new myAOL services — This blog's parent company, AOL, has launched a new myAOL portal. The site includes three new services: — myPage: a personalized start page — Favorites: an updated feed reader — Mgnet (pronounced "magnet"), a customizable news page …

Potter Has Limited Effect on Reading Habits — Of all the magical powers wielded by Harry Potter, perhaps none has cast a stronger spell than his supposed ability to transform the reading habits of young people. In what has become near mythology about the wildly popular series by J. K. Rowling …

Vista's advanced speech recognition technology — I'm not sure if this is for real but even if it isn't it's fun to imagine that it is. [pls rewrite, Ed.] This is a demo of someone writing a PERL script using voice recognition. You can see the amazing productivity gains that Vista affords.