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Image: Microsoft's 'Big Button' Xbox 360 controller — Posting from Santa Monica, Calif.: Here's an image of the Xbox 360 "Big Button Pad" controller introduced by Microsoft during its meda conference at the E3 video game convention tonight. — Four of these will come with an Xbox 360 adaptation of the …

No Xbox 360 price cut ... and other E3 notes

Squidoo Slap!! — NewsFlash!: SQUIDOO SLAP!!! EDGE / SET MEMBERS STAND BY FOR DETAILS OF THIS BREAKING STORY! — The lab has been investigating the recent drop in ranking for Squidoo lenses in Google's search engine results. It appears that as of the 7th of July nearly all Squidoo lenses …

Google Acting Against Squidoo Due To Spam — A couple of reports across the net suggest that Seth Godin's Squidoo is being penalized by Google, most likely due to spam on Squidoo pages. — The reports indicate that some Squidoo pages have seen a 75% drop in traffic, and in other cases …

MORE MASHING OF GOOGLE MAPS — Google Maps is launching a new feature Wednesday that enables people to create customized maps with content from multiple mashup Web sites. — For instance, I made my own map of San Francisco with an events search from Zvents (salsa dancing Monday …

Introducing Google Mapplets, A Mashup of Mashups on Google Maps

Digg iPhone Beta Live! — Last weekend Joe Stump, Daniel Burka, and I sat down and white-boarded the Digg iPhone app. I told Joe if he coded it in 48hrs, I'd buy him an iPhone. Needless to say, he got it done (nice work, Joe). — You can check it out at

Old Media Jumping to New Media — People are getting antsy this summer! Sources tell us this afternoon that PC Magazine editor in chief Jim Louderback has left to become the new CEO of Revision3, and CNET host Veronica Belmont has left to make video for Jason Calacanis' search startup Mahalo.

Sprint Cuts 1,000+ Customers For Excessive Complaining — JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Hundreds of cell phone customers are being given the boot, accused of being too high maintenance. — Sprint-Nextel is disconnecting more than 1,000 subscribers on grounds the clients call customer service too often and make "unreasonable requests."

Is this the successor to the Nokia N800? — Just when we're in full-on video game mode, along comes a friendly tipster with some shots of the supposed successor to Nokia's N800 Internet Tablet that snap us out of our daze and remind us that there's more to life than Xboxes and PlayStations.

iPhone — Everybody knows that the iPhone can make phone calls, play movies & music, surf the web, and a lot more. But, Will It Blend? That is the question. — Ever wonder what would happen if you stuck a can of EZ Cheese in blender? Yeah, us too. — Carny Cuisine — Category: Don't Try This @ Home
The Register, Life On the Wicked Stage, Blog, Channel 9, Gizmodo, ben barren, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Gadget Lab and digg

Microsoft Reader Optimized for Origami™ Is Finally Here! — Hi! I'm Christine from the Microsoft Reader team. Some of you may know me from some of the other device forums like PocketPCThoughts, Aximsite or the Microsoft.Public.Reader newsgroup under the name MSReadergirl.

Bad Sinatra I — I'll have the AppleTV version up on in a bit. — iPhone download

Accuser Says Web Site Has X-Rated Link — Parents and child safety experts concerned about the online activities of teenagers have been particularly nervous about a Web site called Stickam, which allows its 600,000 registered users, age 14 and older, to participate in unfiltered live video chats using their Web cameras.

30Boxes team launches Facebook Ad Exchange — Okay kids if you remember LinkExchange, the web-banner ad swap service that was snapped up by Microsoft back in November 1998 for $250 million, and then left it to languish, raise your hand. Of course, that $250 million investment was recently shut down by Microsoft.

Report: DVD ripping less a threat than file sharing — At last, news that Hollywood studios and file sharers can both celebrate. — Researchers at the NPD Group have found that, contrary to popular belief, far fewer consumers copy, or "rip" DVDs as a means of obtaining movies and TV shows.