Top Items:

New rules could rock wireless world — NEW YORK - Coming soon could be a wireless broadband world in which consumers get to pick any smartphone or other device and load any software on it - not have to take what the wireless carrier wants to sell. — That's the goal of Federal Communications …
The Register, Techdirt, Public Knowledge, WebProNews, IP Democracy, Phone Scoop, Engadget, Geek News Central and Slashdot

The promise of open platforms in the upcoming spectrum auction — As I've written before, Google has become increasingly involved in U.S. spectrum policy issues this year. One of our top public policy objectives is to expand the Internet's reach to more Americans.
InsideGoogle, WebProNews, GigaOM, IntoMobile, John Battelle's Searchblog,, and Public Knowledge

FCC Chairman's draft rules for 700MHz auction call for open access
TechSpot News

iPhone — Everybody knows that the iPhone can make phone calls, play movies & music, surf the web, and a lot more. But, Will It Blend? That is the question. — Ever wonder what would happen if you stuck a can of EZ Cheese in blender? Yeah, us too. — Carny Cuisine — Category: Don't Try This @ Home
Discussion: Blog, Gizmodo, Channel 9, Life On the Wicked Stage, ben barren, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Gadget Lab and digg

Eleven lessons learned about blogging, so far — This post is to share lessons I have learned about blogging so far, five weeks into this blog. — First, it's hard to believe it's only been five weeks. "Internet time" lives, I can tell you that. — Second, I'd like to truly thank everyone …
The Last Podcast, Read/WriteWeb, Newsome.Org, Joe Duck, and Epicenter

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-036 - Critical — Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (936542) — Version: 1.0 — General Information — Executive Summary — This critical update resolves one publicly disclosed vulnerability and two privately …

Site Advisor 2.0: Haute Secure Launches To Detect and Block Malware
Zero Day

JP Morgan retracts. Now says "No" to near term "Nano" iPhone — JP Morgan has just issued a note retracting Kevin Chang's earlier projection about a near term iPhone Nano. The new report says that the majority of Chang's assumptions appear to have come from a review of the patent …

JPMorgan now not so sure about an iPhone Nano
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Old Media Jumping to New Media — People are getting antsy this summer! Sources tell us this afternoon that PC Magazine editor in chief Jim Louderback has left to become the new CEO of Revision3, and CNET host Veronica Belmont has left to make video for Jason Calacanis' search startup Mahalo.

February 27, 2008: Microsoft plans a triple-play launch — Microsoft announced at its partner conference on July 10 that it will launch Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 together in a single launch on February 27, 2008, in Los Angeles.

Sprint Cuts 1,000+ Customers For Excessive Complaining — JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Hundreds of cell phone customers are being given the boot, accused of being too high maintenance. — Sprint-Nextel is disconnecting more than 1,000 subscribers on grounds the clients call customer service too often and make "unreasonable requests."

Direct Amazon Unbox On TiVo Ordering Arrives — Amazon Unbox ordering has finally landed on TiVo. (Never mind that false alarm last month). The TiVoCast Downloads area is listed as "Download TV & Movies" (how exactly does that describe the web video?) and houses Amazon Unbox along with the other downloadable content.

Amazon Now Delivering Movies Direct To TiVo Boxes
Download Squad

Xbox 360 price set to crash? — Receive the day's biggest stories by email, sign up here — Hot on the heels of Sony's recent $100 60GB PS3 price drop, gamers and industry analysts the world over are predicting that Microsoft will soon announce a cheaper Xbox 360.

Hello Sidekick Slide — 5 comment(s) for this post. — Sweet Even without anything I am still the first to post. I hope people can post actual comments and not some gibberish.

Digg iPhone Beta Live! — Last weekend Joe Stump, Daniel Burka, and I sat down and white-boarded the Digg iPhone app. I told Joe if he coded it in 48hrs, I'd buy him an iPhone. Needless to say, he got it done (nice work, Joe). — You can check it out at

Accuser Says Web Site Has X-Rated Link — Parents and child safety experts concerned about the online activities of teenagers have been particularly nervous about a Web site called Stickam, which allows its 600,000 registered users, age 14 and older, to participate in unfiltered live video chats using their Web cameras.

Bad Sinatra I — No, it's not the Gillmor Gang, but who cares. — Dan Farber, Doc Searls, Marc Benioff, Michael Arrington, Robert Scoble, Steve Gillmor

Bad Sinatra I — I'll have the AppleTV version up on in a bit. — iPhone download
The Last Podcast