Top Items:

New rules could rock wireless world — NEW YORK - Coming soon could be a wireless broadband world in which consumers get to pick any smartphone or other device and load any software on it - not have to take what the wireless carrier wants to sell. — That's the goal of Federal Communications …
WebProNews, Engadget, Computerworld, IP Democracy, Public Knowledge, Geek News Central, Phone Scoop and Slashdot

The promise of open platforms in the upcoming spectrum auction — As I've written before, Google has become increasingly involved in U.S. spectrum policy issues this year. One of our top public policy objectives is to expand the Internet's reach to more Americans.
GigaOM, John Battelle's Searchblog, IntoMobile,, and Public Knowledge

FCC Draft Auction Rules A Win For Google, Hi-Tech Industry — WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The hi-tech industry, led by Google Inc. (GOOG), scored a big victory over incumbent broadband providers this week as draft rules released by FCC Chairman Kevin Martin for a highly anticipated radio-spectrum auction …

FCC Chairman's draft rules for 700MHz auction call for open access
TechSpot News

Windows Server 2008 launch set for February — DENVER—Confirming what many had expected, Microsoft announced on Tuesday that the next version of its server operating system, Windows Server 2008, won't formally launch until next year. — Microsoft said it will launch the product …

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-036 - Critical — Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (936542) — Version: 1.0 — General Information — Executive Summary — This critical update resolves one publicly disclosed vulnerability and two privately …

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-039 - Critical — Vulnerability in Windows Active Directory Could Allow Remote Code Execution (926122) — Version: 1.0 — General Information — Executive Summary — This critical security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability …

TiVo, Amazon to sell movies straight to TV sets — NEW YORK (Reuters) - TiVo Inc. on Tuesday said many of its customers can now order pay-per-view movies and television shows from's download service directly from their TV, without a personal computer.

TiVo Users Can Get Amazon Movies From TV — ALVISO, Calif. (AP) — Users of TiVo Inc.'s digital video recorders will be able to order movies from Inc. directly from their TVs starting Tuesday. — The two companies partnered in March to deliver Amazon's Unbox download service to TiVo machines …
Discussion:, NewTeeVee, CyberNet Technology News, Online Media Cultist, Contentinople, Gadget Lab, TechCrunch and ParisLemon

Microsoft Live CRM pricing undercuts — Microsoft today is giving a more detailed glimpse of how it will try to compete with in the market for Web-based customer relationship management software. For starters, Microsoft will bring its new Dynamics Live CRM …

Internet Explorer 0day Exploit — There is an input validation flaw in Internet Explorer that allows you to specify arbitrary arguments to the process responsible for handling URL protocols. This is the same type of input validation vulnerability that I discovered in the Safari 3 beta …

iPhone — Everybody knows that the iPhone can make phone calls, play movies & music, surf the web, and a lot more. But, Will It Blend? That is the question. — Ever wonder what would happen if you stuck a can of EZ Cheese in blender? Yeah, us too. — Carny Cuisine — Category: Don't Try This @ Home

Eleven lessons learned about blogging, so far — This post is to share lessons I have learned about blogging so far, five weeks into this blog. — First, it's hard to believe it's only been five weeks. "Internet time" lives, I can tell you that. — Second, I'd like to truly thank everyone …

Casio Exilim EX-S880, EX-Z77 boast YouTube capture mode — Look out YouTube fanatics, your next digital camera has arrived. Casio's latest pair of Exilims don't deviate much from their predecessors, but a recent agreement with YouTube has enabled the duo to boast a "unique YouTube capture mode …

The $300 Linux-Powered 'iPhone Killer' Arrives — After seemingly endless delays, the OpenMoko phone is here. The first version of the NEO 1973 mobile phone, which carries the Linux kernel inside and is not locked to a specific network, is available for purchase from
Blackfriars' Marketing, zedgeHeadz,, TechWeb, UNEASYsilence,, The Glass is Too Big, Digital Trends,, brainwagon, I4U News and digg

iPhone Death Star Upgrade Coming — Oh. My. God. — I hope all of this is true. It would just slaughter every other phone that's out there (well, except for you directionless people who need GPS in your frikkin phone!). — I'm clipping the entire Hackint0sh post.
Good Morning Silicon Valley, ParisLemon, Zatz Not Funny!, TeleRead, Valleywag and The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs

Mac desktops are 'smarter money,' says CIO — Property asset management company Capital & Regional is evaluating Linux desktops and Apple Macs as a way to reduce its dependency on Microsoft. — While the U.K. company has about 700 PC users and currently runs Windows XP Pro and Office XP Pro …

JP Morgan retracts. Now says "No" to near term "Nano" iPhone — JP Morgan has just issued a note retracting Kevin Chang's earlier projection about a near term iPhone Nano. The new report says that the majority of Chang's assumptions appear to have come from a review of the patent …

Scratched Xbox 360 discs lead to lawsuit against Microsoft — A Florida man has filed a federal lawsuit against Microsoft, accusing the company of defective design with the Xbox 360. Jorge Brouwer's lawsuit focuses on issues with scratched disks rather than the infamous red ring of death that has plagued many consoles.