Top Items:

News Corp explores swap of MySpace site for Yahoo! stake — News Corporation has discussed swapping MySpace, its internet social networking unit, with Yahoo! in return for a 25 per cent stake in the enlarged group. — The discussions remain tentative and could collapse after the departure …
Epicenter, CrunchGear, Techdirt, Download Squad, Yahoo! (YHOO): BloggingStocks, Between the Lines,, BuzzMachine,, Search Engine Land, Compiler, Insider Chatter,, CNET, Internet Marketing Monitor, TechFold, UNEASYsilence, Mashable!, The Webpreneur,, Kelsey Group Blogs, Information Overlord, WebProNews, Business Week, Todd Watson, BloggingStocks, ben barren and This is going to be BIG.

Five steps to a Yahoo turnaround — After 18 months of floundering, Yahoo finally swallowed a bitter pill Monday and replaced Chief Executive Terry Semel with co-founder Jerry Yang. — But just promoting "Chief Yahoo" Yang and giving Semel a ticket back to his old stomping grounds …

After Shake-Up, What Now for Yahoo? — Should Yahoo stop trying to beat Google at its own game? Should it step up the pace and grow even larger through mergers and acquisitions? — As Jerry Yang takes over as Yahoo's chief executive, all eyes are on the next steps that Mr. Yang …

Rumors Of The Decline Of MySpace Are Exaggerated

YouTube Live on Apple TV Today; Coming to iPhone on June 29 — Best YouTube Experience on a Mobile Device — Apple® today announced that iPhone™ users will be able to enjoy YouTube's originally-created content on their iPhones when they begin shipping on June 29.

Microsoft to Alter Windows Vista — Microsoft has agreed to make changes to its Windows Vista operating system in response to a complaint by Google that a feature of Vista is anticompetitive, lawyers involved in the case said on Tuesday. — The settlement, reached in recent days by state prosecutors …

Microsoft to change Vista after Google complaint — Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research) has agreed to modify its Windows Vista operating system in response to a complaint that its computer search function put Google Inc. (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile, Research) …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Search Engine Land, Insider Chatter, Google Blogoscoped, Reuters, Channel 9, The Next Net and gSpy

Microsoft agrees to change Vista desktop search — Microsoft agreed Tuesday to make changes to the desktop search feature in Windows Vista in an effort to assuage Google and head off a further antitrust battle with U.S. regulators. — In a filing made jointly with the Justice Department on Tuesday night …

Bluetooth headset charging port remains on iPhone dock — Earlier this year, word leaked that the iPhone's dock would include a small port for charging Apple's tiny bluetooth headset. Think Secret sources that have been playing with recent preproduction iPhone units report that the port remains on the dock.

Apple iPhone dock revealed: charges Bluetooth headset too?
The Apple Core

Blackberry ban for French elite — French government officials have been ordered not to use handheld Blackberry devices amid fears that foreigners could spy on them, reports say. — Workers in the French president's and prime minister's office have been told their e-mails risk falling into foreign hands, Le Monde newspaper reports.

Judge deals blow to RIAA, says students can respond to John Doe lawsuit — A federal judge in New Mexico has put the brakes on the RIAA's lawsuit train, at least in the US District Court for New Mexico. The case in question is part of the RIAA's campaign against file-sharing on college campuses and names …

Veoh TV: Turning the Web Into TV — Dmitry Shapiro is tired of hearing about Joost, the peer-to-peer Internet TV service launched by the founders of Skype. "Joost is your old man's TV," sneers Shapiro, the CEO of competing Web video service Veoh. By that, he means that Joost is merely replicating …
TechCrunch,, Download Squad, NewTeeVee, Read/WriteWeb, Licence to Roam and Lost Remote

MyStoreSpace launches at eBay Live! (But My Google Shirt rains on the parade) — Saturday, June 16th was quite an eventful day for our two-man startup. My co-founder and I attended the eBay Live! conference in Boston to promote the launch of, our next-generation web store builder …
Search Engine Land, eBay Strategies, Valleywag, Google Blogoscoped, AuctionBytes Blog and Master of 500 Hats

A Job Interview You Don't Have to Show Up For — Microsoft, Verizon, Others Use — Virtual Worlds to Recruit; — Dressing Avatars for Success — It's now possible to meet with recruiters without actually showing up for a job interview. — Some employers are experimenting with Second Life …

Nokia organizes for the converging marketplace — Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced that it will introduce a new company structure from January 1, 2008. The move, driven by Nokia's strategy, is aimed at creating an organization aligned with the opportunities Nokia sees for future growth …

EMI has DRM free sales boom — Dump the protection increase the sales — RECORD OUTFIT EMI is reporting that the sales results for its DRM-free music are better than those with protection. — Since EMI ditched the DRM on iTunes it has seen sales of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon increase by between 272 and 350 percent.

iPhone mania nears fever pitch — LOS ANGELES — Christopher Parr won't go so far as to bring his sleeping bag to his local AT&T store to be first in line for Apple's coveted iPhone when it goes on sale next week. — But he will be there opening night to plunk down $599 for the combination iPod …

Required Reading: the next 10 years — During my keynote at the iCommons iSummit 07, I made an announcement that surprised some, but which, from reports on the web at least, was also not fully understood by some. So here again is the announcement, with some reasoning behind it.
Epicenter, p2pnet, The Technology Liberation …, Boing Boing, Center for Citizen Media and Joi Ito's Web

PC: Spore Slip Sliding Away — The latest Game Informer reports that Spore has been "delayed indefinitely", but reached for comment today, Electronic Arts says that "Spore has slipped out of fiscal 08 and into fiscal 09". Either way you cut it, it means that the game we've all been waiting …