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YouTube in 9 more domains — Posted by Sakina Arsiwala, International Manager, YouTube — The YouTube community began life speaking English, but thanks to the uniquely expressive medium of video, today there is a global village of content makers and viewers.
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YouTube Launches Nine Country Sites; UK, Brazil, Japan Included — At a Paris press conference, YouTube unveiled localized versions for Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Holland, Poland, Spain and the UK (Germany is missing). Initially, the sites get translated homepages, search functions and interfaces.

YouTube makes international move — YouTube has announced international versions of its web video service. — The video site, owned by Google, has launched nine versions across Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK.

YouTube begins rolling out international sites, new mobile support

Add your reviews to businesses on Google Maps — Posted by Jonathan Goldman, Software Engineer, Google Maps — The Cheeseboard Pizza Collective in Berkeley is one of my favorite places on the planet. My friends and co-workers will tell you, I can't really shut up about the place.

Father of Sony PlayStation steps down — TOKYO - The chief architect of Sony's PlayStation game console stepped down Tuesday as the Japanese company struggles to defend its dominance in the video game industry and revive its reputation as an electronics pioneer.

Microsoft sues Immersion over Sony agreement — Microsoft filed suit against Immersion Corp. today, and while legal disputes aren't out of the ordinary for the Redmond company, this one is unusual — apparently hinging on a disagreement over the meaning of the word "settlement."

Study: Inkjet printers are filthy, lying thieves — A new study says that on average, more than half of the ink from inkjet cartridges is wasted when users toss them in the garbage. Why is that interesting? According to the study, users are tossing the cartridges when their printers …

Court Protects Email from Secret Government Searches — Landmark Ruling Gives Email Same Constitutional Protections as Phone Calls — San Francisco - The government must have a search warrant before it can secretly seize and search emails stored by email service providers …

Cell phones on a plane!: Airbus gets approval in Europe — Uh oh... European airline passengers' dreams of flying the quiet skies might be on their way out as AirBus just received approval for an on-board mobile phone system from the EASA, the European Aircraft Safety Agency (think FAA for Europe.)

Companies Hang Up on Apple's iPhone — Workers Beseech Employers — To Add Device, but IT Units — Cite Email Incompatibility — While millions of consumers are eagerly anticipating Apple Inc.'s launch of its iPhone next week, Bill Caraher is bracing for the worst.

More sharing — We're pleased to announce that we've acquired the assets of Zenter, a company that provides software for creating online slide presentations. — You've heard us talk a lot about using the web to improve group collaboration and information sharing.

Take 2 refuses to clarify $50 million GTA IV deal — Publisher quiet on exclusive episodic content — Take 2 has refused to clarify comments from chief financial officer Laine Goldstein that suggest the publisher received USD 50 million (EUR 37.3m / GBP 25.2m) from Microsoft for exclusive GTA IV episodic content.

Intel moving toward graphics hardware upgrade — Intel has released an early version of drivers for its G965 integrated graphics chipset, and is on schedule for an August release of the final version. — The G965, released last year, was supposed to be a huge leap forward in integrated graphics performance for the company.

'Cup Is Overflowing' for Future of Journalism — If there is one overriding debate in the world of journalism, it's whether technology and the Internet are going to doom traditional reporting or strengthen it in the long run. Putting it bluntly, is journalism's cup half full or half empty?

Nintendo and Apple to partner on games for iPhone — If you can't beat them join them. With the iPhone days away from being launched Nintendo has apparently begun working with Apple, licensing a limited amount of content for the new phone. It was rumored a while back that Nintendo …

Microsoft Enhances Virtual Earth Product in Great Britain With High-Resolution 3-D Height Data From Intermap Technologies — Update delivers a more seamless and accurate 3-D experience. — Microsoft Corp. and Intermap Technologies Corp. today announced the launch of Microsoft's enhanced …

What to doo with Yahoo? — The big win for Yahoo was My.Yahoo, it was the perfect example of send them away to get them to come back. Any comeback for Yahoo must include revitalizing this service, quickly, because this is yet another area where Google is gaining ground on the sleeping giant.
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Google Press Day 2007 — Today (from 10:00 - 16.20 CET) Google is holding their press day event in Paris. Marissa Mayer, Eric Schmidt, Urs Hölzle as well as the YouTube founders will be there, and there may be some product announcements. I'm in Paris and will be live-blogging the event for you here.
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Safari ushers in better browser colors — Safari may not be rewriting the rules for Web browsing on Windows just yet, but it's leading the way with one significant change: photographs with better color. — Unlike the prevailing browsers on the Internet, Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla's Firefox …

Web Office Suite: Who's Leading The Pack? — This morning Zoho will release their latest Web Office app, Meeting, as a public beta. It's a good opportunity to consider what progress each of the main Web Office vendors is making towards a full Web Office Suite.
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Cerulean Studios Trillian UTF-8 Word Wrap Heap Overflow Vulnerability — I. BACKGROUND — Trillian is a multi-protocol chat application that supports IRC, ICQ, AIM and MSN protocols. More information can be found on the vendor's site at the following URL. — II. DESCRIPTION
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