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My new job — The title of Chief Yahoo takes on new meaning today. I have the great honor of stepping into the role of Yahoo!'s Chief Executive Officer. Yahoo! has an incredibly bright future and I make this move with deep conviction and enthusiasm. I've partnered closely …
CNET, Between the Lines, Deep Jive Interests, BBC, BetaNews, A VC, Clickety Clack, Yahoo! (YHOO): BloggingStocks, Joe Duck, The Webpreneur,,, :Ben Metcalfe Blog, Tim Oren's Due Diligence, Guardian Unlimited, InsideGoogle, CenterNetworks, Lost Remote, 901am, David Dalka, Insider Chatter, You've Got Ismail! and Web Strategy

Yahoo! Co-Founder Jerry Yang Named Chief Executive Officer — Terry Semel Named Non-Executive Chairman — Sue Decker Named President — Yang and Decker to Focus on Realizing Yahoo!'s Strategic Vision by Accelerating Execution, Further Strengthening Leadership and Fostering a Culture of Winning
Read/WriteWeb, Guardian Unlimited, Scobleizer, Search Engine Journal,, The Next Net, Search Engine Land, Mashable!, Business Week,, Out of My Gord, Digital Trends, Folksonomy, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, LiveSide, IP Democracy, Todd Watson, Paul Kedrosky's …, The Globe and Mail, Between the Lines, Insider Chatter, Internet Outsider, GigaOM, Search Engine Watch Blog, Tech Trader Daily, Got Ads? and Conversion Rater

Semel Steps Aside as Yahoo CEO — A WALL STREET JOURNAL ONLINE NEWS ROUNDUP — Yahoo Inc. said Terry Semel will step aside as its chief executive and be replaced by co-founder Jerry Yang, as the Internet icon attempts to reinvigorate its business and regain investor confidence.
Associated Press, AdAge, BloggingStocks, Sramana Mitra on Strategy, Google Blogoscoped, Screenwerk and David Card

Yahoo: Jerry Yang is no Steve Jobs — Jerry Yang is no Steve Jobs — Yahoo's press release, announcing the management putsch at Yahoo, is one of the most nauseating examples of corporate doublespeak I've read in a long while. "Yang and Decker to Focus on Realizing Yahoo! …

Yahoo's Chief Resigns, and a Founder Takes Over — When Yahoo hired Terry S. Semel as its chief executive in the midst of the dot-com implosion in 2001, it became a bit of an oddity in Silicon Valley: a technology company run by a Hollywood executive. — Now, as Yahoo is being eclipsed …

Yahoo Replaces CEO; Founder Jerry Yang Back In Seat; Decker Is President — This is a huge surprise, even though we knew it was imminent ... Jerry Yang, Yahoo co-founder and long-time board member, as Chief Executive Officer. Terry Semel, current Yahoo Chairman and CEO …

Another malware pulls an Italian job — Remember LINKOPTIM, which exploited a number of legitimate Italian Web sites to spread malicious JavaScripts? Since early Saturday morning (June 16, 2007), Trend Micro has been receiving several reports of a new batch of hacked Italian Web sites …

Malicious Website / Malicious Code: Large scale European Web Attack — Websense® Security Labs™ has received reports of a large scale attack in Europe that is using the MPACK web exploit toolkit. For more information on MPACK please see the Panda Labs blog here:

The Pmarca Guide to Startups, part 1: Why not to do a startup — In this series of posts I will walk through some of my accumulated knowledge and experience in building high-tech startups. — My specific experience is from three companies I have co-founded: Netscape …
michael parekh on IT

Silcon Valley's Valley — Last week, I had the privilege of representing Edelman at a fascinating three-day, off-the record meeting attended by about 75-100 marketing, media, entertainment and tech company CEOs. The event was organized by The World Economic Forum and the Paley Center …

NBC Universal Rattling Saber Over Piracy — American companies are teaming up to take on the pirates, and the rhetoric from intellectual property rights holders at the networks and studios is getting dire. — In a document filed with the FCC on the issue of network neutrality on Friday …

NBC wants more ISPs to spy on users, reform Safe Harbor
usrbingeek's musings

Webware 100 winners announced! — And now the moment you've all been waiting for... The Webware 100 winners. Go to to see the top 100 Web 2.0 products, 10 each in 10 categories, selected by the Web's users. — The project was a big success for Webware, and for Web users overall.

New Wi-Fi distance record: 382 kilometers — Researcher Ermanno Pietrosemoli has set what appears to be a new record for the longest communication link with Wi-Fi. — Pietrosemoli, president of the Escuela Latinoamerica de Redes (which means networking school of Latin America) …
CrunchGear, The Boy Genius Report,, Gadget Lab, Gadgetell and Wi-Fi Networking News

Motorola Q9m (Nelson) Hands On! — Yeah, you're probably looking at the first live shots of the new Motorola Q9m for Verizon Wireless, and ain't it a beauty? The Q9m uses a regular miniUSB port instead of Motorola's new favorite microUSB, which makes charging and connecting a lot easier.

Phishers and Malware authors beware! — Posted by Brian Rakowski and Garrett Casto, Anti-Phishing and Anti-Malware Teams — OK, so it might be a little early to declare victory, but we're excited about the Safe Browsing API we launched today. It provides a simple mechanism …