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Google Frames a Video Search Engine — Google Video, now a video search engine, shows a frame similar to the one from Image Search when you click on a search result. The frame lets you rate the video, share it, and watch related videos. You can also watch the previous or the next search result …

Google Video Now a Video Search Engine — Google Video went through many reincarnations in the past. It allegedly started out as one of those 20% side projects within Google, and Larry Page admitted, "We're not quite sure what we're going to get, but we decided we'd try this experiment."

YouTube Redesigns and Moves to Google Accounts — After updating their embeddable player, YouTube experiments with a new layout for the site. The new design places the search box in the center, moves the metadata below the video, makes it easier to rate the video and to find other related videos.

Sprint Explores Options for WiMax — Sprint Nextel Corp. is exploring new options for financing its ambitious plan to build a wireless broadband network known as WiMax, including forming a partnership or joint venture with cellphone pioneer Craig McCaw and seeking an infusion of cash from cable providers …

Housekeeping: Owen Thomas is the Valleywag — Owen Thomas, the Business 2.0 editor whom we've lured to run Valleywag, is all smiles. But don't be deceived. This Silicon Valley gossip rag, after he takes over in July as managing editor, will remain as obnoxious as ever.

YouTube Passes Debates to a New Generation — The quadrennial ritual of presidential debates has long followed a tried and true format. — A guy in a suit asks mostly predictable questions of other people in suits. The voter is a fixture in the audience, motionless until he or she gets to address the candidate, respectfully.
NewTeeVee, Insider Chatter, IP Democracy, Profy.Com, Jim Kukral, Techdirt, The Next Net, Daily Feed, The Politico and parislemon

Apple updates Safari with version 3.0.1 for Windows (beta) — Stung by the harsh reception to Safari for Windows (beta), Apple today released Safari 3.0.1 for Windows (beta), addressing three flaws. The updated version patches CVE-2007-3186, a command-injection vulnerability that may lead …

Veoh Hosts $26 Million Round — Veoh may no longer host popular adult videos, but that hasn't stopped venture capitalists from backing up the Brink's truck. peHUB has learned that the San Diego-based company recently raised around $26 million in Series C funding - which gives it more venture capital …

a few changes — For the last two years, I have had a fantastic time helping to build Google Webmaster Central. I have loved working with the (ever-expanding!) team, writing about search on the blog and for the help center, and designing features for the webmaster community.

Expanding the webmaster central team
Search Engine Watch Blog

FBI tries to fight zombie hordes — The FBI is contacting more than one million PC owners who have had their computers hijacked by cyber criminals. — The initiative is part of an ongoing project to thwart the use of hijacked home computers, or zombies, as launch platforms for hi-tech crimes.

The Tech Lab: Dave Winer — Dave Winer, considered by many to be the father of blogging and a pioneer of RSS feeds, offers his personal view on technologies he would like to see in existence one day. — I'm a blogger, therefore I like to write short two or three paragraph essays on things I care about.
Podcasting News

Taking a detailed look at Windows Vista DVD hologram — An astute Windows user was intrigued by the holographic image on the face of the Windows Vista Business DVD and decided to take a much closer look, discovering in the margin a microscopic photograph of three men. Just who they could be?
Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Computerworld, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, InfoWorld, Engadget, InsideMicrosoft and digg

Dark Days for Terry Semel — Yahoo, once an internet highflier, has been lapped by Google and hears the footsteps of MySpace and Facebook. How long can its C.E.O. keep his job? … Terry Semel took his glasses off, then he put them on again. Then he took them off. On again. Off. On, off.

The 3D Real/Virtual World Hybrid: How Far Away? — How long will it be until we can stroll through the streets in a virtual world that is identical to our own? Given the state of a number of technologies, not very long. Over the last couple of years we've seen Microsoft Street Side …

Apple iPhone sighting? — Looks like they're out there, and no, we don't just mean in Walt and David's hands...we mean out there. Check out this flick of someone using what almost definitely appears to be an iPhone. He's all listening to Journey probably, reminiscing about The Sopranos season finale.

Xing integrates with ZoomInfo, in move to overtake LinkedIn — (Updated with initial LinkedIn response) — Xing, the Hamburg, Germany social networking site for business contacts, has just signed a deal that makes its network larger than it U.S. competitor LinkedIn.

Customers Get High Speed Multimedia and Industry-Leading Walkie Talkie Services With Newest Sprint PowerSource Phone — The Motorola Deluxe™ ic902 provides customers with industry-leading Nextel® Walkie-Talkie services, powerful Sprint Power Vision(SM) voice and data services …