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Clearspring Lands Major Deal With NBC — Clearspring is going to annouce tomorrow that it was chosen by NBC to be its exclusive widget platform for the next year. This is a major deal for Clearspring, and for NBC as well. The specific terms of this business arrangement have not been disclosed.

Sony mulls cutting PlayStation 3 price — SONY may cut the price of the PlayStation 3 which is facing fierce competition from Nintendo's Wii, the president of the electronics giant has indicated. — Sony "does not rule out the possibility of lowering the price'' of the PS3 …

Industry: Lay-Offs Hit SCEA HQ Today — Roughly 80 to 100 employees of Sony Computer Entertainment of America's Foster City headquarters were laid off today, Kotaku has learned from a source who was among those asked to hand in their badge and keys before leaving the premises.
Ars Technica, DailyTech,, Game | Life, Good Morning Silicon Valley, and digg

Doll Web Sites Drive Girls to Stay Home and Play — Presleigh Montemayor often gets home after a long day and spends some time with her family. Then she logs onto the Internet, leaving the real world and joining a virtual one. But the digital utopia of Second Life is not for her.

Google: IIS twice as likely to serve malware as Apache — A new study by Google's Anti-Malware Team seems to confirm what many people have believed for years: Web sites running Microsoft's IIS are twice as likely to host malware than those running Apache. — Last month, Google studied about 70,000 malware-distributing domains.

How Craig Newmark Built Craigslist With "No Vision Whatsoever" — Craig Newmark started craigslist in early 1995 as a way of staying on top of San Francisco's busy arts and technology scene. Despite (or perhaps because of) the site's determined non-commercialism, craigslist survived and even thrived in the post-dot-com days.

Skype: 'Locked' phones unfair — NEW YORK - Are cellphone companies using their sway over handset makers to unfairly limit consumers' choices? Skype, a pioneer in PC-to-PC calling, thinks so, and it wants the Federal Communications Commission to do something about it.

What Apple TV Costs to Make — Analyzing and pricing out the components of Apple's new set-top video box reveal uncharacteristically slim profits — When Apple CEO Steve Jobs called Apple TV a "hobby," he wasn't kidding. — By typical Apple standards, the new set-top video box …

Five Things MovableType Learned from Bilbo Baggins — Movable Type announced today that Movable Type 4 would be open source. This is obviously a retreat on their move to a closed model back in Movable Type 3. If you recall, MT 3 came under a tremendous amount of fire for moving away from the …

SpaceTime: 3D Browser Eye Candy — New York based SpaceTime has released SpaceTime 3D, a web browser that literally takes tagged browsing 3D. — SpaceTime allows users to map out their browsing progress in a visual timeline, treating each site as an object that can be manipulated and rearranged within the 3D environment.

Kids' first exposure to gaming, cell phones becoming earlier — Kids are being exposed to consumer electronics at ever-younger ages, according to a new report, and the frequency of use is going up for some devices. The numbers come as part of the NPD Group's third annual Kids …

New Mercury Free MacBook Pro Unboxed! — I got my hands on the new MacBook Pro first thing this morning and saying everyone around me is gushing and jealous is an understatement. Unlike last year's model, the new MacBook Pro has a mercury-free, power-efficient LED-backlit display.

Google Gears: Replacing One Problem with Another — I've been thinking a little bit about Google Gears recently and after reading the documentation things I've realized that making a Web-based application that works well offline poses an interesting set of challenges. Commercial: Now on YouTube — Ok, we got a copy of the actual TV ad we mentioned earlier today and uploaded it to YouTube. This will supposedly be broadcast on TV tonight for the first time. The basic idea of the ad is a guy singing "I got what I was looking for," …