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iPhone release date confirmed: yours on June 29th — Ready to pony the cash? Looks like our source was right: the iPhone is yours come June 29th. The commercial just aired on 60 Minutes, and now you can finally mark your calendar and get on with your life — for the next 25 days or so …

iPhone release date confirmed: June 29th — June 29th, iPhone release date. It's official. — Apple sure threw us a curve ball today, with rumors circulating around the interwebs of some sort of announcement of a release date, Apple soft announces through an advertisement during CBS's 60 Minutes.

iPhone release date: June 29th? — Take this one with a grain of salt, but we have it from a source that works in television who tells us that Apple's next round of iPhone commercials (three different spots) have been submitted for airtime, and at least one prominently features the magic number: release date on June 29th.

Apple / AT&T Television Ad Says iPhone "Coming June 29th" [Official Video] — Apple and AT&T advertised tonight on television that the iPhone will be available starting on June 29th, 2007. The advertisement demonstrates the various functions of the iPhone.

Amp'd Mobile Files Chapter 11 — Start-up wireless carrier Amp'd Mobile Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Friday night after it ran out of cash and failed to raise additional funding in time to meet debt payments. With its filing, Amp'd Mobile becomes the latest …

Amp'd Bankruptcy Filing: Verizon Wireless Largest Creditor With $33 Million — Amp'd Mobile's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware has a wealth of info on the company's creditors, and a list of shareholders of the company (we broke the story first here).

Google Keeps Tweaking Its Search Engine — THESE days, Google seems to be doing everything, everywhere. It takes pictures of your house from outer space, copies rare Sanskrit books in India, charms its way onto Madison Avenue, picks fights with Hollywood and tries to undercut Microsoft's software dominance.

Plazes CEO and Founder Exposed by Own Tools — If you don't want the world to know where you are you shouldn't use Plazes. Plazes posts your location to a map whenever you connect to a Wi-Fi access point. Pretty cool unless you are claiming to be somewhere where you are not.

Plazes CEO Busted By His Own Product — The Next Web Conference was held in Amsterdam last Friday (June 1). The organizers had a last minute speaker back-out: Plazes CEO Felix Petersen emailed them the day before the conference to say that he couldn't make it because they were dealing …

The User Interface of Firefox 3: Features — Firefox 3 is going to provide a wide range of improvements to performance, stability, and security, and it's also going to present several new user facing features. Here is a quick recap of design work that's been going on in the Mozilla community …

10 obvious things about the future of newspapers you need to get through your head — Invisible Inkling — Ryan Sholin on the future of newspapers, online news and journalism education. — home — work — about — more — 10 obvious things about the future of newspapers you need to get through your head

Genius and Misfit Aren't Synonyms, or Are They? — THE story of the college dropout who became the world's richest man still has the power to inspire us. It affirms our deeply engrained view that rejecting the received wisdom (do my own thing!) is a path to creativity and wealth.

Reboot in Retrospect — A beautifully spare summation of Reboot by Trine-Marie Kristensen: … Tor Nørretranders opening presentation was one of the standouts of Reboot, for me. The line "Sex is the origin of all that is noble" rang like a bell in my head for hours later …

Graduation Webcasts bridge distances — HARRISBURG, Pa. - Shohei Takagiwa wanted more than anything to see his three friends graduate from college, but he couldn't travel halfway around the world from his native Japan to Northampton Community College in Bethlehem. — So Takagiwa, a 2006 alumnus, did the next best thing.