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iPhone release date confirmed: yours on June 29th — Ready to pony the cash? Looks like our source was right: the iPhone is yours come June 29th. The commercial just aired on 60 Minutes, and now you can finally mark your calendar and get on with your life — for the next 25 days or so …

Apple / AT&T Television Ad Says iPhone "Coming June 29th" [Official Video] — Apple and AT&T advertised tonight on television that the iPhone will be available starting on June 29th, 2007. The advertisement demonstrates the various functions of the iPhone.

iPhone release date confirmed: June 29th — June 29th, iPhone release date. It's official. — Apple sure threw us a curve ball today, with rumors circulating around the interwebs of some sort of announcement of a release date, Apple soft announces through an advertisement during CBS's 60 Minutes.

Videos: The Three New Apple iPhone Ads Teasing Us With the June 29th Release Date — The Three New Apple iPhone Ads Teasing Us With the June 29th Release Date — Here are those Apple iPhone ads, just seen on 60 minutes just now. They all confirm the iPhone's June 29th release date …

Bubbles on the brain — It has become commonplace in Silicon Valley and in the blogosphere to take the position that we are in another bubble — a Web 2.0 bubble, or a dot com bubble redux. — I don't think this is true. — Let's examine the theory of a new bubble from a few different angles.

In Silicon Valley, the Crash Seems Like Just Yesterday — GRANDPA lived through the Depression, and life thereafter was indelibly shaped by haunting memories of soup kitchens and hobos. Similarly, the digerati of Silicon Valley endured the 1990s dot-com bubble, and since then have lived with the psychic shock of its ignoble end.

Fever Builds for iPhone (Anxiety Too) — During an onscreen demonstration of the iPhone in Apple's sprawling retail store here recently, an employee, clad in a black T-shirt, of course, surprised a potential customer. — Nonplused, the customer stammered, "You mean it's a cellphone, too?"

Amp'd Mobile Files Chapter 11 — Start-up wireless carrier Amp'd Mobile Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Friday night after it ran out of cash and failed to raise additional funding in time to meet debt payments. With its filing, Amp'd Mobile becomes the latest …

Plazes CEO and Founder Exposed by Own Tools — If you don't want the world to know where you are you shouldn't use Plazes. Plazes posts your location to a map whenever you connect to a Wi-Fi access point. Pretty cool unless you are claiming to be somewhere where you are not.

Palm Is Said to Sell Stake to Equity Firm in Revamping — Palm Inc., the struggling hand-held device company that makes the Treo, reached a deal yesterday to sell a quarter of the company to Elevation Partners, a private equity firm, for about $325 million as part of a plan to reorganize the company …

New York Times Live Blogging And The Transformation Of Journalism — I just went to the New York Times homepage and saw that political reporter Katharine Seelye is "live-blogging" the democrat's New Hampshire Debate. Newspapers and other mainstream media have had blogs for quite a while …
The Caucus

Netflix Prize Still Awaits a Movie Seer — Sometimes a good idea becomes a great one after it is set loose. — Last October, Netflix, the online movie rental service, announced that it would award $1 million to the first person or team who can devise a system that is 10 percent more accurate …

The User Interface of Firefox 3: Features — Firefox 3 is going to provide a wide range of improvements to performance, stability, and security, and it's also going to present several new user facing features. Here is a quick recap of design work that's been going on in the Mozilla community …

Reboot in Retrospect — A beautifully spare summation of Reboot by Trine-Marie Kristensen: … Tor Nørretranders opening presentation was one of the standouts of Reboot, for me. The line "Sex is the origin of all that is noble" rang like a bell in my head for hours later …

Murdoch May Make Concessions, Up to a Limit, in Dow Jones Talks — News Corp. Isn't Willing — To Let Bancrofts Control — Editorial Oversight Board — As representatives of both companies prepare to meet Monday, News Corp. is willing to go further than it has gone before in acceding …