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Google Gears Lets Developers Take Apps Offline — Tommorrow, Google will be hosting a developer day for 5,000 developers worldwide. The bulk of developers will be gathering at the San Jose convention center for a keynote by Google's VP of Engineering, Jeff Huber.

Google releases open source toolkit for offline web apps. — Google joins the group of companies trying solve the offline web application problem with Google Gears. Released as an developer oriented open source technology, under a BSD license, as a new browser extension.

Google brings developers offline with "Gears"; new offline Reader — Right now in Sydney, Australia, the first of 10 Google Developer days are starting up and the audience there is hearing about several new initiatives. The most important of which is "Google Gears," an open source project …

Google moves to take on Microsoft — Google will announce an initiative on Thursday that will take its applications beyond the web and challenge Microsoft on its home turf of the computer hard-drive. — The internet company is launching Google Gears, an open-source technology for creating offline web applications.

Going offline with Google Gears — One of the most frequently requested features for Google's web applications is the ability to use them offline. Unfortunately, today's web browsers lack some fundamental building blocks necessary to make offline web applications a reality.

Google kicks offline Web apps into gear
Search Engine Land, Lifehacker, SitePoint Blogs, Digital Markets, Macworld, ResourceShelf, TechSpot News and InfoWorld

Google Launches Gears Open Source Project to Bring Offline …
The Universal Desktop

Google Gears in Context - Browser Gets a Boost From Google
Sydney Morning Herald

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs … The great Silicon Valley soap opera has come full circle. Not since Apple CEO Steve Jobs famously interviewed Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates as a possible suitor during the "Macintosh Dating Game" back in 1984 have the two men appeared in a joint bill.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates: Historic discussion live from D 2007 — We kind of never thought we'd see the day where Mac and PC voluntarily shared the stage on neutral ground, but that day is today. Very soon Bill Gates and Steve Jobs — both pioneering execs that need absolutely no introduction …

Jobs on YouTube Weirdness, Windows Love and "Fake Steve" — Everyone thinks Apple's Steve Jobs is putting the finishing touches on the company's soon-to-be-shipped iPhone and a new version of the Macintosh operating system called Leopard, the release of which Apple recently delayed until October. We're here to help. — ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA — ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA — ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA | ALPHA — ALPHA | ALPHA |
Search Engine Watch Blog, VentureBeat, Search Engine Journal, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, Mashable!, Valleywag, broadstuff, SYNTAGMA,, 901am, O'Reilly Radar, Vecosys, Between the Lines, Profy.Com, parislemon, Download Squad, The Gong Show, Mark Evans and B.L. Ochman's weblog

Jason Calacanis Launches Mahalo Today: Human Powered Search — Jason Calacanis, formerly of Weblogs, Inc. and more recently an Entrepreneur in Action at Sequoia Capital, will launch his newest startup, Mahalo, this afternoon at 3 PS PST. The site is password protected until then.
CenterNetworks, Epicenter, franticindustries,, A VC, Wall Street Journal, i-boy, alarm:clock, Sam Harrelson,, TechFold, and Tech Trader Daily

Mahalo Launches With Human-Crafted Search Results
Associated Press, MediaVidea, Search Engine Roundtable, Screenwerk, Lifehacker and Chip Griffin

Exclusive: Former Cisco Exec Mike Volpi In Line To Be New Joost CEO — We knew several weeks ago that Joost was getting a new CEO but held the info until we could confirm the identity ... multiple sources have now confirmed that Mike Volpi, who left Cisco earlier this year, is the choice for CEO.

Google agrees to acquire Panoramio — We are very (and we mean very) happy to announce that Panoramio will be acquired by Google. — The integration of photos from Panoramio in Google Earth has been so successful since John Hanke suggested it that we see the acquisition of Panoramio as a natural consequence.

eBay Acquires StumbleUpon — SAN JOSE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—eBay Inc. (Nasdaq:EBAY) today announced it has acquired StumbleUpon, an early-stage company that helps people discover and share content online, for an aggregate transaction value of approximately $75 million.
Mashable!, Search Engine Journal,, Search Engine Watch Blog, alarm:clock and Download Squad

eBay's StumbleUpon Acquisition: Confirmed at $75 Million

Startup Search: tracking the web startup ecosystem — Tonight I am unveiling a new site tracking the startup ecosystem. It's a directory and analytics tool I've personally wanted for a long time, and I know others will enjoy. Introducing Startup Search.

AP steps up online copyright protection — SAN FRANCISCO - The Associated Press will intensify its efforts to protect its copyrights on the Web and possibly uncover new sources of revenue by working with a Silicon Valley startup that's trying to help the media gain more control over digital content.

Why HD movie downloads are a big lie — There's a lot of buzz lately about the delivery of HD TV and Movie content over the Internet with shows like Lost being delivered by and other video download services with XBox360 or iTunes. I even have friends and colleagues telling …