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Facebook users vote for iLike, but what happened to Audio? — (Editor's note: We promised a 24-hour moratorium on Facebook coverage. That is now over.) — Here's the early winner of Facebook's open embrace of third-party applications, announced two days ago: iLike …
A VC, Publishing 2.0, The Webpreneur, daily.gigaom, BuzzMachine,, Jake Jarvis and GigaOM

Facebook is Microsoft Office of Social Apps — Having spent just enough time with the waaaay over-hyped Facebook to be dangerous, I will now offer the definitive explanation for why people use the thing. Facebook is the Microsoft Office of social apps. — In other words …

Digital Domain: Apple's Lesson for Sony's Stores: Just Connect — RETAIL is supposed to be hard. Apple has made it seem ridiculously easy. And yet it must be harder than it appears, or why hasn't the Windows side of the personal computer business figured it out?

Assumption-driven Entrepreneurship: Your Hidden Sustainable Competitive Advantage — Thesis-driven investment is the process of making investments based on theories about the future. The basic process is as follows — Make a prediction about the future based on economic, legal, technological, and social trends.

Reddit hacked — Update: Looks like the malicious code on the comments is now being replaced with "i am a terrible person". But it is still possible to submit malformed URLs, and it remains to be seen whether the exploit is completely fixed. — Digg this story if you want to read the comments of gloating Digg fanboys:

Screenshots of YouTube's New Player — YouTube tests a new version of its player that will improve the way you interact with videos and will create a cinematic experience. — The player will add a feature that was already available in Google Video: jump to any part of the video even if the video isn't fully downloaded.

User-Generated Content Is Not A Panecea — The Infinite Monkey Theorem (which now has an official name, thanks to Wikipedia) states that given an infinite amount of time, a monkey banging on a typewriter will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare.

Intelliverb: Is It Intelligent Investing in Search? — Maryland based Intelliverb is a full content based search engine with a relevancy model driven by point of operation dependency. — The company founders have designed and implemented an algorithm called PageScale, which ranks pages on an …

Cell phones Want to come in — SEATTLE — It's all too familiar: You enter a house, a concrete parking garage or an elevator and the cell phone call drops. — Even worse is the dead zone that's a permanent fixture on your living-room couch or is like a cloud hovering over your entire house.

Multiple Police Raids Take Down BitTorrent Tracker — This week, police carried out co-ordinated raids targeting more than 10 locations in Germany following claims from the GVU (German Federation Against Copyright Theft) that movies and software were being traded, including a computer game …

Wi-Fi Wants To Kill Your Children — Won't somebody, please, think of the children? Three weeks ago I received my favourite email of all time, from a science teacher. "I've just had to ask a BBC Panorama film crew not to film in my school or in my class because of the bad science …

Why 1% of search market share is worth over $1 Billion — ComScore released their April 2007 search market share numbers showing that Google increased its market share lead to about 50%. Yahoo has about 27%, Microsoft 10%, AOL 5%, and has 5%. That got me thinking.
Mark Evans,, WebMetricsGuru, Sadagopan's weblog …, Read/WriteWeb, Guardian Unlimited, Joe Duck and comScore

Restrict Google Image Results to Faces, News — Google Image Search has a new feature that lets you restrict the results to some general categories. For the moment, the only categories that are available seem to be faces and news-related images, but other categories should follow.

RSS in Firefox: A Complete Guide — Although many seasoned RSS users have a standalone RSS reader of choice, many people use Firefox to read their RSS feeds. Besides the standard Live Bookmark feature, there are several more advanced RSS addons for Firefox out there, some of them being developed for years now.