Top Items:

Linus Torvalds Responds To Microsoft Patent Claims — The holder of the Linux trademark suggests Microsoft should name the patents it alleges have been violated so the claims can be tested in court. — Linus Torvalds, lead developer of the Linux kernel, has a sharp retort …
Once More unto the Breach, Compiler, The Tech Report, Jeremy's Blog, O'Reilly Radar and Slashdot

Patent Armageddon is here — The terrific Fortune magazine story about Microsoft threatening free software groups with patent lawsuits has one thing wrong. — Patent Armageddon isn't coming, as the magazine suggests. — It has already begun, and I'm starting to wonder if we should chuck …

Truemors Launches — Truemors, Guy Kawasaki's new startup, opened to the public about an hour ago. — We covered them last week when we were able to get into the beta. Truemors is a rumor reporting site. Users text, email or call in a rumor and other users vote on it. Popular rumors make it to the home page.

MySpace To Acquire Flektor — MySpace will acquire Flektor, a just-launched service that allows users to create widgets from photos, video and text, according to two sources with knowledge of the deal. This comes right after the news of MySpace's pending acquisition of Photobucket last week for $250-$300 million.

Motorola Introduces RAZR2 — The Next-Generation RAZR — Sleeker Outside, More Powerful Inside, the Next Iconic Device Delivers the Ultimate Mobile Experience — Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today invited the world to experience the evolution of the RAZR brand as it unveiled RAZR2, the ultimate iconic feature phone.
Engadget, GigaOM, Computerworld, Gizmodo, Gadgetell,, I4U News, Elliott Back, Switched, TechFold and digg

MySpace Gives Details of Its Plan to Reveal Known Sex Offenders — MySpace, an online social network popular with teenagers, said in two statements yesterday that it was prepared to work with state attorneys general who have requested the identities of MySpace members who are known sex offenders.

MySpace responds to states' request for sex offender data

Warner Music sues social networking site imeem over copyright — Warner Music Group Corp. is suing the operators of the social-networking Web site imeem, claiming the portal enables millions of computer users to share its artists music and video content without permission.

Get converted — As previously announced, and as indicated by the lower frequency in blogcasting here, everyone at MacBU is exceedingly busy completing Office 2008, which is on track for release later this year. This work is our primary focus, and is the largest undertaking in our ten year history as an independent team.

Intellectual Property Protection Act to make attemped infringement illegal — US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has proposed tightening the United States' intellectual property laws. Titled the "Intellectual Property Protection Act," the proposed legislation would for the first time, criminalizes attempted copyright infringement.
Gadget Lab

Life in Prison Proposed for Some Copyright Pirates

WordPress 2.2 — On behalf of the entire WordPress team, I'm proud and excited to announce the immediate availability of version 2.2 "Getz" for download. This version includes a number of new features, most notably Widgets integration, and over two hundred bug fixes. It's named in honor of tenor saxophonist Stan Getz.

Hi, I'm Ruby on Rails... What do you get when you cross the Mac vs PC commercials and Rails Envy? Ruby on Rails ads to get everyone hyped for Railsconf, that's what! — Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer from RailsEnvy present: — Ruby on Rails vs Java — ad #1 of 4 — Click here to view on YouTube

New gang war raging on the Internet — It's like something out of the Sopranos. Antivirus researchers at Moscow-based Kaspersky Labs have identified criminal gangs engaged in a turf battle online. The primary groups are responsible for the Warezov and Zhelatin worms …
Alice Hill's Real Tech News Sells for 9 Million — MXN Limited acquires for $9 Million. Terms of the transaction were not fully disclosed, but this is the second largest adult domain transactions behind It was not more then two months ago when I saw this domain at auction for 7 .5 Million and thought it was a bargain.

Google's Potential Vulnerability - An Open Ad Network — Robert Scoble recently wrote an interesting post, about FOG - Fear of Google (an acronym coined by CEO of eMarketer Geoff Ramsey). I observed this phenomenon strongly first hand at the Web 2.0 Expo and shared my thoughts on it in the R/WW post Thoughts from the Web 2.0 Expo.
Profitable Signals

Web Site Is Held Liable for Some User Postings — A Web site that matches roommates may be liable for what its users say about their preferences, a fractured three-judge panel of the federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled yesterday. — The suit was brought by two California fair housing groups …

The Real Story of JPG Magazine — If there's one thing I've learned about community-building, it's this: Do Not Lie. People are too smart and well-connected to believe a lie anymore. So, with that in mind, the story I'm about to tell is absolutely true as I experienced it. — How JPG Began

Outrageous — Stephen Walli wrote, "Disclaimer: Microsoft is a client. But I swear I'm reconsidering that decision. It's unclear to me that the mortgage payment is worth this much aggravation." — Stefan Tilkov wrote, "If your name is on a software patent, you should feel ashamed."
larry borsato