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Military puts MySpace, other sites off limits … DENVER, Colorado (AP) — Soldiers serving overseas will lose some of their online links to friends and loved ones back home under a Department of Defense policy that a high-ranking Army official said would take effect Monday.

DOD blocking YouTube, others — To save bandwidth, officials say several sites to be off-limits at work — Starting Monday, the Defense Department will block access to MySpace, YouTube and a host of other sites on official department computers worldwide, in an effort to boost its network efficiency.
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Department of Defense says no more YouTube or MySpace — The U.S. Department of Defense issued a memo Friday that states it intends to begin blocking network access—including that of soldiers serving overseas—to several popular "Internet entertainment sites" on Monday, according to the Associated Press.

Forrester: No Future For Paid Video Downloads — CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—The paid video download market is a dead end, according to a new report by Forrester Research, Inc. (Nasdaq: FORR). Forrester estimates that paid video downloads will peak in 2007, generating $279 million in revenue, up from $98 million last year.
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iTunes-like video services have no future: study — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Online video sites that sell shows and movies such as Apple Inc.'s iTunes will likely peak this year as more programming is made available on free outlets supported by advertising, according to a study released on Monday.

Wal-Mart pumps up the volume on electronics — Wal-Mart will expand its selection of electronics products today, a move sure to ignite more competition in the battle for market share in that retail segment. — "This is not good news for other people and is great news for Wal-Mart," …

Attention Wal-Mart customers, Skype now in aisle voice
Good Morning Silicon Valley, Deep Jive Interests, jkOnTheRun, Gadgetell, VoIP Now and VoIP Blog

Apple iPhones on eBay for $1,000 to $10,000 — A bidding war has broken out on eBay for Apple (AAPL) iPhones. — Prices for at least two of the $500-$600 devices have been driven past the $1,000 mark. One sale that closes today had 38 bids as of this morning. Last best offer: $1,025 plus $10 shipping.

The iPhone's on eBay already — Apple won't say exactly when the iPhone will arrive, and you won't find it in any of AT&T's wireless stores, but eBay sellers are taking orders. — Apple's 8GB iPhone is available from several eBay sellers who promise to ship the coveted phone within 30 days …

Microsoft delves further into manufacturing with Zune plant — Software giant hopes new factory, designs will help player compete with iPod … SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Microsoft Corp., a colossus built on software, is making a new push in hardware manufacturing by building a factory in China to produce its Zune media player.
RELATED: acquires — We're proud and excited to announce that Dpreview has been acquired by the worlds leading online retailer, Started as hobby site in 1998, has grown to be the number one destination for anyone interested in digital cameras and digital photography.
Business Wire,, Gizmodo, Internet Outsider,,, I4U News and Gearlog

Can CBS Put the Net Into Network? — Broadcaster Launches Plan — Syndicating Shows on Web, — Admits Old Strategy Failed — A year ago, CBS Corp. announced the creation of Innertube, an entertainment channel on designed to make the company a player in online video.
IP Democracy, Techdirt, Read/WriteWeb, Dembot, NewTeeVee, Lost Remote, Slashdot and Media 3.0 with Shelly Palmer

Text of Murdoch Letter to Bancrofts — Below is the text of a letter sent by News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch to members of the Bancroft Family, concerning his $5 billion offer for Dow Jones & Co. — Ladies and Gentlemen: — Please allow me the opportunity with this letter to address …

Google may use games to analyse net users — Internet giant Google has drawn up plans to compile psychological profiles of millions of web users by covertly monitoring the way they play online games. — The company thinks it can glean information about an individual's preferences …

The Fake Steve Jobs is.... ...really, really funny. — A high-profile search for the identity of the blogger behind The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs is under way, with Valleywag and Business Week leading the charge. The site is full of satirical posts from Steve's point of view—or …

How to Be a Star in a YouTube World — What it takes to stand out when anyone can be an entertainer — There are millions of people trying to get noticed on the Web, with everything from blogs to podcasts to videos. So with the huge glut of material out there, how do amateurs get attention …

In consoles, the game isn't going Sony's way — Vaunted PlayStation 3 is crucial for the firm, but it faces an uphill climb. — Joel Downs is the type of video game buff that Sony Corp. expected to fall for the PlayStation 3. The 32-year-old Culver City entrepreneur is tech savvy …

10 Biggest Apple Rumors (that never came true) — With Apple rumors getting spread further around than ever (and regular coverage from national news media), it's important to remember that many (most?) tend to be either completely untrue or so premature they never come true.

AT&T iPhone not to be pre-sold — If you have not been able to get your iPhone fix as of lately, this might help hold you over. According to an internal document from AT&T, the Apple iPhone has "advanced software 5 years ahead of any phone". But you already knew that.