Top Items:

First A4 colour e-paper unfurled — The world's first A4-sized colour electronic-paper - a paper-thin and bendable viewing panel, produced LCD. — South Korea's LG Philips LCD has developed the world's first A4-sized colour electronic-paper - a paper-thin and bendable viewing panel.

CBS News Acquiring Wallstrip, New Headache in Eeking Out Online Profits — Wallstrip - the Wall Street web video program featuring Lindsay Campbell trying to make the Nasdaq hilarious - is being snapped up by CBS News, we're told, for something in the $5 million range.

CBS Acquires WallStrip for $5 million — Jossip is reporting that corporate focused video blog WallStrip has been acquired by CBS News for $5 million. The report states that an announcement is expected early this week and involves WallStrip host Lindsay Campbell being the next Amanda Congdon for CBS, fronting online shows.

Microsoft takes on the free world — Microsoft claims that free software like Linux, which runs a big chunk of corporate America, violates 235 of its patents. It wants royalties from distributors and users. Users like you, maybe. Fortune's Roger Parloff reports.
Engadget, Techdirt, All about Microsoft, InfoWorld, MacDailyNews, Download Squad, Alec Saunders .LOG, MediaVidea,, parislemon, p2pnet, Mark Evans, Computer Business Review, O'Reilly ONLamp Blog, Brij Singh's One More Idea, Tom Raftery's Social Media, The Technology Liberation …, Boing Boing, Microsoft Watch, Blogs, Patent Law Blog, Hardware 2.0, The Next Net, Scobleizer, Neomeme, Mini-Microsoft, IPcentral Weblog, Channel 9, FurdLog, Texas Startup Blog, digg and Slashdot

ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT — ATI's DirectX 10 capable GPU is finally here in the form of the Radeon HD 2900 XT. Does this $399 video card have what it takes to compete with NVIDIA's 8800 series? We explore the architecture, image quality, and real world gaming that shows a different experience than canned benchmarks.

AMD Names the Next PC Computing Thrill Ride: The AMD Phenom™ Processor — Industry's only true x86 quad-core architecture paired with the ATI Radeon™ HD 2000 series to offer a phenomenal computing experience — Delivering a four-core foreshadowing of innovations to come …

Video Ad Firm Launches to Serve Direct Response Advertisers — Unlike most Web advertising, video is usually considered a venue for brand advertisers, but just-launched video ad platform aims to give direct-response advertisers a place in video content.

Contextual Overlay Advertising in Online Video is Here: Metacafe …
Search Engine Land

Web 2.0 'distracts good design' — Hype about Web 2.0 is making web firms neglect the basics of good design, web usability guru Jakob Nielsen has said. — He warned that the rush to make webpages more dynamic often meant users were badly served. — He said sites peppered …

Mobile Web Audience Already One-Fifth the Size of PC-Based Internet Audience in the U.K. — Early Adopters of Mobile Internet Tend to be Males and Under the Age of 35 — Telephia and comScore today announced the results of their latest study of mobile vs. PC-based Internet usage.

Attention Wal-Mart customers, Skype now in aisle voice — Wal-Mart is going to start selling nine Skype-certified hardware devices (and by extension the Skype service) in all of its stores. The deal also includes Skype pre-paid cards. Wal-Mart is the first retailer in the U.S …

MyBlogLog to Rebrand and Make Significant Changes — At SOBcon yesterday in Chicago, Robyn Tippins, who was recently hired as the MyBlogLog community manager, spoke about several major upcoming changes with MyBlogLog. — There are several changes in the works:
The Social Web, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, CenterNetworks, parislemon and Bloggers Blog

Help Key: The Essential Guide to Piracy … Piracy is an action sport. The ability to infringe copyright and steal valuable work induces a rush like no other. Whether you steal music, movies, books, applications, or whatever, it feels like breaking the law and it saves our wallets and purses from becoming empty.

+ Why do Video Platforms Fail? — In online video, there is big interest in the entry point, the place where people go to discover and watch video and ultimately where payment is made, one way or another, for the watching. For some incredible reason that I can not fathom …
Podcasting News

Video News Releases That Pay: Syndicate The Latest News Clips And Monetize Your Blog — Bringing the latest video news releases to your readers can really liven up any article or blog post. Wouldn't it be great if you could seek out the latest news clips from a range of categories …

Can CBS Put the Net Into Network? — Broadcaster Launches Plan — Syndicating Shows on Web, — Admits Old Strategy Failed — A year ago, CBS Corp. announced the creation of Innertube, an entertainment channel on designed to make the company a player in online video.

Understanding Apollo — During my recent visit to the US, I popped into the Adobe office in San Francisco to find out more about Apollo - the company's new RIA (Rich Internet Application) runtime and development platform. I sat down with Mike Chambers - Apollo Senior Product Manager …

Cell Phones Now Helping to Guide the Blind — In Stockholm, wireless technology helps blind people navigate independently. — Juris Kaza Today's Top Stories or Other Mobile Devices Stories — Although Sweden's reputation for extremely generous social welfare services is somewhat exaggerated …

Microsoft's (Beta!) VoIP Device Blitz — You can't buy them yet, but if you are an enterprise IT exec who is kicking the tires on IP telephony offerings you might at least want to take a gander at the wide range of Microsoft-centric IP voice devices — phones, headsets, videocam monitors …