Top Items:

CBS News Acquiring Wallstrip, New Headache in Eeking Out Online Profits — Wallstrip - the Wall Street web video program featuring Lindsay Campbell trying to make the Nasdaq hilarious - is being snapped up by CBS News, we're told, for something in the $5 million range.
Discussion:, Epicenter, NewTeeVee, ValueWiki Blog, alarm:clock, 901am,, Techscape and CNET

Attention Wal-Mart customers, Skype now in aisle voice — Wal-Mart is going to start selling nine Skype-certified hardware devices (and by extension the Skype service) in 1800 (or roughly half) of its stores. The deal also includes Skype pre-paid cards. Wal-Mart is the first retailer …

LG.Philips LCD claims first flexible color A4-size e-paper — LG.Philips LCD announced yesterday it has developed the world's first 14.1-inch flexible color electronic paper (e-paper) display, equivalent in size to an A4 sheet of paper. This is a second breakthrough in e-paper for LG.Philips LCD …

DOD blocking YouTube, others — To save bandwidth, officials say several sites to be off-limits at work — Starting Monday, the Defense Department will block access to MySpace, YouTube and a host of other sites on official department computers worldwide, in an effort to boost its network efficiency.

Understanding Apollo — During my recent visit to the US, I popped into the Adobe office in San Francisco to find out more about Apollo - the company's new RIA (Rich Internet Application) runtime and development platform. I sat down with Mike Chambers - Apollo Senior Product Manager …

Web 2.0 'distracts good design' — Hype about Web 2.0 is making web firms neglect the basics of good design, web usability guru Jakob Nielsen has said. — He warned that the rush to make webpages more dynamic often meant users were badly served. — He said sites peppered …

Battle of the botnets — Tech Talk - For the average user spam has always been an annoyance. For the average spammer it has always been about making money. For the criminal gangs that have muscled in on this lucrative industry during the last few years it is now about territory and control.

Sex, Drugs and Updating Your Blog — Jonathan Coulton sat in Gorilla Coffee in Brooklyn, his Apple PowerBook open before him, and began slogging through the day's e-mail. Coulton is 36 and shaggily handsome. In September 2005, he quit his job as a computer programmer and …
Discussion:, TechFold, techPresident, 43 Folders, Joe Duck, and Coolfer

Apple iPhones on eBay for $1,000 to $10,000 — A bidding war has broken out on eBay for Apple (AAPL) iPhones. — Prices for at least two of the $500-$600 devices have been driven past the $1,000 mark. One sale that closes today had 38 bids as of this morning. Last best offer: $1,025 plus $10 shipping.

Can CBS Put the Net Into Network? — Broadcaster Launches Plan — Syndicating Shows on Web, — Admits Old Strategy Failed — A year ago, CBS Corp. announced the creation of Innertube, an entertainment channel on designed to make the company a player in online video.

Mobile Web Audience Already One-Fifth the Size of PC-Based Internet Audience in the U.K. — Early Adopters of Mobile Internet Tend to be Males and Under the Age of 35 — Telephia and comScore today announced the results of their latest study of mobile vs. PC-based Internet usage.

Microsoft Claims Open-Source Technology Violates 235 of Its Patents — Microsoft is using the threat of patent violations by the free and open-source software community to try to drive enterprise customers to SUSE Enterprise Linux and to further muddy the waters around the next version of the upcoming GNU General Public License.

Report: Microsoft says open source violates 235 patents
Open Source, InfoWorld, Techdirt, Microsoft News Tracker, Download Squad, Engadget and parislemon

Source: Apple may build 3G wireless into future notebook model — Apple Inc.'s next big step into wireless may well be an integrated cellular broadband module, says one source — but would have a unique spin on an established formula. — An unproven but seemingly credible source …

User Generated Content Is About Efficiency And Growth, Not Exploitation — There's been a lot of talk lately from some people who incorrectly believe that social sites and user-generated content sites somehow exploiting their users. This is silly for a variety of reasons and is easily refuted.

In Search of the Real Fake Steve Jobs — Who's behind The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs? The question riveting Silicon Valley as much as the satirical blog itself may be answered this week — Ask 10 folks in Silicon Valley for their favorite post from The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs …

Emoticons carry cultural baggage — The Internet clearly crosses cultural boundaries, but it may not always transcend them. That's the conclusion of some research (the author has made a PDF available) that looks into how people interpret expressions. It turns out that we bring …

Cell Phones Now Helping to Guide the Blind — In Stockholm, wireless technology helps blind people navigate independently. — Juris Kaza Today's Top Stories or Other Mobile Devices Stories — Although Sweden's reputation for extremely generous social welfare services is somewhat exaggerated …