Top Items:

Tilting at a Digital Future — IN Rupert Murdoch's world, two things are certain: the sun never sets on the kingdom, and a TV is always on in the background. — On the evening of April 26, several large television monitors adorned the terrace of Mr. Murdoch's Beverly Hills mansion …

Internet Pornography Stats — Check out this video from Good Magazine that shows a number of stats about the Internet pornography industry, in an "almost" not safe for work format. It is staggering how much actual money flows through porn and how many people are involved in the industry:

GOOD PORN VIDEO — I usually like to switch up the video sources …

Flash! Vermont Legislature Passes E-State Bill — An hour or so ago the Vermont House and Senate both gave final approval to a bill designed to make Vermont the nation's first e-state. As defined in Vermont, e-stateness means cellular and adequate broadband coverage - fixed and mobile - everywhere in the state by 2010.

Offshoring journalism: A job list — Note: A draft of this post has been sitting on my desktop for a few months, but in light of even more journalism offshoring news, I thought I'd polish this up and hit the publish button. — This interesting article on Poynter has me thinking.

Windows Live Folders beta - more info — As the last post on Windows Live Folders got a bit too long, here's further information on the Windows Live Folders service. Click to enlarge the screenshots. — After the intial signin to the service, the user is presented with the Folders homepage …

"Live Drive" is almost here - Windows Live Folders beta — One beta ends and suddenly five more spring up in its place. We can finally get the talk around Windows Live going again - the Windows Live Folders site has just opened up in preparation for the beta.

Why Does Wikipedia Suck on Science? — Wikipedia is, by all measures, one of the great accomplishments of the Internet Age. I'm willing to say it stands alongside Google, eBay, GoogleMaps, IMDB and as among the greatest resources on the Web (ok, that last one is self-serving).

Next 'MacBook' update a yawner; Ultra-portable to get 13-inch display — A forthcoming update to Apple Inc.'s 13-inch line of consumer MacBooks won't deliver much in terms of new features, AppleInsider has learned. Meanwhile, the dimensions of the company's ultra portable sub-notebook initiative are taking shape.

Apple snags 10 percent of U.S. retail notebook sales in March — Apple Inc.'s line of MacBook and MacBook Pro notebooks combined for nearly 10 percent of all notebook sales at U.S.-based retail stores during the month of March, while sales of iMacs also helped the Mac maker rank amongst …

SuperMoviesDownload: The YouTube Virus — YouTube users can't have failed to notice that the Most Viewed list is consistently dominated by videos branded by a site called SuperMoviesDownload. How did they get so many views? Cheating, of course. — We pointed out in October 2006 …

Thriving Office for the Non-Thriving Office — The Internet and Web 2.0 may finally be delivering the promise of telecommuting. Working in pure, golden silence, aside from the occasional twittering bird for me has always been one of my favorite things about working from home.

Social Bookmarking Meets Big Brother: Cluztr — Ottawa based Cluztr is social bookmarking meets Big Brother. It's the Homer Simpson would use. — A few years ago clickstreams and attention data was all the rage. In 2005 Michael Arrington covered Attention Trust …
Trends in the Living Networks

"Google buys a start-up once every few days, or around one a week" — "Google buys a start-up once every few days, or around one a week, Schmidt estimated" comes from an eWeeek article recapping a Google reporter briefing earlier this week. — One of the things I have learned …

Free-Internet plan gets S.F. controller's office OK — Cost savings, citywide Wi-Fi connections make EarthLink-Google offer attractive — The San Francisco controller's office issued a favorable review Friday on a proposal by EarthLink and Google to provide the city with free wireless Internet access.