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"Live Drive" is almost here - Windows Live Folders beta — One beta ends and suddenly five more spring up in its place. We can finally get the talk around Windows Live going again - the Windows Live Folders site has just opened up in preparation for the beta.
All about Microsoft

Windows Live Folders beta - more info — As the last post on Windows Live Folders got a bit too long, here's further information on the Windows Live Folders service. Click to enlarge the screenshots. — After the intial signin to the service, the user is presented with the Folders homepage …
Digital Inspiration

Free-Internet plan gets S.F. controller's office OK — Cost savings, citywide Wi-Fi connections make EarthLink-Google offer attractive — The San Francisco controller's office issued a favorable review Friday on a proposal by EarthLink and Google to provide the city with free wireless Internet access.
Wi-Fi Networking News

Next 'MacBook' update a yawner; Ultra-portable to get 13-inch display — A forthcoming update to Apple Inc.'s 13-inch line of consumer MacBooks won't deliver much in terms of new features, AppleInsider has learned. Meanwhile, the dimensions of the company's ultra portable sub-notebook initiative are taking shape.

A cynic rips open source — Open source is not a movement; it's a religion — I chaired an interesting meeting the other day. It was me against senior executives of Cisco, Agilent Technologies and Novell. — The subject was: Do enterprise users really want open source? Are you strongly supporting this?

Joystiq interviews Bungie's Frank O'Connor — While checking out the Halo 3 multiplayer beta in New York tonight, we managed to nab Bungie's Frank O'Connor for a little one-on-one to get answers to some of those Halo-related questions that have been floating around for too long.

The Future of Search — I spent Thursday and Friday last week in the Bay area. On Friday I participated in Berkeley's Future of Search (FoS) event, Thursday was spent partly chatting to people at BuzzLogic (thanks Todd for breakfast at a great little place in South Park) and Barney et al at Powerset.

Apple iPhone: more secrets revealed — Considering third-party software; smaller iPhone on the way — It looks like Apple may open up the iPhone to third-party apps after all. The news came at an Apple shareholders' meeting held in Cupertino, California yesterday.

The Streisand Effect — A Web user and his information are like a grizzly and her cub. Come between them, and you're likely to get mauled. — That's what a group of heavyweight tech and entertainment companies learned last week when they tried to keep the lid on the code that could help break the electronic locks on HD-DVDs.

What's Online: Online Ads vs. Privacy — FOR advertisers, and in many ways for consumers, online advertising is a blessing. Customized messages rescue advertisers from the broad reach of traditional media. And consumers can learn about products and services that appeal directly to them.
The Gong Show

WHO'S AFRAID OF GOOGLE? — Firms in Silicon Valley and beyond fear search giant's plans for growth — For a company that pledged to not be evil, Google makes a lot of enemies. — From Madison Avenue to Hollywood, some of industry's most powerful entities are marshaling their forces …

Media Rights Technologies and Issue Cease and Desist to Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and Real Networks — SANTA CRUZ, Calif., May 10 /PRNewswire/ — The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was signed into law by President Clinton in 1998 to disseminate and protect the arts in the digital age.
Hacking Cough, Podcasting News, TechnoLlama, Life On the Wicked Stage, TechSpot News, TechCrunch and Forbes

Why does Google remember information about searches? — We recently announced a new policy to anonymize our server logs after 18-24 months. We're the only leading search company to have taken this step publicly. We believe it's an important part of our commitment to respect user privacy …

Skype, Jajah and Yahoo! play the Guilt card — How would you feel if you don't call your Mother on Mother's Day? Guilt drives these Mother's Day Promotions. Skype's is the most generous with the fewest strings. Since only one in three US adults plan on spending the day with Mom, calling may be a popular alternative.

Jake's new venture: The creation generation — Pardon the proud dad moment while I brag about my 15-year-old son, Jake's, new online venture:, a search engine and player for music videos on YouTube. Jake found the quality of search there lacking, so he scraped data about the videos posted …