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"Live Drive" is almost here - Windows Live Folders beta — One beta ends and suddenly five more spring up in its place. We can finally get the talk around Windows Live going again - the Windows Live Folders site has just opened up in preparation for the beta.

Windows Live Folders beta - more info — As the last post on Windows Live Folders got a bit too long, here's further information on the Windows Live Folders service. Click to enlarge the screenshots. — After the intial signin to the service, the user is presented with the Folders homepage …
Digital Inspiration

Free-Internet plan gets S.F. controller's office OK — Cost savings, citywide Wi-Fi connections make EarthLink-Google offer attractive — The San Francisco controller's office issued a favorable review Friday on a proposal by EarthLink and Google to provide the city with free wireless Internet access.
Wi-Fi Networking News

"Google buys a start-up once every few days, or around one a week" — "Google buys a start-up once every few days, or around one a week, Schmidt estimated" comes from an eWeeek article recapping a Google reporter briefing earlier this week. — One of the things I have learned …

Social Bookmarking Meets Big Brother: Cluztr — Ottawa based Cluztr is social bookmarking meets Big Brother. It's the Homer Simpson would use. — A few years ago clickstreams and attention data was all the rage. In 2005 Michael Arrington covered Attention Trust …

Next 'MacBook' update a yawner; Ultra-portable to get 13-inch display — A forthcoming update to Apple Inc.'s 13-inch line of consumer MacBooks won't deliver much in terms of new features, AppleInsider has learned. Meanwhile, the dimensions of the company's ultra portable sub-notebook initiative are taking shape.

A cynic rips open source — Open source is not a movement; it's a religion — I chaired an interesting meeting the other day. It was me against senior executives of Cisco, Agilent Technologies and Novell. — The subject was: Do enterprise users really want open source? Are you strongly supporting this?

Joystiq interviews Bungie's Frank O'Connor — While checking out the Halo 3 multiplayer beta in New York tonight, we managed to nab Bungie's Frank O'Connor for a little one-on-one to get answers to some of those Halo-related questions that have been floating around for too long.

The Future of Search — I spent Thursday and Friday last week in the Bay area. On Friday I participated in Berkeley's Future of Search (FoS) event, Thursday was spent partly chatting to people at BuzzLogic (thanks Todd for breakfast at a great little place in South Park) and Barney et al at Powerset.

Why does Google remember information about searches? — We recently announced a new policy to anonymize our server logs after 18-24 months. We're the only leading search company to have taken this step publicly. We believe it's an important part of our commitment to respect user privacy …

Apple iPhone: more secrets revealed — Considering third-party software; smaller iPhone on the way — It looks like Apple may open up the iPhone to third-party apps after all. The news came at an Apple shareholders' meeting held in Cupertino, California yesterday.

The Streisand Effect — A Web user and his information are like a grizzly and her cub. Come between them, and you're likely to get mauled. — That's what a group of heavyweight tech and entertainment companies learned last week when they tried to keep the lid on the code that could help break the electronic locks on HD-DVDs.

WHO'S AFRAID OF GOOGLE? — Firms in Silicon Valley and beyond fear search giant's plans for growth — For a company that pledged to not be evil, Google makes a lot of enemies. — From Madison Avenue to Hollywood, some of industry's most powerful entities are marshaling their forces …

Jake's new venture: The creation generation — Pardon the proud dad moment while I brag about my 15-year-old son, Jake's, new online venture:, a search engine and player for music videos on YouTube. Jake found the quality of search there lacking, so he scraped data about the videos posted …