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Media Rights Technologies and Issue Cease and Desist to Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and Real Networks — SANTA CRUZ, Calif., May 10 /PRNewswire/ — The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was signed into law by President Clinton in 1998 to disseminate and protect the arts in the digital age.

YouTube's New Inline Ads: Screenshots — YouTube is experimenting with inline ads, showing a text ad at the bottom of its player as a video is playing. If a user clicks on the text, a video ad expands and appears layered on top of the player. The ads are also clickable from a static post-roll.

A cynic rips open source — Open source is not a movement; it's a religion — I chaired an interesting meeting the other day. It was me against senior executives of Cisco, Agilent Technologies and Novell. — The subject was: Do enterprise users really want open source? Are you strongly supporting this?
Jeremy's Blog

Apple iPhone: more secrets revealed — Considering third-party software; smaller iPhone on the way — It looks like Apple may open up the iPhone to third-party apps after all. The news came at an Apple shareholders' meeting held in Cupertino, California yesterday.

Windows Live Folders beta - more info — As the last post on Windows Live Folders got a bit too long, here's further information on the Windows Live Folders service. Click to enlarge the screenshots. — After the intial signin to the service, the user is presented with the Folders homepage …
Digital Inspiration

The Streisand Effect — A Web user and his information are like a grizzly and her cub. Come between them, and you're likely to get mauled. — That's what a group of heavyweight tech and entertainment companies learned last week when they tried to keep the lid on the code that could help break the electronic locks on HD-DVDs.

GROKKING A NEW APPROACH TO SEARCH ADVERTISING EXPERIENCE: SEA DRAGON AND MORE — Gary Flake (I posted on my meeting with him earlier this week here) has sent me files from his demo at SAS. I missed that demo, but you can get the picture, literally, by checking out these images.

TechCrunch20 Agenda — I'm working on the program for the TechCrunch20 conference I'm co-hosting with Mike Arrington in September and I wanted to get a little feedback from you guys. — Oh yeah, we also announced three more experts for our really amazing (if I do so say myself!) panel of judges.

What's Online: Online Ads vs. Privacy — FOR advertisers, and in many ways for consumers, online advertising is a blessing. Customized messages rescue advertisers from the broad reach of traditional media. And consumers can learn about products and services that appeal directly to them.

Jake's new venture: The creation generation — Pardon the proud dad moment while I brag about my 15-year-old son, Jake's, new online venture:, a search engine and player for music videos on YouTube. Jake found the quality of search there lacking, so he scraped data about the videos posted …

Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Mac utilities — It's not always the full-blown software applications that make the biggest difference on your computer; often it's the small do-one-thing-well utilities that enhance our computing experience that much more. — Today's top 10 covers the system utilities …

Charles River Ventures' Angel Experiment: First Nine Investments — When Charles River Ventures announced its Quick Start program last year to provide a few hundred thousand dollars to startups on an expedited basis, it caused minor ripples in the Angel funding market.
ben barren

Geeks and Suits Rub Shoulders at GigaOm Party — Om Malik and CEO Mark Cenedella joined forces to throw a cocktail party at San Francisco's Pier 38 Thursday evening. Was this a turning point for the boomlet of optimism and hope that has been tagged with the lame moniker of "web 2.0"?

Image Editing: Fix your photos online with Phixr — Phixr is an online photo editor that offers a wealth of image-tweaking tools and loads of options for distributing the finished product. — Like Fauxto, Picnik, PXN8, Wiredness and all the rest, Phixr lets you upload, modify, share and save photos.