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Facebook to Offer Free Classifieds — Facebook, the social networking Web site, is adding free classified ad listings, putting it into competition with dozens of established companies like Craigslist and many newspapers. — Facebook, which has 22 million active users …
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Facebook Classified Ad Offering Deals Another Blow To Newspapers — It's sure rough trying to charge for a service that other businesses are offering for free. Just ask any newspaper exec. With 20/20 hindsight, it seems inevitable that the web would be the perfect platform for free classified ads …
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Another Blow for Newspapers? — Everyone knows Facebook has become a social networking phenomena but can the company's influence migrate into other areas. We'll soon find out as Facebook is adding free classified ads. For anyone looking to reach an audience of 22 million active users …

Answers from Steve Jobs at Apple's Shareholder Meeting — Those comments didn't stop Greenpeace representatives from using the meeting as an opportunity to advertise the groups anti-Apple campaign. Among the activists sent by Greenpeace was Iza Kruszewska, one of the key architects …

Jobs addresses backdating, environment at shareholder meeting — At Apple's annual shareholders meeting in Cupertino on Thursday, Steve Jobs and other company executives heard criticism about the company's stock-options scandal and the recently announced delay of of the forthcoming Leopard version …

Vonage Says It May Have Way Around Disputed Patents (Update5) — Vonage Holdings Corp. said it may have technology that could rescue its Internet-phone service, after a jury found the company infringed patents that allow customers to call standard telephones.

At Vonage, Sales Increase as Litigation Clouds Future

Exclusive: McCartney Goes Digital, Beatles 'Virtually Settled' — Brian Garrity, N.Y. and Paul Sexton, London — Paul McCartney's new album, "Memory Almost Full," will be his first solo release available for download and streaming on PCs and mobile phones.

See Who's Reading Your LinkedIn Profile — LinkedIn added a new feature this week called "Who's Viewed My Profile" that shows the last twenty people who've looked at your profile and the company or industry they are in. — In the last week, visitors to my profile included a student …
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Google Shareholders Vote Against Anti-Censorship Proposal — The failed shareholder proposal would have stopped Google from engaging in self-censorship. — A majority of Google shareholders today voted against an anti-censorship proposal that took aim at the way the search giant conducts …

Orbitz, the worst IPO of 2007? — We're not even halfway through 2007 and I'm ready to make a nomination for worst IPO candidate of the year: Orbitz. — You may recall that Orbitz - the online travel site founded by five major airlines in 2000 - went public at $26 a share in 2003.

Municipal Wi-Fi: A Failure To Communicate — Municipal Wi-Fi networks don't quite deliver on the promise of wide-ranging access — The first rule for promoting a new technology is to make sure it works. So it's a surprise when a four-person team from EarthLink Inc. (ELNK ) …
IP Democracy

TechCrunch20 Conference: Caterina Fake, MC Hammer & Rajeev Motwani Join Expert Panel — I'm excited to announce the next three experts for the TechCrunch20 Conference in San Francisco this September. Caterina Fake, MC Hammer and Rajeev Motwani join the previously announced experts.
TechCrunch 20 Blog

Slide largest widget maker on the Web? — Slide, the maker of a Web slide show feature, has emerged as a major player, boasting 150 million daily slide show views and more than 200,000 new slide show "widgets" created daily. — These numbers are astonishing, and are enough to make it the largest …

From Intel and A.M.D., Rival Boasts of Technology — The fierce rivalry between the chip makers Intel and Advanced Micro Devices is ratcheting up as both companies claim superiority in technology used for notebook computers. — On Wednesday, Intel introduced an upgrade to its popular Centrino chip set …

Nokia N82 Imaging KING — The second juicy bit of information from my friend Blue Blazer Regular today is of the Nokia N82. This is a candybar device to followup the N73. Similar to the N81, it has quad-band GSM and 2100 HSDPA, BT 2.0 (w/ A2DP), WiFi (b/g w/ uPnP), but also adds built-in GPS, TV-out, FM Radio, and a MicroSD slot.