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Digg This: 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5- 63-56-88-c0 — Today was an insane day. And as the founder of Digg, I just wanted to post my thoughts... In building and shaping the site I've always tried to stay as hands on as possible. We've always given site moderation (digging/burying) power to the community.
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What's Happening with HD-DVD Stories? — I just wanted to explain what some of you have been noticing around some stories that have been submitted to Digg on the HD DVD encryption key being cracked. — This has all come up in the past 24 hours, mostly connected to the HD-DVD hack …
CenterNetworks, GigaOM, Today @ PC World, AppScout, Gadget Lab, Graywolf's SEO Blog, Things That, InformationWeek, Ed Burnette's Dev Connection, Phil Windley's Technometria,, Valleywag, Digital Inspiration, Bokardo, IMT Blog, Pronet Advertising, CrunchGear and the j. botter weblog

Spread this number — 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0. Wanna know what's so important about it? … The movie industry is threatening Spooky Action at a Distance for publishing that number, specifically with copyright infringement. — I had no idea a number could be copyrighted.
Mashable!, Slashdot, Startup Meme, Stuff to Think About, TechnoLlama, VoIP & Gadgets Blog, Vaspers the Grate, Geek News Central and digg

Digg Surrenders to Mob — To say what happened today on Digg was a "user revolt" is an understatement. The Digg team deleted a story that linked to the decryption key for HD DVDs after receiving a take down demand and all hell broke loose. More stories appeared and were deleted, and users posting the stories were suspended.
Between the Lines, Life On the Wicked Stage, Stuff to Think About, parislemon, Practical Blogging and Lost Remote

Geeks Will Not Be Silenced: Breaking: Digg Riot in Full Effect Over Pulled HD-DVD Key Story — The power of Web 2. is in full effect over at Digg, where users are revolting over Digg's decision to pull a story (that netted over 15,000 diggs) and reportedly boot a user for posting …

Digg fights user revolt over HD-DVD ban - Digg founders took HD-DVD sponsorship. — The founders of - which has been rocked by an unprecedented user revolt over the release of an HD-DVD decryption code - accepted sponsorship from the organization behind HD-DVD last year.
Todd Watson, WebProNews,, uncov, The Last Podcast, Dembot, UNEASYsilence, OhGizmo! and digg

Digg Gives Into User Revolt; Are Those DMCA Takedown Notices Even Valid? — After a grassroots revolt by Digg users, Digg has decided to stop censoring posts about an HD-DVD decryption number used by the industry-backed Advanced Access Content System to protect HD-DVDs.
Search Engine Roundtable, ...My heart's in Accra, Social Media Club, TechSpot News and Pwned

C0 88 56 63 C5 56 41 D8 5B E3 74 9D 02 11 F9 09 — The key, in itself, is nothing. It barely even qualifies as an instruction for circumventing a technological protection measure, which is illegal under the DMCA. — The key was previously posted by Wired in this story: new_hddvdbl.html

Fundraising for the Digg Lawsuit — Kevin Rose just posted on the Digg blog to say that they can no longer stem the tide - the community just can't survive if all the members are at odds with the site's staff: — But now, after seeing hundreds of stories and reading thousands of comments, you've made it clear.

NO MERCY - DIGG OUT OF CONTROL — Digg is imploding today. Literally. The site's million plus users have turned on Digg's management, covering the entire site with an HD-DVD encryption key that the moderators were fighting to remove. You can't even submit a story right now …

Kevin Rose Hands Over Digg Control

Mob Takes Over at Digg, Widespread User Revolt
Geek News Central

How This Kid Lost $60 Million in 18 Hours (Or Not)
Online Media Cultist

Vonage requests retrial in Verizon patent dispute — A pivotal U.S. Supreme Court ruling designed to make it easier to challenge obvious patents prompted Vonage on Tuesday to ask for a new trial in an ongoing dispute with Verizon. — One day after the high court released …

That Didn't Take Long: Vonage Asks Court To Review Verizon Patents …

Barry Diller Goes Local — Barry Diller wants his employees is hit the streets. — Diller's employees at IAC/InterActiveCorp (nasdaq: IACI - news - people ), his confusingly named grab bag of Internet outfits, are making a concerted push into local markets using a variety of strategies.

Eisner's Prom Queen Seeing Success on Web — Less than halfway through its 80-day run, Prom Queen, the daily teen-aimed online soap opera launched by Michael Eisner's new production firm, is showing signs of becoming a modest hit, if short of an Internet sensation thus far.

Mysterious smartphone offers up integrated 7.1 surround sound — Believe us, we've seen "surround sound" get put in places it was never meant to be, and while the likes of headphones, laptops, and even PDAs have yet to be spared as companies try anything to attract attention …

Cablevision Agrees to Be Taken Private By Dolans (Update2) — Cablevision Systems Corp. agreed to be taken private by the Dolan family in a $10.6 billion transaction, ending a two-year effort by the cable-television provider's founders to win full ownership of the company.