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Google Files Response To Viacom Lawsuit; Denies Claims; Seeks Jury Trial — The legal to-and-fro between Google/YouTube and Viacom continued today when the search company planned to file its response to the media company's $1 billion-plus claims of copyright infringement.

Google Calls Viacom Suit on YouTube Unfounded — Responding to Viacom's $1 billion copyright infringement suit over video clips on YouTube, Google said Monday that it would not back off, declaring that the law was on its side. — "We are not going to let this lawsuit distract us," …

Google says Viacom lawsuit threat to Internet use — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., April 30 (Reuters) - Viacom Inc.'s (VIAb.N: Quote, Profile , Research) copyright infringement suit against Google Inc. (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile , Research) and its YouTube video-sharing unit strikes at the heart …

Google To Viacom: Sorry, You're All Wrong — This won't come as a surprise to anyone, but today Google filed an answer to Viacom's copyright lawsuit against Google and its YouTube video sharing service. As one person at Google put it, the answer to the $1 billion suit, filed in mid-March, basically says "Deny, deny, deny."

Google Personalization Workshop: Gadget Maker and More — Today, Google is having a workshop (along with product news) on Google's personalization services. Colin Colehour will be reporting live from the Googleplex event for us and I'll be updating the post with new info as it comes in.
Reuters, PC World: Techlog, Googling Google, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, WebMetricsGuru and digg

You've got gadget mail — Posted by by Sophia Brueckner, Software Engineer, iGoogle — For a while now, we Googlers have used a bit of shorthand to refer to the Personalized Homepage — a name that connotes interactivity, the Internet, and personalization all at once.

Rebrand & New Features: Google IG To Relaunch as iGoogle

Motion-sensitive laptop developed — A motion-sensitive laptop which can be controlled much like a Nintendo Wii remote is under development. — The tablet PC laptop has been adapted to respond to a user when moving the machine up or down, side to side, or forwards and backwards.

Dell to choose Ubuntu — Analysis — Officially, Dell Inc. hasn't said a word yet about which Linux it will be preloading on its desktops and laptops. Several sources within Dell, however, have told that Dell's desktop Linux pick is going to be Ubuntu.

Contest winner: Vista more secure than Mac OS — Editor's Note: This story is reprinted from Computerworld. For more Mac coverage, visit Computerworld's Macintosh Knowledge Center. — Dino Dai Zovi, the New York-based security researcher who took home $10,000 in a highly-publicized MacBook Pro hijack …
Channel 9

VeriSign to offer passwords on bank card — NEW YORK - A leading provider of digital-security services wants to make disposable passwords easier for consumers to accept by squeezing the technology into the corner of a regular credit or ATM card. — Fran Rosch, vice president …
Zero Day

Informed Speculation: Jason Calacanis' next venture — Jason Calacanis, the publishing entrepreneur who sold a group of weblogs to AOL for $25m, has enjoyed sowing confusion about his plans. We've been fooled ourselves. There was the rumor run by Valleywag that the avid podcaster intended …

PEW Report: Teens Getting Smart about Online Privacy — A new PEW report strongly suggests that teens are pretty savvy about their online privacy. — A new Pew American Internet and Life Project report is available: Teens, Privacy and Online Social Networks: How teens manage their online identities …

First Phase Deployment to 10,000 Homes in and Around the City of Grand Ledge, West of Michigan's Capital, Lansing — LOS ANGELES, April 30 /PRNewswire/ —, a Los Angeles, CA based Broadband over Power Line (BPL) network provider ( , in cooperation with Consumers Energy …

Clear Channel Launches Social Networking Sites — Radio giant Clear Channel is getting into the social networking business. The company's online music and radio division is introducing a dozen station-branded social networks in the coming months. Each social network will function essentially …