Top Items:

Viacom Admits Error — Takes Steps to Protect Fair Use on YouTube —, Brave New Films Dismiss Lawsuit Over Colbert Parody — Viacom Endorses Excerpting Video for "Creative, Newsworthy or Transformative Use" — San Francisco - Responding to Viacom's willingness to take steps …
Techdirt, The Next Net, The Utube Blog,, Digital Markets and Epicenter

SEC closes in on ex-Apple lawyer — REGULATORS POISED TO ACT IN OPTIONS SCANDAL — The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected this week to bring its first legal action in the Apple backdating probe, targeting the company's former top lawyer for her alleged role in rigging options …
Silicon Valley Watcher, Infinite Loop, Cult of Mac, Apple 2.0, and Between the Lines

Forrester's new Social Technographics report — We just released a new report that Josh and I wrote, titled "Social Technographics". Here's the executive summary: … At the heart of Social Technographics is consumer data that looks at how consumers approach social technologies - not just the adoption of individual technologies.

The Not-Yet-Former Audience? — Citmedia friend and contributor …

Honey, there's a guy in the yard using our Wi-Fi and he wants a decaf latte — While most Internet service providers don't allow users to share access on their wireless networks, Time Warner Cable, in cooperation with Spanish start-up Fon, is encouraging customers to set up their own residential hotspots.

Google beats Microsoft, Coke in brand stakes — Google has knocked Microsoft off the top spot and been named the most powerful global brand of 2007 in a recently published ranking. — It's the second year in a row a tech brand has beaten household names such as Coca-Cola, Marlboro and Toyota.
Pronet Advertising, Scripting News, point being, and Resonance Partnership Blog

Millions of MySpacers Rejoice: Photobucket Videos are Back — Aww, ain't that sweet - Photobucket and MySpace have gotten together and sorted out their problems. Video embeds are working once more on MySpace pages, and I'm sure Photobucket will be much more careful in future when it comes to rolling out sponsored content.

DoCoMo's new phones offer motion-sensing game play — TOKYO (Reuters) - NTT DoCoMo Inc. (9437.T: Quote, Profile, Research), Japan's biggest wireless operator, on Monday unveiled a new mobile phone equipped with a motion sensor that lets users play games like the popular Nintendo Wii console.

Russinovich: Malware will thrive, even with Vista's UAC — Despite all the anti-malware roadblocks built into Windows Vista, a senior Microsoft official is lowering the security expectations, warning that viruses, password-stealing Trojans and rootkits will continue to thrive as malware authors adapt to the new operating system.

Announcing Coda 1.0 — Finally, after a year and half of wanting to tell you, I can now actually tell you... Coda 1.0 is officially released today! — What is Coda? — The easiest way to sum it up is this: One Window Web Development. — There are a lot of great products out there already …
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Cats Can Has Grammar — If you spend any time at all observing net culture, then you'll have been unable to miss the recent explosion in popularity of lolcats. This relatively recent phenomenon is the convention of taking pictures of cute animals, most frequently cats, and overlaying absurdist captions on the images.
Sour Duck

TV news of the future? — Here's a mockup of how TV news may work in the future. — How I came up with this view... I was drinking coffee, watching the morning news when a story about Virginia Tech came on MSNBC. I really wanted to begin this week without more stories about how they're coping.

Does London Have a Reason to Mesh? — London is officially jumping on the mesh Wi-Fi bandwagon today with operator The Cloud switching on the 127-node network built with BelAir Networks gear. With some of the large-scale Wi-Fi networks like Taipei's slow to bring in a significant amount of users …

Fred Vogelstein - An Exercise In Radical Transparency — Should Fred go to Mix? — If you remember a little while back my team and I were part of an experiment in radical transparency with Wired Magazine. Today begins part two of that same experiment. It turns out that Fred Vogelstein …

10 questions for MacBook hacker Dino Dai Zovi — I caught up with security researcher Dino Dai Zovi to discuss his successful hijack of a MacBook Pro machine at last week's CanSecWest conference in Vancouver, Canada. — We talk about the specific vulnerability, the motivation for the attack …
Today @ PC World

U.S. Drops Further in World Broadband Rankings — America Needs a National Broadband Policy, Not More Excuses — WASHINGTON — New broadband data released today by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) shows that the United States now ranks 15th out of the 30 member nations …
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Some handy Smart Mailboxes — It took me a while, but ever since I've gotten my head around Smart Folders (and Smart Playlists and Smart Groups, etc.), I've started to think about the way I use my Mac a bit differently. — Clearly iTunes is the winner in this regard …

Presidential debates set for cyberspace — NEW YORK - The 2008 presidential contenders may soon be slugging it out in cyberspace, with pioneering online-only debates being planned for early next fall, a new media partnership says. — The political blog Huffington Post …

AT&T to aim the iPhone at enterprises — The decision baffles analysts, who cite design issues and the inability to write new applications for the OS as reasons they think it's a poor choice — AT&T plans to market the iPhone to business users in addition to consumers …

Dojo Toolkit Now Works Offline … Less than a month ago Adobe launched Apollo, enabling developers to create web applications that work seamlessly irrespective of whether a user is connected to Internet or not. Apollo was soon challenged by Dekoh, which was pretty much offering …
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