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WIRED journo won't do email interviews—ironic. — A WIRED journalist pinged me for some comments on Michael Arrington and his A-list blogger status. I told the journalist to send me the questions by email and he refused. He said Dave Winer did the same thing.

Calacanis Won't Do Phone Interview — Cowardly — Jason McCabe Calacanis is complaining about a Wired reporter who wants to do an interview with him, but refuses to do it via email. He says it's "ironic" that a magazine covering the digital age refuses to use email for its interviews. — Ironic?

Transcription errors — Jason Calacanis was contacted by the same reporter who contacted me. I'm mentioned in Jason's post, but somewhere along the line there was a transcription error. I did not offer to do the interview via email, I made a different offer. — Here's what I said: "Not generally doing interviews these days.
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With Friends Like These — Despite my frequent jabs at Wired …
TechCrunch UK

Attorney for Fred Anderson Issues Statement Regarding Settlement of Claims with the SEC — SAN FRANCISCO—(BUSINESS WIRE)—The following statement is attributed to Mr. Fred Anderson's attorney Jerome Roth, a partner at Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP in San Francisco.

Ex-Apple CFO: I cannot tell a lie — Steve did it — As anticipated, the SEC dropped the hammer today on two former Apple execs in connection with its investigation into stock-option backdating (see "And that's why Mr. Jobs' office has the Teflon wall covering and the extra insulation").

CastTV Closes Series A Led by DFJ — Video Search Pioneer CastTV Secures $3.1 Million Series A Funding Led by Draper Fisher Jurvetson — DFJ Managing Director Warren Packard Joins Board — San Francisco, CA - April 24, 2007, CastTV Inc. (, dedicated to building …

Video: RSS in Plain English — We made this video for our friends (and yours) that haven't yet felt the power of our friend the RSS reader. We want to convert people... if you know someone who would love RSS and hasn't yet tried it, point them here for 3.5 minutes of RSS in Plain English.

MySpace and Isobar Debut First Comprehensive Research Study on Social Networks and Marketing — Fox Interactive Media (FIM), a division of News Corporation, today released a series of research findings from the first comprehensive study examining both the growth and marketing power of online social networks.
Discussion:, Adweek, Mashable!,, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Pronet Advertising and GigaOM

Where Are All the Open Source Billionaires? — Hugh MacLeod asks, if open source is so great, where are all the open source billionaires? … I can immediately think of one reason there aren't any open-source billionaires: — Most competition for open source software comes from other open source software.

Hack Attack: Control multiple computers with a single keyboard and mouse — You don't need a hardware switch to share one keyboard and mouse amongst several different computers. All you need is the free, cross-platform application, Synergy. — Synergy connects one keyboard and mouse …

PhotoBucket Back on MySpace (I Want To Know The Backstory) — A simple blog post on Photobucket tells us that the war is over - PhotoBucket videos are now allowed on MySpace again after a two week ban. — But the interesting part of this story is what I don't know yet - who blinked first and why.

Apple sued over vague user interface patent — The patent holding company IP Innovation, LLC, has filed a lawsuit against Apple, Inc., that alleges the Cupertino-based company has engaged in "willful and deliberate" violations of US Patent #5,072,412. The patent describes …

User-Generated Content Delivers More Bang for Your Online Marketing Buck According to Study From BlueLithium Labs — On average, user-generated content (UGC) sites provide a lower cost per conversion than non-UGC sites. That's the surprising finding from a new study published today by BlueLithium Labs …

Telegraph Cluelessly Attacks Google News Indexing — This time it is the UK-based Daily Telegraph that is complaining about a need to protect their content from search engines. — Which makes us wonder if they, like Copiepresse and AFP before them, are willfully clueless …
Digital Point Forums

FogSHIELD Security Fogger Now Available; Stops a Burglary Before It Happens — An Enhancement to Existing Alarm Systems, FogSHIELD Rapidly Ejects Safe and Intense Fog in Under 3 Seconds; Eliminates a Burglar's Line of Sight and Helps Put an End to Costly Theft and Damage

9 ways ColdFusion 8 will rule web development — Ben Forta and Adobe are getting into full swing with ColdFusion 8 Scorpio Pre-Release tour. Last night Ben gave us in Seattle a taste of things to come. Here is why it will kick the tar balls out of everything else on the market.