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PhotoBucket Back on MySpace (I Want To Know The Backstory) — A simple blog post on Photobucket tells us that the war is over - PhotoBucket videos are now allowed on MySpace again after a two week ban. — But the interesting part of this story is what I don't know yet - who blinked first and why.
Data Center Knowledge

Millions of MySpacers Rejoice: Photobucket Videos are Back — Aww, ain't that sweet - Photobucket and MySpace have gotten together and sorted out their problems. Video embeds are working once more on MySpace pages, and I'm sure Photobucket will be much more careful in future when it comes to rolling out sponsored content.

Videos working on MySpace again! — Following discussions with MySpace, we're pleased to announce that all Photobucket videos and remixes are enabled once more on MySpace with immediate effect. Both our companies are committed to putting our users first. — Moving forward …

SEC to File Suit Against Ex-Apple Lawyer — SEC Plans to File Lawsuit Against Former Apple Lawyer, Settles With Former CFO in Options Case — SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — Securities regulators plan to file civil fraud charges this week against Apple Inc.'s former general counsel and have worked …

SEC closes in on ex-Apple lawyer — REGULATORS POISED TO ACT IN OPTIONS SCANDAL — The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected this week to bring its first legal action in the Apple backdating probe, targeting the company's former top lawyer for her alleged role in rigging options …
Silicon Valley Watcher, Infinite Loop, Cult of Mac, Apple 2.0, and Between the Lines

Video: RSS in Plain English — We made this video for our friends (and yours) that haven't yet felt the power of our friend the RSS reader. We want to convert people... if you know someone who would love RSS and hasn't yet tried it, point them here for 3.5 minutes of RSS in Plain English.

Viacom Admits Error — Takes Steps to Protect Fair Use on YouTube —, Brave New Films Dismiss Lawsuit Over Colbert Parody — Viacom Endorses Excerpting Video for "Creative, Newsworthy or Transformative Use" — San Francisco - Responding to Viacom's willingness to take steps …
Download Squad, NewTeeVee, Compiler, The Next Net,, The Utube Blog, Digital Markets, Techdirt, and Epicenter

AT&T to aim the iPhone at enterprises — The decision baffles analysts, who cite design issues and the inability to write new applications for the OS as reasons they think it's a poor choice — AT&T plans to market the iPhone to business users in addition to consumers …

10 questions for MacBook hacker Dino Dai Zovi — I caught up with security researcher Dino Dai Zovi to discuss his successful hijack of a MacBook Pro machine at last week's CanSecWest conference in Vancouver, Canada. — We talk about the specific vulnerability, the motivation for the attack …

MySpace and Isobar Debut First Comprehensive Research Study on Social Networks and Marketing — Fox Interactive Media (FIM), a division of News Corporation, today released a series of research findings from the first comprehensive study examining both the growth and marketing power of online social networks.

comScore Responds to IAB Open Letter — RESTON, VA, April 23, 2007 - comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, today announced the following response to the recent IAB Open Letter: — comScore welcomes the objective outlined in the IAB Open Letter of achieving transparency …

Jim Courtney on The Nokia N800 — Jim has become a rabid fan of the Nokia Internet Tablet called the N800, and so have I. Jim can't wait for the Skype client to come out for it, something I hear from Skype's PR agency is coming, but with no firm release date.

Wi-Fi-Sharing Communities Rise Up — The Wi-Fi business is about to change, big time. One indication: A deal between FON and Time Warner Cable. The cable company agreed to allow its customers to share their bandwidth through FON's global Wi-Fi sharing community, whose users can use each other's Wi-Fi access points for free.
VoIP Watch

Citizendium One Month Later — Citizendium, the Wikipedia fork (sort of) that aims to be a more credible alternative to Wikipedia, was launched into public beta on March 25th, which makes it nearly one month old. So how does it stack up to its progenitor? — First some background.

Russinovich: Malware will thrive, even with Vista's UAC — Despite all the anti-malware roadblocks built into Windows Vista, a senior Microsoft official is lowering the security expectations, warning that viruses, password-stealing Trojans and rootkits will continue to thrive as malware authors adapt to the new operating system.