Top Items:

MacBook hacked in contest at security event — update VANCOUVER, B.C.—Shane Macaulay just got himself a free MacBook. — Macaulay, a software engineer, was able to hack into a MacBook through a zero-day security hole in Apple's Safari browser. The computer was one of two offered as a prize in the …

Myth crushed as hacker shows Mac break-in — Dino Di Zovie was able to remotely break into a Mac as part of a contest designed to illustrate security flaws in OS X — A hacker managed to break into a Mac and win a $10,000 prize as part of a contest started at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver.

Blackberry reveals failure cause — The maker of the Blackberry wireless e-mail device says an insufficiently tested software upgrade was the cause of this week's network failure. — Blackberry's US and North American users lost their service on Tuesday and Wednesday as a result of the problem.

R.I.M. Offers a Reason for BlackBerry Failure — The installation of an insufficiently tested piece of software set off a chain reaction that eventually cut off BlackBerry service to more than five million users in North America users, the devices' maker said late Thursday.

Social Networking Dethroning Sex in Terms of Online Traffic — The Economist (subscription required) has an interesting piece on sex and the Internet, which revolves around the graph pictured to the right. While the online porn industry was valued at $1 billion back in 2002 …

CanSecWest Vancouver 2007 — Register Conference Dojo Speakers Agenda Past Events Hotel & Travel Contact — CanSecWest 2007 — The eighth annual CanSecWest conference will be held April 18-20 2007, a t the Mariott Renaissance Harboursider hotel in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia.

U.S. Database Exposes Social Security Numbers — The Social Security numbers of tens of thousands of people who received loans or other financial assistance from two Agriculture Department programs were disclosed for years in a publicly available database, raising concerns about identity theft and other privacy violations.

PODCASTING: Battle over — and Apple won — Can we officially declare the end of the podcasting boom? Sure, internet users will continue to subscribe to audio files, the experience will become ever more like interactive radio, and existing broadcasters will supply their programs in chunks — just like the visionaries predicted.

HandBrake 0.8.5b1 Released — "I don't want to go on the cart! I feel fine. I... feel... happy!" — After a 14-month hiatus, a brand new development team, a project forked then unforked, and literally hundreds of revisions... We are pleased to announce the release of HandBrake 0.8.5b1 !

AMD gooses Opteron to 3 gigahertz — Advanced Micro Devices has begun quietly selling new 3GHz versions of its dual-core Opteron server processor. — The new "special edition" models, the 2222 SE and 8222 SE, feature higher performance but consume up to 120 watts compared with 95 watts …

Seeing through walls — Have you considered that someone could be reading what's on your monitor from a few rooms away? It's unlikely, but possible, as work by Cambridge University computer security researcher Markus Kuhn shows. — A radio antenna and radio receiver - equipment totalling less than £1000 - is all you need.

Official Google Mac Blog Hacked — The official Google Mac blog got hacked - well, specifically, someone got ownership of the blog and posted the following: — <<Yo! — Yo! This is crazy.. I tried to register this and I could! :) — Vishal>> — All of Google's official blogs …

How much video content is too much content? — This week I've put up tons of videos. I know there's no way many of you are watching them all, but we're living in a Google World. What's that? It's a world where there are billions of little buckets. The more buckets you put some content into the more traffic will come your way.

VIRGINIA TECH SHOOTING Can Media Get Beyond Reactive Response to Tragedy? — I was horrified to hear about the mass-killings at Virginia Tech on Monday, but didn't want to add my voice to the many who were writing the same thing about it. Luckily, Boston-based software engineer Jon Garfunkel …

LH Top 10: Home networking tricks — Amazing things happen when you connect a few computers together with cable or wireless signal. By now you've probably got several connected computers at home, sharing an internet connection, maybe a printer and files between them.