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Judge Says Too Bad To Webcasters Upset About New Webcast Rates — from the sorry,-nothing-can-be-done dept — Last month, when the RIAA pushed through new webcasting royalty rates that were clearly designed to kill off a lot of webcasters, many people said not to worry, that the whole thing was just part of a negotiation.

Judges reject appeals from webcasters — LAS VEGAS (AP) — Internet radio broadcasters were dealt a setback Monday when a panel of copyright judges threw out requests to reconsider a ruling that hiked the royalties they must pay to record companies and artists.
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Blogs, Cell Phones Provide Coverage of Virginia Tech Shootings — Information Week reports that blogs and cell phones helped provide some of the earliest coverage of the shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech this morning. A New York Times article calls the horrific incident the "deadliest shooting rampage in American history."
ZDNet News, InformationWeek, E-Media Tidbits, Threat Level, IP Democracy and Online Media Cultist

Web 2.0 Expo: Amazon's S3 passes 5 billion objects stored — Speaking at the Web 2.0 Expo, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezo shared the growth numbers for S3, the company's on demand storage service. In July of 2006, S3 held 800,000 million objects. Today the number surpasses 5 billion.

Irrational Exuberance 2.0 — Although I was invited to speak …
Profy.Com, NewTeeVee, E L S U A, O'Reilly Radar,, The Technology Chronicles, VC Ratings and Digital Media Wire

Schmidt says YouTube 'very close' to filtering system — update LAS VEGAS—Google is very near enacting a filtering service that would prevent copyright content from being uploaded to video-sharing site YouTube, CEO Eric Schmidt said Monday. — Schmidt made the comments to about 300 people …

Google Reader Theme — I've been using Flickr as a bit of testbed for a new site theme I've been working on for Google Reader. C'mon after the Bloglines thing, I bet you saw it coming didn't you?! — Same drill again then. There may well be oddness and inconsistencies …

TechCrunch20 Conference Site Now Live — The official TechCrunch20 Conference website is live and has officially launched, and we are now taking company submissions and attendee registrations. The dedicated TechCrunch20 blog is published at

Intel announces "Core 2 Duo on steroids" - automatic overclocking — Intel today announced new details of its forthcoming Santa Rosa PC platform, including a significant revision of the Core 2 Duo chip. — "We call this processor Core 2 Duo but really it's Core 2 Duo on steroids.

Newsvine Beats Digg To Punch — Looks like Newsvine's users beat Digg's users in promoting the tragic mass shooting at Virginia Tech to the front page. It was just about 1 p.m., and I was just finishing up lunch when I decided to take a gander at how the social news sites were handling this story.

The new Nokia 6120 classic combines faster download speeds with functionality — More and more consumers are using their mobile phones for tasks such as downloading music, streaming video, browsing the Internet or receiving emails with attachments. The compact Nokia 6120 classic phone makes …
Ring Nokia

On Being a Digital Road Warrior — I've been a road warrior in one form or fashion for a very long time. Lately, the things things I carry with me have changed...evolved. I carry at least one camera, my Nikon D50, almost daily. I carry a Marantz PMD660 digital recorder all the time.
IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband

Cookie-Based Counting Overstates Size of Web Site Audiences — Frequent Cookie Deletion by 3 out of 10 U.S. Internet Users Leads to Overstatements in Audience Sizes by a Factor as High as 2.5 — Implications for Advertising and Audience Measurement Deemed Significant by ARF and Industry Experts

Introducing Snap Shots, from — On Tuesday, November 14, 2006, Snap launched a new web service that enabled the display of a graphic preview for literally any link anywhere. The service was called Snap Preview Anywhere, or "SPA" for short, and it took off like a rocket.

Yahoo Strikes Ad Deal With More Papers — After a flurry of deal making over the last few days, Google and Yahoo, two giants of the online advertising business, are set to encroach on each other's turf even more aggressively than before. — On Monday, Yahoo announced a broad deal …

100 Megabits to the home by 2015? — Can Americans dream about a day when they get a 100-megabit-per-second broadband connection, delivered over fiber? FTTH Council, says yes, and is pushing the US government to adopt a 100 Megabit Nation policy. The Council says that we have the technology …

Sci-Tech Societies Unite to Create Search Portal — A major new sci-tech search portal called ( is scheduled to launch at the SLA annual meeting in the first week of June. A test version may actually launch a few weeks earlier.

FatDoor Crawls the Web for Neighbor Info — Whenever a new man moves into my community, one of the mothers in my neighborhood immediately searches the Megan's List database, which is dedicated to ID'ing sexual offenders — A new site, FatDoor, however, hopes to look on the brighter side of having new neighbors.