Top Items:

Microsoft Unveils Silverlight to Power the Next Generation of Media Experiences on the Web — Leading media companies and solution providers announce support for new solution for video and interactivity on Mac- and Windows-based Web browsers. — Today at the 2007 National Association …

INTRODUCING MICROSOFT SILVERLIGHT — It is with tremendous pleasure that I can reveal Microsoft Silverlight: our next-generation, cross-platform, cross-browser web client runtime. Silverlight (previously codenamed "WPF/E") is a lightweight subset of XAML for building rich media experiences on the web.
J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, NewTeeVee, Download Squad, The Universal Desktop, istartedsomething, Somasegar's WebLog, WebProNews, GigaOM, Business Week, Incremental Blogger, Guardian Unlimited, Ted On Flex, Between the Lines, Shebanation, Alec Saunders .LOG,, eHomeUpgrade, TeleRead,, Channel 9, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Paul Mooney and digg

Microsoft vs Adobe Smackdown - Silverlight and Adobe Media Player — Both Adobe and Microsoft are launching products that step right on each others' turf today. Microsoft is launching Silverlight, a direct competitor to Adobe's Flash. Meanwhile, Adobe is launching Adobe Media Player, a rival to Windows Media Player.
Compiler, Gizmodo, i-boy, Scobleizer,, Ryan Stewart, NewTeeVee and Media 3.0 with Shelly Palmer

Microsoft, Adobe Set A Collision Course on Web
TechCrunch, Read/WriteWeb, CNET, Open Sources, Lost Remote and The Universal Desktop

Microsoft Silverlight Takes On Adobe's Flash
Download Squad, The Universal Desktop, franticindustries, Webomatica and istartedsomething

Irony alert: Microsoft, AT&T oppose Google/DoubleClick merger on antitrust grounds — The old playground taunt of "it takes one to know one" seems especially apropos today as Microsoft and AT&T both raised antitrust questions about the proposed Google/DoubleClick merger.

Why Google bought DoubleClick — If there was any need for proof that Google considers advertising its core competency, then last few days provide ample testimony to that fact. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company has partnered with Clear Channel Communications to sell radio ads …
Discussion:, Valleywag, Reuters, Good Morning Silicon Valley, A VC, CenterNetworks, Startup Meme, Got Ads?, Todd Watson, Google Watch, The Tech Report and Jeremy's Blog

Vonage: No tech 'workaround' — NEW YORK — Vonage has finally confirmed what many had feared: The embattled Internet phone company has no "workaround" in hand to sidestep Verizon's patented Internet phone technology. — Moreover, Vonage (VG) isn't sure that such a plan is even "feasible …

Clear Channel Radio and Google Will Jointly Drive Radio Advertiser Expansion — Agreement Makes Guaranteed Inventory Available to Google Advertisers On More Than 675 Clear Channel Radio Stations — SAN ANTONIO AND MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., April 16, 2007 — Clear Channel Radio and Google Inc. …

Cookie-Based Counting Overstates Size of Web Site Audiences — Frequent Cookie Deletion by 3 out of 10 U.S. Internet Users Leads to Overstatements in Audience Sizes by a Factor as High as 2.5 — Implications for Advertising and Audience Measurement Deemed Significant by ARF and Industry Experts

Irrational Exuberance 2.0 — Although I was invited to speak, I decided not to go to this week's Web 2.0 Expo. There wasn't enough value in my justifying a cross-country trip to California to attend or participate. Most of the vendors/speakers I can engage with online.
Niall Kennedy's Weblog,, VC Ratings, Software as services and Digital Media Wire

VideoEgg, a Leading Video Solution for Social Networks, Receives Investment from WPP — SAN FRANCISCO—(BUSINESS WIRE)—VideoEgg, Inc., the leading video solution and video ad network for online communities, today announced a strategic investment from WPP (NASDAQ:WPPGY), one of the world's leading communications services groups.

E-Mail Innovator Plans to Enlist in the Wireless Campaign of the Patent Wars — Nicholas Fodor is about to dive into the patent wars that have tangled up the business of wireless e-mail. But his weapon of choice is not a lawsuit. It is a new e-mail service he is developing using …

Intel's MID UMPCs: So long XP/Vista, hello Linux — Big news on the UMPC front this morning folks. Looks like Intel is shedding the Origami gorilla (read: Microsoft) as they prep a Linux-based platform to compete with Vista and XP-based UMPCs. Intel will unveil their new MID …

TechCrunch20 Now Live — While the startup-sphere was all knee-deep in DEMO coverage last January, TechCrunch's Mike Arrington and Sequoia Capital EIA and Weblogs Inc cofounder Jason Calacanis talked up their plans to launch their conference TechCrunch20. Their idea is to bring together 20 …

User-Generated Content Is Top Threat to Media and Entertainment Industry, Accenture Survey Finds — In its annual survey of senior executives in the media and entertainment industry, Accenture examined the growth strategies of companies across the landscape of advertising, film, music …
Silicon Valley Watcher

Yahoo! and Newspaper Consortium Expand Strategic Partnership — Combines Strength of Newspapers' Unique Local Content and Relationships with Yahoo!'s National Reach and Advanced Technology to Create A Cutting-Edge Advertising Network for the Newspaper Industry

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue — THOSE who don't have $6,000 or enough prominent connections to get into a TED conference can take heart. The price of admission just went to zero, provided you can settle for a more remote experience. — The TED organization …