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HD video podcasts come to iTunes—and Apple TV — One of our biggest complaints with the Apple TV was the dearth of HD video content. The product is capable of streaming 720p high-def video, but to date, all of the movies and TV shows at Apple's iTunes Store are encoded at a "near DVD" resolution of 480p.

Viacom, Yahoo join ad forces — Multi-year search ad deal covers 33 of Viacom's sites and could expand to 140 more worldwide. — NEW YORK (Reuters) — Media conglomerate Viacom Inc. said Tuesday that it had chosen Yahoo Inc. to provide search advertising for 33 of its Internet sites in a major boost to Yahoo's new Web ad system.

Not a good day for Microsoft — During the Microsoft antitrust trial, Corporate PR spokesman Mark Murray used to start each press gathering with the words, "This has been another great day for Microsoft." — But even an eternal optimist like Murray might have a tough time putting a shine on the Microsoft news of the day on April 10.

Ensequence scores $40 M, more MLB stuff — Interactive video enabler Ensequence announced Tuesday a $40 million "C" round of venture funding, moolah that the firm will use to expand its operations, including the opening of offices in New York and LA. — By putting down solid roots …

Virtual Earth Virtually Ignored? (aka What's in a name?) — You know, of all the online "Live" services that Microsoft has, I think the mapping service has been one of best. However, hardly no one knows about it! — On Thursday last week, Google added their new myMaps feature to Google Maps.
The Map Room

MuniFi: Build it and they still don't come? — MuniFi has now been live long enough in many cities to get some feedback. Like we predicted, this year many of these bigger networks will now be put to the test. — And well, certain initial findings are a little troubling when it comes …

Zune 2.0 and Flash Zune Details Leaked — The chances of a Zune Scene editor running into a Microsoft Zune employee in the wild are pretty slim, but recently the stars were aligned and I got the inside scoop on the Zune 2.0 and also the flash based Zune coming out in 2007.

Too busy to blog? Count your keystrokes. — Some years ago, very suddenly, I ran into the brick wall of repetitive stress injury. I had to lay off keyboards entirely for a couple of weeks, and wound up writing most of the first draft of my book in longhand on yellow legal pads.

High school teens say they'll plunk down $500 for iPhone — Though it hasn't yet hit the market, most high school students are already aware of Apple's iPhone device, with a significant number saying they're interested in forking over the $500 to call one their own, a recent study has shown.

Palm Announces New Linux Based Mobile Platform — Today at Palm Inc's Analyst Day, Palm CEO Ed Colligan officially announced that Palm will deliver a new Linux and open source based mobile computing platform combined with Palm OS Garnet technology on new products later this year.
PalmAddicts, Engadget, Compiler, Open Culture, MobileCrunch, michael parekh on IT, Phone Scoop, All About Symbian and digg

Comment Management Responsibility (CommResp) — Cyberspace is a rotten place. — Rotten is, of course, a relative term. Fresh fruit left on the kitchen counter is only rotten after another creature has beat you to eating it. What's tastiest to us is what's tastiest to molds and fruit flies.

New Feature: Twitter! — FeedBlitz has now enabled one-stop Twitter publication for our premium publishers, automatically enabling them to deliver their content to their subscribers using the popular social networking service. Every premium publisher's subscription signup form …

Web 2.0 & Death of the Network Engineer — I was recently meeting with a Web 2.0 company discussing their network infrastructure plans. As I started asking questions about their racks of servers, their storage area network (SAN), their plans for routing, load-balancing and network security …

Some Facts About AAC — I've noticed a slight uptick in misinformation about the AAC audio format. It could be coincidence, but I suspect it's a result of Apple's recent push towards selling DRM-free music on the iTunes Store. There are some people who have long insisted that Apple's grand scheme …

Rock Arrived — We just got the first silicon for our Rock systems - you have no idea how cool it is to have this arrive on my desk in a plastic sandwich bag (don't worry, with packaging like that, they don't send me the ones we put in saleable systems): — That's the front, this is the back: