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Palm Announces New Linux Based Mobile Platform — Today at Palm Inc's Analyst Day, Palm CEO Ed Colligan officially announced that Palm will deliver a new Linux and open source based mobile computing platform combined with Palm OS Garnet technology on new products later this year.

Palm prepping its own Linux-based OS — Just a few years late, Palm is finally getting ready to land its users onto a modern Palm-built OS. Ed Colligan, in his Investor Day keynote today, announced that Palm will be launching a homegrown Linux-based OS by the end of the year …

New Palm OS will come before the end of the year according to Ed Colligan, Palm will continue to support Palm OS base - Ed Colligan's keynote at the Palm Investor and Analyst Day, New York City — Just coming from the investor Day - Ed Colligan says "Palm is going to roll out new OS …

Google Takes Partial Ownership Of Maxthon Browser — Multiple sources are confirming that the Chinese/Israeli startup behind the Maxthon Browser has sold a minority stake to Google. The total investment size is rumored to be around $1 million. We are also hearing that this investment is part of a …
Read/WriteWeb, Download Squad, franticindustries, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, TechFold, Mark Evans and digg
RELATED: buys Web content management firm —, best known for its hosted sales applications, is pushing into Web content management. — The company on Tuesday expects to detail new products and the acquisition of start-up Koral, which created a Web content management service tied to
RELATED: Brings Web 2.0 To The Enterprise With ContentExchange
Sadagopan's weblog …, Todd Watson, Web Strategy, Collaborative Thinking and

European papers optimistic on future — with web's help — Are newspapers set to become yesterday's news? Don't count on it, say editors at some of Europe's iconic publications. — The pressures on the industry — in Europe as in the United States — are prodigious …

European Newspapers 'Optimistic' About Print And Digital — A wide-ranging AP article surveying the European newspaper landscape finds editors "optimistic" about both the web and the survival of print. The gist: while US newspapers self-flagellate in pursuit of a purpose and a business model …

iProspect Social Networking User Behavior Study — Background and Definitions — In January 2007, iProspect partnered with independent research firm JupiterResearch to develop a series of survey questions focused on how the U.S. online population utilizes several of the most popular social …

Weblogs 'need content warnings' — Readers should be warned when they are reading blogs that may contain "crude language", a draft blogging code of conduct has suggested. — The code was drawn up by web pioneer Tim O'Reilly following published threats and perceived harassment to US developer Kathy Sierra on blogs.

iRobot's New Bots Clean Your Pool, Bring You Mai Tais — iRobot's new pool-cleaning bots make me wish I had a pool. Both the Verro 300 and Verro 600 can vacuum up leaves, algae and bacteria from your pool, but what makes them extra cool is that they can do all of this while making sure …

i-Dog gets 'Spider-Man' makeover — Tiger Electronics, maker of the i-Dog, is releasing two new versions of the musical toy, both inspired by the upcoming Sony Pictures release "Spider-Man 3." The aptly-named Spi-Dog, available now for $40, retains the music response features and built …

Disney Mobile shares subscriber stats — Disney Mobile will soon celebrate its first anniversary, and the mobile virtual network operator is providing some statistics to show how consumers are using the service. — In a press release issued over the weekend, the company said 30 percent …

Search fatigue … A year ago March, Neil Holloway, president of Microsoft's Europe, Middle East, and Africa operations, boasted about how good Microsoft's search engine would become in six months. — "What we're saying is that in six months' time we'll be more relevant in the U.S. market place than Google.
Channel 9

Get More Out of Conferences and Networking Events -By Chris Brogan — Expert: Chris Brogan, — You've shuffled into the convention center, and found your way over to where you pick up your badge. It's finally here. You're at the big conference. There's a big fat guide of topics and speakers, and lots to do.

PG&E sees plug-in hybrids as potential profit centers — SUNNYVALE, Calif.—Plug-in hybrids could one day turn motorists into energy traders, according to Pacific Gas & Electric. — The utility demonstrated on Monday a twist on the concept of the plug-in hybrid, which uses a higher capacity battery …
Alice Hill's Real Tech News

Employers take widgets to work — Webified mini-apps have taken the blog world by storm. Now new versions are getting ready to launch on corporate desktops, Business 2.0 Magazine reports. — (Business 2. Magazine) — Most technologies these days are spawned in the consumer world …